Show chirls J U T IM ri 1 S 5 r I 1 U E C E 1 i B E P I 1 I 1 I 1 H comity committee decides decide to make A choit and efficient campaign at a meeting held monday afternoon in attorney W nelsons belsons Nel sons office tile the county committee for the chris christmas amas seal sale was definitely organized and initial steps were taken to perfect a sales organization C the committee will consist of W M 1 I nelson chairman miss bessie neill secreta secretary ry mr arc c geo P F holmstead treasurer dr M markus publicity man manager a ger A J ashman mrs H E beal bea I 1 bishop W V 0 lundgren ot monroe mrs S greenwood of central and mrs chester A meyers of salina I 1 urs mrs beal was appointed chairman of the sale in richfield and will organize ward and block bloc committees the committees and workers in all the cities and towns of the county will be decided upon in the next county committee meeting the sale will start monday december 11 and it is expected that it will be completed the following saturday and yield good results the funds raised by the utah public health association through the sale of christmas seals are largely directed toward developing good health habits in children and in educating people in the care and prevention of tuberculosis the modern health crusado crusade in the public school system has been financed through the sale of christmas seals and has resulted in thousands of children knowing the rudiments of good health which will help them build a strong defense against the inroads of every disease A complete report of tile the accomplishments ments of last years y e a rs good health campaign as financed by tile the sale of Christ christmas mis seals has recently been published bv james H wallis secretary of the utah public health association tile the report shows that luring during the past year over thirteen thousand dollars was spent in connection with tile the operation of the traveling health clinic which conducted a tuberculosis survey of the state diagnosing early cases and giving tree examination and information to outlying districts where such aid was unavailable the clinic has now covered every county of the state but three and will continue until the remainder is visited in addition to this free clinical work tile the funds obtained through the sale of Christ christmas mag seals conducted tile the modem odein health crusade which i cached more than children of the state paid the salaries calarie s of public health nurses and helped to employ other nurses tor for duty in various communities of utah conducted school contest in over e d a clean s 2 0 0 school looms ot the state printed more than pieces of educational cat ional health literature most of which has been distributed in localities where such literature was particularly ticul arly needed furnished health movies stereopticon leon views exhibits institutes health clowns and other educational measures dealing with the prevention and proper treatment of the disease the aid has been bee n directed principally to toward nard the children |