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Show On The National Forest i Lambs In Good Condition The John H. Seely & Sons Co. of Mt. Pleasant, removed 351 head of irams from the Mantl Forest on Aug 2 5. After driving the lambs from the mountain to the ranch they averaged aver-aged 8 6 lb.:, per head which is considered con-sidered exceptionally good for April iambs. Many of the larger lamb. whe';ihed more than 1D0 lbs. per head. OutlR'ake Of Disease Local sheepmen are somewhat n-larmed n-larmed over the outbreak of Hem-morhaglc Hem-morhaglc septicemia,' or stockyard pneumonia. Dr. W. E. Thorpe, a lo' cil veterinarian, has been busy assisting as-sisting veterinarians from Juab Counfiy an vaccinating all sheep that have been exposed to this disease There are types of the disease, each working in a different, way. The vaccination however, immuinizes all animals from all the three types and '"nee it costs only 10 to 15 cents for vaccinating each animal, it is though t, that the outbreak will soon bi checked. Ranger F.xnminat'on Schedule! Announcement has been mad"! that an examination for the position j of Forest Ranger will be held in the ? near future. The date of the exr;-lamination exr;-lamination h not given, however, the? Ifir.al date for receiving applications' ai the Commission's office will close : on October 17. Anyone wishing to ; '.pke the Ranger Examination must;; file his application so as to reach; the Civil Service Commission on or before that date. . No entrants will, be allowed Who have not been tur- pi-bed with cards admitting them to the examination. Heretofore ap-v plicants could secure the necessary papers and take -the examination if they so desired on the date the ex- amination was given. Cold Weather 1 On September 2 3 it was noticed that Mt. Timpan-ogos and the moun-' tains north, as well as the mountains in the Ashley Forest, had a good covering of snow" while the "mountains "moun-tains south of Provo Canyon on tha Uinta, Mt. Nebo, and the . Manti Forest For-est were visited -by rain and hail only. If the temperatures were any lower on the north Uinta, the Wasatch, Wa-satch, and the' Ashley Fores.ts than they were here on the Manti, the Forest users uip that way can with propriety sin.g, "Summer is gone and the days grow cold." Fish Planted The" Fai-view Fish & Game Protective Pro-tective club have this season planted 30 cans of brook trout -from the Federal Hatchery. Ten-cans of these fish were planted in Sanpi ch and 20 cans were -planted in Gooseberry Creek. During the last 3 0 days the State Hatchery, through Deputy Commissioner Poulaen, planted 30 cans of rain'bow trout in Lowei Birch Creek and Sanpitch, 30 cam-in cam-in Boulger, 30 can3 in Huntington Creek, 30 cans in the Beaver Dams, and 30 cans in Gooseberry. These plantirfrs, together with the plantings plant-ings made by Itie Huntington. Castle Dale, Manti, and Gunnison, clubs, hould insure good fishing in the majority ma-jority of our Manti forest streams. Road Work Progressing The. reconstruction- work on th.; Huntington Canyon Road is progressing progress-ing n-to-ely under the su.pe-rvison of William Hitchcock. A five mile sec-j sec-j tion has been completed and work l is being pushed on the other fiv.; i miles of the section on which work i is 'being done. j Ranger Anderson reports wor:k is progressing satisfactorily on the Mil- ,1 lers Flat. Road, however, due to the heavy and almost continuous rains ; during the past week, work was re tarded for two or three days. Owing to the unusual amount, of precipitation precipita-tion .this fail the soil is in excellent shape for road building. Whit'lr-One Is Ranger Anderson ; The material used for the Forest Service exhibit at the Emery County FaiT this year was shipped undec Government biltoof lading to Forest Ranesr P. . M. V. Anderson. Mr. Baker, who "t in charge of the exhibit, ex-hibit, on arriving at Price, to which point the mi ferial was shipped signed sign-ed up for the freight and paid the bill, ad vi it'll,? the agent that he would send a man after the material as soon as he., reached Castle Dale. Mrs. Anderson, seeing the bi'l of "lading, "lad-ing, notified her husband by tele-phon3 tele-phon3 that there was a bill of lad'ng on the forestry exhibit material v.hich was at Price. Accordingly, not knovvin,- that Mr. Baker had arrived, ar-rived, he immediately drove over to Price' for the material. Upon pre-3eriting"the" pre-3eriting"the" bill of ladirig,"the"aTeht' looked him over and inquired: "Are you P. M. V. Anderson?," to which he replied in the .affirmative. The agent, said, "Well, you -don't look like Mr. Anderson who signed for the material yesterday. He wai a tall .lanky, light complexioned man. w"hile you are short and dark complexioned You a.'-e evidently Fores-t officers : both of you but I can't see how you ' can both have the same name." After Af-ter explanations were made the agent fallowed Ranger Anderson to take the frieght with him and he arrived in Castle Dale ju-t in time to stop the man Mr. Baker was Nsendir,3 over ojMhent e r i al w. |