Show tit w 7 lot z CL nearly ten million elgin Z watches act as one 7 great in re deflating glating the hours of business travel and pleasure the world over every elgin I 1 watch is made of the finest materials by the most experienced en ed hands we carry them in great variety as numerous other makes look over our line and get et prices before buying L your new watch remember our repair department is unexcelled NORMAN the jeweler 6 ach x L 10 14 Jem wil ora n ian annii afo ap THE arhe american father today has haa pretty J much forgotten the old notion that any an chance rifle will do for his hia boy the known facts about rifles point as strongly atron gly to remington in in the 22 calibre arm as aj in in the big game fanie rifles E every Y yr year r th J of loy the country over re siren a R atoa CL rille and a are to me it cy their fathers its ica a good investment with i thY any youth rt 23 cal R ilg iva britti A tho camou remi n n slide action aati on and solid breech himmer he to i leu and afe ufe fa shoots 15 short shorn 12 loosli or 11 lg LOD rifle RAI without tho t re lva amly taken apart without atooli P nom 1 cal ng I 1 15 hot hd handling lg ri R i to ed 22 byci f arc Hammerl cu maruine la tack tic TI d down vt hout tol goolt ch chian cna J eh 0 y ibur g pun ui u i ta REM RC OIL tin th on powder solvent lubricant ad aad R aalt P sold byyoure homo home dealer and other leading merchants in utah TIM REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY largist ef an ammunition in taa world W woolworth 1 ta Bua Bui ilice laig N Y york k 22 repeating rifle model assessment notice sevier valley canal company principal place of business richfield Richlie ld utah notice is hereby riven given that at a me meeting eting of the directors of the richfield irrigation cann co held antho on the alth day of september 1915 an ases assessment of por per share iv as levied on the capital stock of the corporation payable immediately to E A accor cowley 1 treasurer of the com company in 3 at the cowley cowie v furniture co Rich neld utah an AD stock upon which this assessment may remain un unpaid a iwen d on the day of nov will bo be der delinquent quent and tor for sale at public auction and unless par payment nent la is made before will vill bo be sold on oil the I 1 day ol 01 0 december 1916 at 2 p in of said da to I 1 pay Y the delinquent assessment together with the costs of advertising and ex of sale 21 E A COWLEY Treasure Troas 7 notice of assessment richfield irrigation conn canal compon principal Prin cival place ot business Rich flold notice is hereby 1 git I en that at n me meeting 0 ting 0 theli rectors held on the 22 and day of septon septen her 1116 art an assessment of 0 one do dollar alar pe share i nas 08 feied on tho the capital stock of tin th r corporation 0 O rat lon payable immediately to A P u se treasurer of the company at hil bh office in richfield rtuh any in tock upon pon which this assessment ma 3 remain unpaid unpaid on tho the alth day of octoba october or 1916 w will ii 1 be delinquent and advertised foi tale a at t public auction and payment islade is made before will ill bo be sold on oil the dai of december 1916 to pay the delinquent delin quen qun are mr t to pother with the cost of baler cisine and expense of sale ut the board of directors A P sec and tress in the district Ui strict court chui t of the sixth judicial district of state of utah U tali county count of corier gorier se ier F WD woodze a corp cori plaintiff miamer ican ericene cement company com a corporation deafen anut notice of sale SHERIFFS SALE to bo be sold at sheriff s sale on monday the isilda d a of no november ember A D 1916 at 12 noon of said day da nt at tho the front door 10 lo or of ats the court house bouse in county Utah all the interest inhere t of the abbio abo 0 named defend ant in and to tho the following commencing at the south west corner of lot 4 Sect section ionone one township twenty three Soli south of range two tuo west of the salt laic lalio meridian and runn running thence past east nin nine e chains thence north 11 deg dee east 4 70 0 chains chainq thence south doe debt 65 chains thence south 30 dee dea west 5 ss chains chudne to the forty line linc thence south chains to tho the place of bec beginning inning and containing ac acres res to toe ethor with the improvements ampro cements thereon and the Fether appurtenances P u thereunto belonging belou eine or in in any 1 v so C A lem itt 1014 14 4 w fits U f DR H E WRIGHT optometrist GRADUATE jacksonian OPTICAL COLLEGE CHICAGO white sewing machine bid V let iet Us print tal t yo your ur sale saie bills j jk notice to water users state engineers office salt lake city september 29 1916 notice is hereby given that the deer trail mining company whose p post ost office address is salt lake city utah has made application in accordance with the requirements of the compiled ansof I 1 utah amended by the session laws of utah 1909 1911 and 1915 to 8 appropriate prop twenty five hund edtha 25 of a cubic foot of water oer second from three mile spring aprin 91 springs piute diute county utah said pring issues at a point which bears alorth 11 degrees 14 minutes west feet from the southwest corier of section 2 township 28 south range 4 west salt lake base and meridian the water will be diverted from the spring and conveyed by means of a pipe line for a distance of 2500 feet and there used from january 1 to december 31 inclusive clu sive of each year ut it the deer trail mine aline in mt ait baldy mining district for concentrating gold silver lead and copper ores this application is designated in the state engineers gi office as aa no all protests against the granting grantin I 1 of sa said id application stating staling the tha reasons must be made by affidavit in duplicate accompanied by a fee of arid and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice W D BEERS state Engin engineer cee date of first publication VU 11 1916 date of completion of PUM R tion nov 6 1916 notice to water users state engineers Engine erB office suit salt lake CRY city utah august 23 1916 notice is hereby given that lois curfew whose post poet office address is teasdale utah bl baa made application in accordance with the requirements quire ments of the compiled lassof laws of utan 1907 as amended by the session laws of utah litah 1909 1911 and 1915 to appropriate five f ive hundred acre feut feet of water from blind lake wayne county utah the water will be stored from january 1 to december 31 inclusive of each year in said lake which is situated in the tha powell national forest approximately in the BOUth southeast east quarter of section 23 2 3 township so 30 south ranee 4 wit east salt lake base and meri dianand will be released at a point which bears south bouth 22 degrees west f feet ehe 1 from the southwest corner of t the northwest quarter of section JG 6 township 30 south range 5 east and conveyed hv means of a ditch for foi a distance of feet and used from march 1 to november 30 inclusive of each year to irrigate acres of land eni embraced raced in the south half of section 31 township 29 south barge 5 east and the north half of section 6 township 30 10 south range 5 east salt lake base and meridian this application is desi designated gnatek in the state engineers office offic e an afi no all protests against at the granting of said a application li stating t the he reasons must be made by affidavit in du duplicate P licate accompanied by a fee of and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the c completion om of the publication of ibis this notice W D BEERS state engineer date of first publication icat ion oct 7 1916 date of completion of publication li cation nov 6 1916 notice to water users state engineers office salt lake city utah september 22 1916 notice is hereby given that H R waldo whose post office address is is salt Lake city U utah tali has baade application in accordance with the requirements of 0 the compiled laws of utah 1907 as amended by the session laws law S of utah 1909 1911 and 1915 to appropriate prop one hufi hundred dred cubic feet of water per second fr from am the sevier giver sevier county utah said water will be diverted at a point which W feet west and feet north or the faa southeast corner of the north aaa auter of section 29 township 26 1 fouth brange 11 i Range 4 west salt lake and conveyed by means 01 afta ot 12 I 1 ij ume lumo a canal and a pipe line 9 of approximately 11 feet aad there used to generate power to produce electric light and to rt propel mach in eryin sevier piute diute and beaver c counties u nwee utah after having been BO ao guised uke the water will he returned at a point cmich lies 1900 feet west and 20 0 feet south of the northeast corner corne r of ectlis ii 32 township 25 south R rane P 4 west salt lako lake base an and meri merij itan tan this application i d in the state engineers 0 office a lif aano feNo all priests against i t e granting of said application stating J the reasons must be mabeb 4 affidavit in in cupl duplicate i cate becom accompanied 1 ha naffee fee of 2 50 and filed fil ed in this alide flide within within thirty 30 days after t li e c 0 m p I 1 a t i n n of the publication of this 00 I 1 I 1 GI G I W D BEERS state I 1 airier ii rier date of first ca tiow elit 30 1916 date of completion of tion oft 30 I 1 1916 professional DIRECTORY ALFRED J BIRD real estate agent list your homes and lands for sal sale e with m me e 0 cat smithe see e m me e at the state bank of sevier richfield utah FRANK G CALLAWAY tuner of piano and reed organ also player repairing all work woric factory experience exper lonce chickering sons boston mass PHONE RICHFIELD UTAH bates magleby lawyers court house richfield utah J L S SEVY EVY JR ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE PETERSON BANK BUILDING UTAH J J STEINER M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON office over commercial bank telephone 47 RICHFIELD UTAH T R gledhill M D physician and surgeon office and operating room oer hank bank richfield utah phone 39 office hours hour ts 2 a J CHIDESTER JF F C ATTORNEY AT LAW OFF cei PETERSON BANK BUILDING BUILD NG D UTAH H N HAYES LAWYER FARM LOANS NOTARY PUBLIC office J N 1 I peterson Po terson hank bank building Ki Hi clifield utah DR J J BUSWELL ophthalmic specialist graduato Grad Gradi nato into collean of ophthalmology cajica o 1115 THIRD AVENUE SALT LAKE CITY E E HOFFMANN ATTO ATTORNEY R N EY AT LAW commercial bank telephone 11 w richfield utah DR E W POULSON DENTIST 2 doors south state bank PHONE 93 RICHFIELD SHOE REPAIRING Vs bloch west of commercial bank work neatly done prices reasonable G kran kramer ier R W HOGGAN D V M veterinary surgeon collaborating veterinarian U US S go government deputy state veterinarian and state horse inspector bone bohoss bo noss 36 richfield utah the palace fala cv darber 19 S JF opposite tabernacle particular shop for particular people exclusive agents for the celebrated shot hair tonic guaranteed to remove dandruff relieve itching and to restore color to gray hair scissors ground 10 cents POULSON GOODIN props N DRUG CO C 04 all aw A eieg hk dw LW of drugs gs and medicines |