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Show H &&&&&&&& " w " Does your boy need a ,X 4 NUW SUIT? v? y , ? " k'ISM Vf) (vTN t twh im fwi ' f I fifi AVI mi ftp- 1 it M i .fe 5W Uf i-4wspp .V V - . ! j , , v,J ye have a new line of Boys Suits well made and good fitting just in. j J', , Boys wool suits worth $2 50 at 1.98 s,fu 'f Boys grey striped mixture, also tan worth $3.75 at $2.75 , ? j Other better grades with Lined Pants at 3.50 and 3.75 J: - We invite comparison. Come in and see them. We are showing the best values we have ever seen in Mens and j Young Mens Suits at $12.50 and $15.00 . t.,f. SANPE.T11 ' ! .'.P 1M MMMfr?MM Qpiiical Illusion Arc the Blocks lurncd Up or Down? 'Down You Say? Look Sharp at the block squares to the right. Now they are up! No, Down! Now get a pair of our Special Ground Glasses which Make Weak Eyes Strong. Dr. E. G. Mills, Optomelrist Mount Pleacant, Utah. ' ' 1 FINE LINE. ALL PRICES Con. Furniture Co Own Your Own Home Half Lo j ml 1 SI 50 OO ' j Start Right, " 2 up this way , and. lun-;il't. I will sell 2 see what the near i y(ni o.ii- of these . joDS est neighbors are i i.K.Mce l son Main ' "half il " doinS sng st. &Uth Kast on , S fruitetc-' ; ,;vH n, 2.V.O S'e0 0 , 8 We don't think ' dn-n and:nn.fpcr . . 2 .voucould find a P,.mth imftil ran!, or .3 roos better buildinS ; , .. 1 . spot thisclose in 1! vi.u pav vnt-n l 1 half Lot 5 , I wi!: :.!!,.-vou 5 per - 5 for tw,ce I discount. Trie 5,7000 g JE the amount. t c-i If ou are 111- i cs are Sl id, to 1 i.j. , ,, ! j ., . , , c , ,"; terested call or .-! art now nctore I ,. ,. , 11 .3 rods ,. vvnteto Y1 - , HALFLOT B z H Fechser I cichanl on, and is S175.00 g i Mt. rieasant, j Cic iu'sl j.laco in the Utah. ! ;;:!(. for growing i You will get full j 1 (;0.l '?-R" info, mation re- 1 v.Mrr lights, "ood . guarding these 1 r.,-,d,:i.r.,J.lril..stsi.lc l17soo 8 splendid lots on wulk in to,,,. It. 5 ? "PI?" in t. will p".v j'U to walk . ,0 13 RODS I , , FREE IF IT FAILS. Your Money Back if You Are T.'ot Satisfied Sat-isfied With the Medicine Ve Recommend. 'e are so positive tliat. 01: r i'c.:ie'.v will permanently relieve coiiKtipalW-). uo matter how chronic it m:iy ho. tlait we offer to furnish the liu-ilji-iae at e,e-expense e,e-expense should it fail to produce ' factory results. It is worse tl:nn useless tn iitti"i:pr. to cure consti)alion witU c:i I !i :r: : : drugs. Laxative or cathartics On rme!i harm. They cause a mii-tion. i'.iiict . and weaken the howels mi-l t--r. .1 I make constipallon mere ciecLie. resides, re-sides, their use becomes a 1 1:1 1 1 j I !':.:! " : dangerous. Constipation is ciuised iiy a v.-on! !! ' of the nerves anil 11111 ieles of the ! ' Intestine or deseenilin;,' onion. '. 1 pect permanent relief yor. r e ; p.. fore tone up and !lreiif!ti'"ii P - .-r-pans and resloro them to hoOPe :-i :-i ivity. We want you to try Koxrill :r.! 1"; ; on our recannr.endatii'ii. 'Play are ceedinely pleasant to take. Pee .- en like (anily, an t are ideal Pr droll. (H'liealc pei'-rins, .,: : ;' as well as for 1 lie rfi:i"t. '! 1'', direotiy 011 t lie iiei'ves a:il : : : I in- liinvr!';. 'I'll.-.- air'an a noil! ral aol ion 00 oPn : ;: pins or claiids. T!i-y - ' rausi e:;i'es;-i' loi e.'li'1: : i- r ! : any inoon'en:eno" v. !ia I e i r. " he taken ai nnv nice. ' .':. They will posil !;. re'i-v-- -r lialjilual eer.sli! a! (OH. i f P..I .-"' variepv. cnl tie- inj-rl-' : .' : i or ilepomV'Sit oleMiiio air v .: . P I Willi rOTlar;iy f-r a r- of time. 1:2 lalileP-. PI ..!..; :-: ' Vlo cents; SO taMols. 50 r P only at our elore-'l'lie I'e :.:.il ; . A. D. Sutlon 1): . r The Kexa.ll Sle.e p:. isggps . M , Used and praised by the most ) ' " '(( competent and careful pas-Y! pas-Y! ' try cooks the vorld over j ; j) .'3 The only Baking Powder made )M )p1'; from Royal Grape Cream of en Tartar made fr ; 4: a p 'lh af a afe SC: ! Po" PasMiMaMc' well miit up to;' k'p ilicmtttutc ' ';ppp'c',ms ppsascs, skMs, 8V3tvXst ppGpp the splendid assortments ' that jt, P . pppived Phe first of the week. '. i) wme goods. Cbey areJ- ; 6i::?e to please. J r ' a a a pP ;: pa pail the least attractive feature the o . - : ' ) i c-. -. ..rmm 1 hj-i-iww-. r!' tfL. A J if -.y n t"v- ' . V :"k 1 ' ". .' ' cv) ' -"'', i:.'t: rr.P.. -2.'V . .'-JT j ;. sJT.a1eil,' .yl |