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Show Out of Sorts mHAT IS, something is wrong with baby, but we can't tell 1 just what it is. All mothers recognize the term by the lassitude, weakness, loss of appetite, inclination to sleep heavy breathing, and lack of interest shown by babv These are the symptoms of sickness. It may be fever congestion worms croup diphtheria, or scarlatina. Do not lose a minute Give the child Castoria. It will start the dfeSJ?ii5fafc operation, open the pores of the skin, carry off the foetid matter, and drive away the threatened sickness. Genuine Castoria always bears the slfinature of ffljr BABY LOVES HIS BATH With Cuticura Soap Because So Soothing Sooth-ing When His Skin Is Hot. These fragrant eupercreamy emollients emol-lients are a comfort to children. The Boap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment Oint-ment to soothe and heal rashes, itch-lngs, itch-lngs, chafings, etc. Nothing more effective. ef-fective. May be used from the hour ef birth, with absolute confidence. Sample each free by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. XY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. Write marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago lor Illustrated Book of the Eye Free. Stop That Backache! There's nothing more discouraging than a constant backache. You are lame when you awake. Pains pierce you when you bend or lift. It's hard to rest and next day it's the same old story. Pain in the back is nature's warning of kidney ills. Neglect may pave the way to dropsy, gravel, or other Berious kid-. kid-. ney sickness. Don't delay begm using Doan'e Kidney Pills the remedy that has been curing backache and kidney trouble for over fifty years. A Utah Case Mrs. Frank Mur- "Erry dock, Fourth South a9 and Fourth West J&JiS VSf Sts.. Heber, Utah, " JfrS. says: "I was af- 'w Hfs. dieted with pains J - 7'"iS In the small of my , A: v back that often got vV;'lf so bad I couldn't ywftVa Btoop. I had such VfjJp&si lTO? bad dizzy spells I a Y was afraid to walk. . Doan's Kidney M'ralW J ' Pills helped me as ' soon as I used them and before long, rid , me of the ailments. It has been a long time since I have had any further suffering." suf-fering." Cat Doin'a at Any Store, 50c a Box DOAN'S V? FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO, N. Y. IF YOU HAVE sse5s- no appetite, Indlffertlon, Flatulence, Sick Headache, "all run down" or losing flesh, you will find Tuffs Fills Imtwhat you need. They tone up the weak stomach and build up tha flagging energle. HOWARD E. BURTON asahyeemr,satnd Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, $1 ; Gold Silver, 76c ;Gold,50c: Zinc or copper.Sl. M-illlug "elopes and full price listsentonapplicatlon. Loadvllla, Colo. Bef. Carbonate Nat. Bant W. ft. U., Salt Lk9 City, No. 46-1915. V ." TURN OVER TIME When Nature Hints About the Food. When there's no relish to food and all that one eats doesn't seem to do any good tlien Is the time to make a turn-over in the diet, for that's Nature's Na-ture's way of dropping a hint that the food isn't the kind, required. "For a number of years I followed railroad work, much of it being office work of a trying nature. Meal times were our busiest; and eating too much and too quickly of food such as is commonly served in hotels and restaurants, res-taurants, together with the sedentary habits, were not long in giving me dyspepsia dys-pepsia and stomach trouble which reduced re-duced my weight from 205 to 160 pounds. "There was little relish in any food and none of it seemed to do me any good It seemed the more I ate the poorer I got and was always hungry before another meal, no matter how much I had eaten. "Then I commenced a trial of Grape-Nuts Grape-Nuts food, and was surprised how a small saucer of it would carry me along, strong, and with satisfied appetite, appe-tite, until the next meal, with no sensations sen-sations of hunger, weakness or distress dis-tress as before. I have been following this diet now for several months and my Improvement Improve-ment has been so great all the others ta m, family have taken up the use pf Grape-Nuts with complete satis Son and much improvement in health "Most people eat hurriedly, have lots of worry, thus hindering digestion Lnd?Lrefore need, food that is pre-digested pre-digested and concentrated in nourish. ment." There's a Reason. Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Zt S?nPinnre.'.rr..l.uS U of l istcrcat. aa ' fljpp Smites bright tooth white jjjf t Delicious, wholesome, beneficial, appetite u and digestion-aiding confections 4 The longest-lasting, most helpful and f ,l pleasant goody possible to buy. 's , Jp Have you seen " Wrigley's Mother Goose, intro- jL fjg during the Sprightly Spearmen" newest Wjff Jl a wjp jingle book 28 pages in colors? tfffllhj fmCTS (HERE IS A SAMPLE VERSE) ff S As I'was going to Saint Ives sf II JjL 5 I met a man with seven wives ES lOf j? S Each wife had a fine, clear skin, ss jn) s5 All were fat not one was thin, EE: 3 And each had a dimple in her chin; :im& What caused it? WRIGLEY'S! Kl. e "Wrigley Spearmen" want you ' zM vS0j$fcz t see a ner Quamt antics in this ifS is book free ! Write for it today and 55i rjl S always ask for "wrigley'S" the gum ss i K s in the sealed package wrapped in Er j3 United Profit Sharing Coupons. ' ss jf V WM. WRIGLEY JR. CO. f5 J p TgSm 1404 Kcsnor Bltlg., Chicago M b Chow It after every meat f M y Not Gray llnlra but Tired Hye make us look older than we are. Keep your Eyes young and you will look younu. After the Movies always Murine Your Eyes Don't tell your at;e. .fWhen You Want SomethingI-Particularly SomethingI-Particularly Nice JgJ You can always depend upon K C not to disappoint you. The double raise makes 'fop DlPl doubly certain nothing is left to "luck." If the vT 3JJa batter is a lilt,e thin- K C will raise it light and U featJlery and.it wil1 be a11 tlle better. Jarring the stove or turning the pan around makes no differ- Ji """ ence K C sustains tha raise until -baked. t - - jiZ2 When there's a birthday or wedding cake Jjh fX to bake, or refreshment; for reception or party TlVV to Prove e no chances vS r"ii77SygrSaJfntwi . parkeivs jumping horse "carmv-us ALI " I I V"111 1 - W. PAJtKfK. BepL C, Uaveox ort. kinj. |