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Show ? ii Hpnng City jj j 1 i Poi'ii. M: y Tin. to til". ( f j j I W ;.STi n .Mired, a giri. Porn. l::;l:.. to ;k- wife o I .ken-vk.e.on.aso,. j V::rr...l .M: v i'M . l,o i'i' i 1 f C. e i m. !'::,. ,-t :sos thet o ' c :: :o i 'J; d day. ' ; .o a ,1 cool : .1 m ., . e:j i lu. ko : v., i-;y ,.. Si o..!.,n kar ..-.er liid,,.-a. ie.i.--.oe,i for two and t-i-half Mar in kk w 'oa'ee.nd. akc :-Tupi'-f! a poytkn r f the time, lie " ' I l many i-:t. v 'i it'."- exiierii'ne-'-s ; oe : lo' la. u loo;' jo ko.- ! ;.r ltf land. ' ia i :! .-; ye ike be sew ikon., if. n ! -' i"'il t!lh wi-il;-' toe Fideiv oeeeie. lorooreneo. llo sailed the i i'ii a.ioi h;ow iko ho g of klderker-en's klderker-en's d s"n until he arrived home, leoti i.i-imi".,1 mi i he Loooi. .- ix Niels Miekon h:. been finite ri for '.he past week. Mrs. J. M. Jo'nneon made a business busi-ness iiip to Salt Laito last week. Joe ivi ei tenson lef t Wednesday for "'uony Sale to work. eko. L. O. Lers. n entertained a ooii.li.ruf lor. ft iends Monday evening, ev-ening, f.key l.'kh., it being her JOih : ii'-ivei soi y. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Anderson of Mt. Pleasant weiv in Spring Cits Sunday. Henry k. Acord went to Salt Lakc-.'ilurday Lakc-.'ilurday I'oloi nir.g borne Tuesday Mlewt nt to attend Hie funeral o! I ; :der k oak, the missionary who rc-ee.etly rc-ee.etly died in S'. ilzerland. I'ors. Eden C. Tu'ko.x n was in Man- ii foi' a few days this week. . The o-n:o:i!hs old babv of Mr. and Mr-o j;ekrios Alired dic-d Monday n-.cht of imoojiKaei'i, I'm-.end ?ervi ce.-- eore held Wednc-.day afternoon av Iheir home. Loid Clow-son is home from Eure-! Eure-! e where he f.as been at work. M"s. Arthur Jobn-a.n is up from kj it i : ; I on a visit. J. P.I. Johnson and, John F. Juve--on KcpublicKm and John S. Plain t.i-d Hin.s Nielsen wi-re delegates to the nku e cc nventioii. |