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Show SOCIETY. The Y. L. M. I. A. of the South Ward entertained the mothers of their ward at the church Tuesday afternoon at the annual Mother's Day. A splendid program was rendered, ren-dered, delic;ous refreshments served and each lady present, presented with a carnation the national mothers flower. Miss Esther Lund entertained the T. G. Q. Club at her home Thursday evening. 111c icguiai tum "j followed, sewing social chat, and dainty refreshments being the order of the evening. Miss Jennie Ryan was a special guest. Willie Hanser. was host at a very pleasant skating party at the Armory Arm-ory Hall Saturday evening in honor of the business men, type stickers, and clerks of the city. A large crowd was present and every one in good humor, making the party a complete succss. Alta Gunderson was given a very pleasant surprise party at her home Friday evening in honor of her fifteenth fif-teenth birthday. Games and music made pleasant the evening. Delicious Deli-cious refreshments were served and a very pleasant evening spent. The 0. N. 0. Club was entertained Thursday evening of last week by Miss Florence Monsen at her home Sewing, social chat and delicious refreshments re-freshments were the program for the evening's entertainment. Mrs. Leo Seely and Mrs. Owen Mfiling were special guests. Both being former for-mer members. 1 A number of young people tendered Levar Averett a very pleasant sur-: sur-: prise party at his home one evening last week, music games and luncheon made meny the evening. Levar leaves this city soon tor Wear threes where the family expect to spend the summer. The Shakespear Class under the directions of Prof. Reynolds of the U. of U. gave a social in honor of Mr. Reynolds at the home of P. M. Neilson Friday evening of last week. Some exceptionally unipue and clever games and other entertaining enter-taining features were enjoyed, a delightful luncheon served and an unusually pleasant evening spent. About thirty persons were present, from Mt. Pleasant, Fairview, Spring City and Wales. Mrs. F. C. Jensen entertained the Twentieth Century Club at her home on Thursday. The program for next year's study was read befors the club and the lecture, "Oberammergau and her Passion Play" was delivered by Mi-s Winifred Jensen. The house was decorated in pink and white carnations, carnat-ions, ferns and c-dlo lilies. Twenty quests were present to enjoy the clcs-ing clcs-ing session of the club year, delicious refreshments were served. Miss Frances Jensen entertained in honor of Mary Peterson on Saturday afternoon. Covers were laid for twelve guests at the five o'clock luncheon, |