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Show mHHH JBF DEADLY I'nuiipl tli iillou of Medical Mm haven I lfi of oiilli. PI.KAHANT (lllOVi: Jul) S3 The 10.) ear-old son of V A. Iloulter of I'leasant drove, while wiling the hide of a cow that died of anthrux, got some of the bacclll In an abrasion over hla left e)e In a short time he showed show-ed symptoms of the iIImwp, his e)ea smiling shut, and In other wn)n. The bo) was given prompt attention and Is considered to be out of danger The case nttrncted more attention than previous InMancea, although the ravages of this peculiar disease have hi en closet) observed for Mime time During the punt week a herd of ten pure bred prlao winning hogs, belonging belong-ing lo W A Iloulter, died or tho disease, dis-ease, which nUo killed two cows be-longing be-longing to Ho) Olson and one belonging belong-ing to II Moaelle In enih ease the animals were apimrently well In the morning and deud at night. Dr A C Young, state Inspector of live stock and It K Knighton of American Am-erican Fork, dlstrbt veterinarian, have been working on the cosea nnd have required that all diseased carcases be burned with quicklime and irude nir-ImiIIu nir-ImiIIu uold. Iloulter also has killed his dogs and has ceasd killing rtotk at his slaughter house for the time being |