Show why wh y S such ach great rea 0 t interest ao 30 do know why members of the state board of equalization are using money and time belonging to you measure the amendment of article 13 of the state constitution their the state of utah to push pet they are not required by LAW tb lobby bills through the legislature or to participate in a campaign at the expense of the taxpayer then there must be OTHER reasons for their activity there ARE other reasons and all of them are not in the amendment some of them are OUT of the amendment but IN the present constitution section 11 of the constitution contains several of the reasons and you will not find se section ct io n 11 in the amendment this section of the constitution permits county commissioners and county asse sors ELECTED by you to handle L OCAL LOCAL taxation according to the men who are so busy in support of the amendment this is wrong they believe the state board of equalization should handle ALL your taxation that county assessors should be APPOINTED D by the board instead of ELECTED by you that county commissioners are not fit to have jurisdiction over local taxes and should therefore be subordinate to the state board in all tax matters that the members of the state board should continue to be APPOINTED not elected that members of the board should have I 1 LARGER ARGER S SALARIES AL and section 11 must be repealed before all these things can be accomplished these are some of the reasons why th the e board is so greatly interested the board protests its anxiety to inform the public then ask it to give you the exact language of the official reports in which these changes are recommended if the board will not give it to you WE WILL i the board and its fri friends ends have already given FOUR different reasons for their great desire to have DI DIFFERING F rates of taxation on various classes of property dont you believe it would have been a good way to inform the public if they had put the reasons into the amendment itself you like to know JUST WHAT YOU ARE VOTING ON the board manifests distress because mines are being taxed on the same basis as other property it complains that the mines are not paying as much taxes as they would be if they were paying more taxes but has the board told you why it is c collecting from you for STATE PURPOSES ALONE MORE this year than last where does this extra money go it is MORE MONEY than triple taxation of mitie mine proceeds would have yielded the state this year more than twice as much why was not that used to reduce taxes on the homes farms etc about which the board says it is so solicitous Is part of it to be used for the further information of the public do you wish lower taxes on homes farms and other property then dont give officeholders any MORE money to SPEND no matter 1 where it comes from even though it comes from mines you dont reform a spendthrift by increasing HIS ALLOWANCE you must CUT IT DOWN dont let them tell you they cant reduce your your taxes without raising somebody else because IT IS NOT TRUE make your public officers high and low WORK AT THEIR JOBS instead of Junk junketing etin all over the country at your expense make them discharge their USELESS HELP who fatten on YOUR MONEY make them get you a days WORK for a da days s wage when they spend public funds make them OBEY THE LAW and observe their OATHS OF office OFFICE you tou will never get taxes REDUCED by giving the officeholders MORE TAXING POWER this amendment may get THEM more money it will not SAVE any for you if they really wished to reduce your taxes they could have done so long ago and they done it f the constitution is your safeguard 21 y DONT LET THEM TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU I 1 anu j UTAH CHAPTER AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS BOSTON BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY UTAH horsepower 7 new series model as B p roadster I 1 b A amazingly mazin gly comfortable C wn f orta b le they like its power its the worlds these things make it so amazingly most powerful low priced car comfortable that people can hardly 1 believe their senses everybody concedes its beauty you think that a small light it wins on economy economical low priced car could be so comfortable but its roomy seats deep upholstery and easy riding cantilever springs but come in and let us prove prove it to you PAYNE SONS S 0 NS phone richfield utah the willys overland company toledo ohio mud in U S A 1 |