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Show Judges Appointed For Next Election The following named persons have been appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to serve as Judges of the coming election for the general election to held November 3rd, 1914. Imlianola Warren Shepherd, Guilder Guil-der Peterson and Real Ni-;sen. Milbui'ii Ed Housekeeper, J. W. Stewart and Wm. E. Mower. Fairview: District No. 1. A. E. Anderson Christian Petersen and Daniel James. District No. 2. Heber Pherson, Lorenzo Lo-renzo Peterson and Wm. Christensen. Mt. Tleasant: District No. 1. Geo. C. Sorensen, John Reynolds and Alex Poulson. District No. 2. Vance Mcintosh, Otto Johansen and John L. Larsen. District No. 3. Wm. L. Madsen Obed Nielsen and Wm. Hansen. District No. 4. Ben E. Reynolds, T. C. Candland and Wm. N. Roe. District No. 5. Jos. Johansen, Jr., Fred Peel and G. Frank liohnc. Spring City: District No. 1. Louis M. Christensen, Wm. C. Barney and John F. Justesen. District No. 2. Hans Nielsen, John Blain and Alderman Clawson. Kphraim : District No. 3. Dante 1. Madsen, Orval Peterson and Orson Poulson. District No. 2. Lawrence Peterson, Ray Lewis and Hyrum Dorius. District No. 3. C. R. Dorius, J. 1 . Thompson and H. It. Madsen. District No. 4. Thos. I'. Thomson, N. P. Christensen and T. L. Thorpe. Manti: Distrit No. 1. J. B. Jacobsen, Wil-tord Wil-tord Wintch and Julius Jensen. District No. 2. J. C. Madsen, Ray Dyreng and Jacob Kellar. District No. 3. H. G. Rrown, Roy Cox and Andrew L. Merriam. District No. 4. L. H. Hougaard. Jr., Alma Johnson and John W. Shand. Sterling: District No. 1. W. II. Paiiey. .Miner .Mi-ner Lowry and Solon Edwards. Mayfield: District No. 1. C. P. .: '.. '-a. Jr.. John M. Larsen and C. K. Chri: -'tens' ti Gunnison : District No. 1. Martin Madden. William C. Christensen and John Larsen. Lar-sen. District No. 2. John E. Metcalf, Leo N. Gledhill and Ernest Swalherg. t entei iieio : District No. 1. Newman Heck. J. II. Roylance and Alexien C. Jensen. Avtell: District No. 1. N. V. Sorenson, ' W. II. Nielsen and Lehi Olsen. : Fayette: District No. 1. James Mellor, J. W. Duffin and Joseph S. Bartholomew, Bartholo-mew, i Chester: ' District No. 1. L. T. W. West, J. H. Beck and D. II. Candland. Wales: District No. 1. Samuel Dye, Le-1 Roy Lewis and Henry C. Lamb. ' l''i-eedotii : Distrii,-! No. I. Willis 1.. Draper, Elmer Simonseii and Adoiph Ta lor. Moroni : District No. 1. A. L. Bradley. Julius Jul-ius Christensen and Hyrum Christensen. Christen-sen. District No. 2. Joseph L. .lolloy, D. W. Bailey and Amos Draper. District No. 3. Lars Anderson, Elmer El-mer Lauritzen and James Arthur Draper. 'oiiulain Green: District No. 1 Lars Nielson. Nephi Robertson and Theodore Cb rist itinseu District No. 2. D. W. Cook, Wm. Collard and E. M. Ivory. |