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Show NEW BUILDINGS . t I IN ME GAMPS ;; I HTOItltS, hTANOAItllVILLi: AM) M W ' M cAMimo.v our sciioous. i , H Kirks Itrglstcrcil from Patron At (' W H Cnrlxmvlllo anil .Minnie .Maud 1)1. Q M trliis With Action Put Over Until j M tlio Next ItcRiilnr .Meeting lit Aug- IT H list Aiullt Coining of High School. ' Jt At a meeting of the consolidated , ' H Mehool lHmrd of Carbon county held K' B last week the clerk and president of ffi H the Ixmrd were nuthorlxed to engage rj, H n publte ivecounlnnt to go over the ' Ev7 H Imok of tho retiring trustee of the & B Car I hi n county high school and the t ,HJ ncvcml retiring nelmol boards of the , mF Al county. It wn nbui voteil to erect n tjft tHJ fflur-rooni school building at Htorr IM BJ nnd two-riMitna web nt Htnndnrdvllle Ka fll nnd nt Cameron A claim for 1107.50 ' Vw VJ of the t'tnh Nntbmnl bnnk nt Halt K' jVJ iMkr City, Interest due from Hprlng HW HJ Olen dlstrlrt on Imnds. wn received, B4 BJ filed nnd ordered Investigated, If cor HI. HJ rect the name I to It paid IP H T. Housekeeper n resident of the Bjr. flj Nine SIIU t Minnie Stand) district, np- JK, ,H penred for the patron of til district XT', BJ nnd rriHirtrd that there were twenty- Cr"' Bl one children of school age out there, jw Bl nnd asked thnt n building be erected Bfil BJ there Housekeeper offered to donate Wgt BJ the ground for the building from til Be Bl ranch Huprrlntendent Oolillng and K Trustee Dratier will Investigate the IBS' iBl matter nnd report to the full board flj&l nt the next meeting K. BJ Auditor Murphy of the Independent WS B Con I nnd Coke comtmny nt Keull. ! nK" BJ worth wn present on behnlf of the H Bl schools nt Hint ronl cam p. nnd wn Bfc, BJ nuthorltrd to see what he could do Bj - fll toward leasing n building or seeur- Bt iB1 Ing n good site for one An objection Mr Bl wns mnde by ttobcrt A. Powell nnd K Bl other from Corbonvllle In relation to V .BJ the closing of the school of that ill- Wb BJ Irlrl The matter vva flnnlly deferred BF BJ lo tho next regular meeting of the Bk BJ Bl nBJ The purehnslng of school iiipllr B BJ wn considered nt some length, and H; BJ n several bid bad been lenderrd, the HE' BJ county Niiprrlnlrndent was ntilhnrUed B&'tBl In go over them nnd let out the con- BK BJ tract to the lowest bidder. The clerk "; BB' BJ nnd treasurer wn nuthorlxed to pur- , Bft. BJ ehnse mich book nnd office supplies ' BMi Jfll n were needed. Bay 'BB It wn decided that school will open BW BJ on KeptemPcr 7th nnd the president BjK BJ nnd necretar were iiulhorUrd to sign Bli flj nil tent hers' ronlrnits. I BBlflJ The clerk vva nulhorlred to draw n BBBJ warrant on the treasurer for II 1 25, BJnflJ nmount of Interest on bonds. The ' BJljBJ next meeting of the board will be on ? ' BHIBB August 3d. Is, l fflHB |