Show L T 0 B na pa pi fl t cl T f A yr rn pj R DUO tl g parents urged to school awl and attend flis flag 1616 inking illg Cele ft fi iday the local high scho I 1 will give nt at least two programs in ou observance servance of education week v cek monday morning a program will be given as follos fol lous music band senior talk chrystal beane solo vocal or instrumental speech supt bupt A J ashman reading band star spangled banner students the following friday Is set apart as parents visiting day so the program will be short music ivusic II invocation music senior talk lamar lallar porter dance physical education girls before the friday exercises a proper ceremony will be observed on the campus under the direction of the american legion the students will march to the campus and aligned in a formation resembling R for richfield high school the flag will be raised and saluted and the band will play A special invitation goes out to all friends of the school to be present at the patriotic ceremony following and preceding the priday friday morning assembly all parents and patrons who are interested in ta the school are respectfully urged to visit annand all classes held the teachers say they would like to have not lot only all vacant seats but all standing room filled during that day |