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Show New Remington Typewriter for sale at price. H. F. Wall. 7-9 tr John K. Madsen and W. E. Watson left Friday for Schofield to attend some of their sheep business. $2500.00 is offered in premiums at the County Fair this Fall. Haven't you something that will get a part of that offer. D. H. Johnson of Salt Lake City was in Mount Pleasant from Friday until Monday visiting friends. While here he was guest of Miss Geneve Johnson. Grandma Farnworth Coates, Brigham Brig-ham Farnworth and son, Burt and Mrs. Violet Farnworth Mills returned Sunday from Ashton, Idaho where they went to attend the Farnworth family reunion which was held at that place July 22nd, 1915. They report having had a very good time, having visited at Blackfoot and For! Hall , Idaho on their way home. H. C. Donaldson of Wasatch Academy, Acad-emy, Miss Carrie Gray Purdy nb-o of Wasatch, Miss Purdy's brother, Arthur, Ar-thur, and mother, Mrs. E'izaheth Purdy of New Concord, Ohio, have just returned from :i two vo?ka outing out-ing and fishing trin from across, the mountain in the n-j.gh borhood of the Larsen coal mine. Arthur I'mdy and his mother are ho- e to visit with Miss Purdy for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenripr and children of Rupert, Idaho returned to their home on Tuesday after having hav-ing spent ten days in this city visiting relatives. They made the trip in an automobile and came to be present at the Rasmussen family reunion on July 2fith. While here they entertained enter-tained many of their friends and made a hurried trip to Pint county to see Mr. Kenner's sister. They report re-port the .Mount Pleasant colony in Rupert as doing well. |