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Show SPRING CITY Mrs. Milan Anderson has been visiting vis-iting in Spring City this week. LOST A Cameo. Finder please return to this office. Geo. Rasmussen, one of our local barbars, has gone to Salina to work for a short time. Mrs. Irvin Benson of Clear Creek is here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Strate. Mr. and Mrs. John Daniels of Wales are spending a few days visiting visit-ing in Manti. Mrs. Wilford AVest arrived home Monday after several weeks vacation in the North. Mrs. Geo. Rasmussen and Mrs. Peter Pet-er Christensen are visiting with their sister in Redmond for a few days. Mrs. E. A. Neilson and granddaughter, grand-daughter, Louves was called to Storre Monday on account of the illness oi Mrs. Neilson's son, Marian. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hermansen de parted for Salt Lake Sunday when. Mrs. Hermansen will receive expert treatment for her eyes which have troubled her for a long time. Orsen Justesen arrived home from the sheep heard the latter part of the week and is thought to be sufferitu with an attack of typhoid fever. H is repored to be improving. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Anderson leparted Friday for an extended vish in the North end of the state. Thej expect to visit relatives in Lehi, Sail Lake and Tremonton. Issac Nelson who carries the mail between the Spring City Station and Wales is wearing his hand in a slinj hese days on account of being kickec by a horse breaking some bones am. causing some bad bruises. A heavy wind and rain storir passed over Spring City Monday nooi doing considerable damage to tht wheat crop, laying some patches al .nost flat. Lightning struck in tht 3oard at the rail-road office burning iut the relays.. |