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Show MIKD YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Tne fol'vwirg- article is written by Herbert Knufnifcn in the Woman's World. How dare you judge? By what riifht do you sit in justice over the nets of your neighbor? Has Providence gifted you with eyes that S2e the scars upon-souls and ears that can hear the battles between be-tween will and weakness? When Hid you walk in Gethse-mare? Gethse-mare? ; Has your life been so full and have you journeyed so far that you 1 know the lures and temptations that face all men and all women the creeds upon which they were reared the early influences that surrounded them the griefs that they bear the hurts that they wear and the storms that beat upon their hearts? Have you paused at all the roads where duty and desire cross have you felt the need of bread , and the want of a roof? What tests have you withstood 1 what privations have battered the edge of your resolution? Did necessity ever hurl you to your knees and leave you groping blindly for the first straw that could ba clutched? What sacrifices have you laid upon the altar of honor? Until you have tried, don't try until you are convinced, don't convict You can't accurately estimate anv motives in life but your own. x It isn't jxur place, it isn't your right, it isn't your duty to wield the lash. Are you so perfect that you may determine standards of prefection? Are you so truthfull, so virtuous so un selfish that you may direct the misguided? Have yuu ever visualized what vou yourself might have done had ou been placed in the same position is another whom you condemned? Would you do better would you be better than other Danghters of Sorrow Sor-row if Destiny had tangled you in the meshes of h:r web? How can you tell how strong you would be until you have passed through the fire and proven your strength in a real fight with misfortune? misfor-tune? Oh.be fair! It's so easy to destroy aid so hard to rebuild. There are too man weeds in the Great Garden don't adl to them. Weave an occasional rose garland i and make fewer crowns of throns. Go forth to heal, not to hurt, i Don't slander don't gossip, i Mind Your Own Business. ; (Which foregoing remarks, you feel, don't apply to you at all, yet you know of countless persons whose : cases they fit to a "T". For instance, ther's Mrs. "S" a-cross a-cross the way, and Mrs."B" who called to day! When you pause to consider how often they have poked their respective and respectable noses into affairs which never affected affect-ed them, of course, you heartly agree ag-ree that there's entirely too much busy bodying in your vicinity. But as for you why.you're above the meanness and pettiness and the cruelties that some women (and you could name them)ccatter though life. You wouldn't wrong anybody. But then, if you could see yourself your-self in the same light in which you view others, you wouldu't be so ready to constitute yourself a trial ooard for the community's morals and we could use this page to discuss dis-cuss politics or Tagnara figurines or take a dig at the unspeakable Turk instead of wasting it in a foolish and futile attempt to change human nature. And the hopelessness of the attempt at-tempt lies chiefly in the fact that all ! of us can see beams, but can't feel motes.) |