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Show t nil i i.-afajr v-.'-ji;' f'li-yi.i:-.-.-. J If . ... r ,. ti ., -- : - r, , --- min i I li - 1 11 Hi 1 ii 1 ii mi li in u . kV , SM! Beginning Saturday, July 17th ; mU One Week of "tS lips Stirring Days of Startling Sacrifices Mmm WifWkm in High Grade Dependable Wanted Merchandise.' 1 1 iAimmk You are always Safe to Invest in the Great Savings our if j&tW m Ml f' llM'h Clearance Sales afford, q This Sale ushers on a new series f0 i,. ' ; J ' I 1 of Tremenduous Value Giving, Eclipsing All Competition- 1 ( if&f m QUALITY COUNTS-and our Sacrifices never refer to In- VC "V H lff yitr$J" ferior Goods, q We never sacrifice Quality no matter how we; gEE J jll cut the price. :: ' :: :: :: ::! prp. S Green Stamps ; ri? j . liinl 1 fPnEPE"! -PRE" IF 1 1 E"HEiB"gf H To the first ten persons entering our store' 111111111 DS bk fel JL JLfcJLJJLJ MI&'E! E"lrSEal5,lf fIw!3!?! Saturday morning will be given a Beauti- -rJ07.atour ; Mm To Start NEW BOOKS B-E" BBiE-E.;; B ful China Teapot. 3ldy STORE j Csi-ii3 i . ii . - - - i.. ... - , v&3baiJ j Laaiesbuits Dailf Speoiels Ladies wfe m Ipg) T1) $12.50, Clearance $7.98 jdilSfek . T f Si fe (ii, $16.75, Clearance $11.23 frJMn WedneS- f TII- ffe i t $13.00, Clearance $12.49 Monday SWf , ' " WilllO VWV jEr?a Ss3&3,sv clay -w m-mm -eji Ijfft'.i Jr& Lawn and Cotton Shirts V onWednesday iljHl'J S MR. were $1.25 to $5.50 On Monday fro. WEISHT INSURED! " -1. large size lfM f ii fM PS "Mflw) Clearance Price 50c to $1 88 9 to 10 only, we accurate family tubs at 75c, one to Lfllill JVvcBN 'FV! Kl ltWft leaiance l-nce 50c to $1.88 wU1 8eU Whltg scales for just a customer, none SaM4ai s&MmA if W llilft Cups and Saucers ONE ? to Dealers. . V fff fel Ipi llltl Wool Skirts at half price for 3c sct BOOK STAMPS . f - lili Bl lllii $2"5' clearailce -$2'13 - "PtS Thursday WilSIS IgV7 iM PI t il Clearance $1.75 o lrSday . JJi '( fa; ffii ilSill $4.25, Clearance $2.13 Tuesday gcostGen Thursday from 8: PgS if ffiHlI , - ' someofourownmerchan- Glasses 13c a sot. f ir'ffil t SajiB&i 3ttfSlaiiM;K ' dls ln exchange for the rt. lidasijU . Xlv0 ' t'W' 5 ! SiPaftpfeiffi stamps but you get more Ail stores close " ifciW-i ! Big Clearance in Children's n Tuesday until vaiue,in x premiums. . 1 fOc to $1.25 Values, jgsaa"! illlllBP i w tt 1C , here's a problem f , , 1 our Choice lor ...49c rrV7 Ef :lln U omens Hosiery, 15c to noon we win sen hd mam, donor hat- e above 9 'A' W Ir" you get for 10c. Tomatoes Ior 7c fePI Xr-T Ea-'iii, 5 Ir UBti cpovirc itioct Phone orcdrs ac- '! -fer--,? .- 1 ; . Tk sUSuijJ J 34,,a 25c Values for 15c service first ceptcd. . IJp j ' jpp jl ieis Hats tlens Suits Uens Dress Shirts m : ' gj! 50c Value, "With or Without Collar 39c WLi , All But Felt, $1.50 to $2.65 Values, Clearance $9J5 Value' Clearance Sale $6,5 C Vahui' With or Without Collar 49c :j Sale .98c $12.00 Values, Clearance Sale . $9.00 $1-25 Value, "With or Without Collar 95c I p1 All Felt and Straws at Greatly Reduced Prices. $15.00 Values. Clearance Sale $10.00 7! , ., . ,.r , WM iKgi3j - Mens' Good Work Sox 5c ffiy.caft Summer Silk 1 tats, Blue Stripe, and Brown .. .33c $18.00 Values, Clearance Sale $12.00 Mens' Good Work Sox, '.) pairs for ' 25c fe.yj p . 17 BOYS SUITS, LONG PANTS Boys' Knee, $2.00 Values, Clearance Sale $1.00 : ft I I'J $6.00 to $11.00 Values, Clearance Sale $1.69 , ,T ' n, Q, 91o Good Canvas Gloves, per pair 5c 'EzAl KSaj t t -.U, -4. it i i 4 r, -nn tr i Boys' Knee, $4.2u Values, Clearance Sale $2.1J T ,, , ... trr Ladies A lute Underskirts, 50c to 90c Val- - ' Jjoathor Gloves, $1.2u to $1.-10 Values Clear- fpr?vl tejj) ues, Clearance Sale 35c" Boys' Knee, $5.00 Values, Clearance Sale $2.50 ance Sale 98c ifta! g . 1 ii Ladies end Chiidrens Slippers 19 Dress Goods if m) MM Size Clearance -n,a" .. , . . v Price Z?H: a J 25c, Clearance Trie, lc jS u'ifii'i H ', 4T": 6 to 11, $1.70 value $1.17 - T. - . 5()e, Clearance Trice 39u ikVll K ' f:.4, i2 to 2,.n,s valued Mai,y 0ther Will be in- Wool and H.,vi,r Cotton at P f :.. ;v '.Vv V i j j i -rii m prices that will pav vou to hnv t fi V w 1:-! 12 to 2. $1.35 vame 08c eluded, such as Pillow Tops, for future. f:l ji ), ipglj I J' :-f -V- ; 'A Mary Janes, 2 to 6, $1.85 cj, j ir- Ut i' TT -i Silks, Odd prices oil ha ryai II X iV! ite (m'A v1 Stamped Lancy Work, Hand- count,,- at iyo, 1-3 to 1-2 oir. -'1, ,TuJ, 'Mil ili 6 l. f f 1 pi . EMBROIDERIES fv.--fr; ' i rrn' WpMl J''''': ''''' ? SeeLadies Slippers on bar- KerCilielS, ClC, 21 SO llatCS, (),. ( ,, ( 7. (.,.... ' jil : -" Vegetable Dishes, Platters, .'V-; iw"- Ifft'' c ..-n,.t Soup Dishes in the ..TTrt; n ' )L fti'l g ...' H crockery Dept. !'.v:::::::::::::::::: ,7 pJl I Progress Merc0 Co0 1 H ; wf ht Plf rP j 'oj psf ' si mm rip fp m':n M MM ilfi : j-MS-l., ;KS5al, -bd. iwj ii jfell iX rX 1 |