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Show ! FAIRVIEW Ey Speci:J Correspondence i !; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tanner enter-I enter-I tained thirty-five guests at a wedding ' reception in honor of the mariage of ; tinir sen Ray to Miss Fay Miner, at ; their home Saturday. The rooms ; were decorated with fall flowers. ; Supper was served, a program given : and a social good time enjoyed. Mr. : and Mrs. Carl Swensen and Dr. and Mrs. Vasco Tanner of Provo came to ! attend the party. ! Mrs. India Peterson is attending Re ! lief Society and General Conference ; at Salt Lake City this week. The newly organized . bridge club ; held its first meeting at the heme ol ; Mvs. S. B. Rigby. The club was or-! or-! ganized last week with the following : members: Mrs. S. B. Rigby, Mrs. Steve ; Christensen, Mrs. George Jensen, Mrs. J Winston Mower, Mrs. Fern Robertson, " Mrs. Albert Madsen, Mrs. Earl Christensen, Chris-tensen, Mrs. Ray Brady and Mis;. s Beryl Larsen. The club met at the SB home of Mrs. Steve Christensen last B Wednesday. B6 Miss Ila Miner entertained the B. Y. W U. Alumni Dramatic players at her E homo Thursday evening. A very dif- ferent and unique Carrot Supper was K sewed to the following guests: Mr. A. R: Johnston. Mrs. Farriel Pierpont, S Miss Eunice Bird, Mr. Boyd Rasmus- 5 sen, Mr. Jean Paulsen, Mr. Lowell r Johnston. Mr. Glen Guyman, Miss 2j Aileen Ericksen, Miss Ina Seely, Miss g Grace Simpson, Miss Esther Coombs, E Miss Helen Miner, Mr. Alfred Larsen, B Mr. Bruce Ellis and Mr. Devere Min- 6 er. A color scheme of orange and ffi green was carried out. Musical num-B num-B bers were furnished by Miss Ericksen, S Mr. Sorensen. Mrs. Pierpont and Mr. H Guyman. a Miss Esther Coombs who is attend-H attend-H ing the B. Y. U. is spending the week- end in Fail-view. Miss Ila Miner spent the past week-!j week-!j end in Salt Lake as a guest of Mr. Al-g Al-g len Crockett. |