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Show CARRANZA AGAIN IN FMNIROL RESTORATION OF NORMAL CONDITIONS CON-DITIONS IN MEXICAN CAPITAL GOING RAPIDLY FORWARD. Mexican Leader Takes Measures to Establish Government Departments in Old Capital and to Give Protection Pro-tection to Inhabitants. Washington. Restoration of normal nor-mal conditions in Mexico City by the newly established Carran.a authorities authori-ties is going rapidly forward, according accord-ing to advices to the state department depart-ment on Tuesday. Reopening of the cable from .Mexico City to Vera Cruz was announced in a message received from Consul General Shankliii at the capital and from Vera Cruz came the news that direct train service had been resumed and that supplies for .Mexico City were being forwarded. General Carranza in a message to his Washington agents telling of the capture of Mexico City, stated that he had sent to the capital by special train all the personnel for the departments de-partments of the treasury, interior and postoflice, that his government was engaged in sending provisions to the city and that ample guarantees would be given to everybody, whether native or foreigner. |