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Show PROF. ROBERT H. STEWART URGES j I BOOSTING OF LOCAL FARMERS1 DftY f LI Kdltor or The Hun IMHCK, Ctah, July S7. 1918 A I took oreuaion to state several week ago through tho press, we Intend to again hold 11 I'nrmer' Day In moat or the settlements In the two counties. Kverybod) who possibly mil the rather, ra-ther, mothers, older brother and sinters should take ndvnntnge of this. The crowd In each settlement should be much larger thla year than It was laat. Thl la an excellent opportunity ror farmer and bualncH men to visit the rarms or their neighbors and to get now Idea rrom others. Kvery farmer thnuld make 11 strong effort to be present. Farmers Day, In my estimation, es-timation, will be a mean or Inducing the rarmar to use better method, lletter agriculture make a better country, rrom all standpoint, to live In Following I tho complete schedule sched-ule Wedneiday, August Itli, Oreen Illver; Friday. August th, Wellington; Welling-ton; Haturday, Auguat 7th, I'rlce; Monday, Auguat 9th, ICInio; Tueaday, Auguat 10th, Cleveland; Wednesday, Auguat Uth, Huntington; Thuraday, Auguat i:th. Caatle Dale; Friday, Aug. uat 13th, Oraiiguvlllej Saturday, August Aug-ust Uth, Ferrun, and Monday, Auguat 16th, Kmery, everybody boost for Farmers' Hay. Come out, have a good time, get new Ideea and boot for your town, our jcoiintv and your s'nte always. Kvery U ' S-BJ funner should make field selwtlnn S ' , f BJ 1 of his crop this viai for tho purpose L '"1' Mm of having 11 seed pint tills corn.ug year, IE I "MM In order to nave better seed for plant- ijt I I BJ Ing. Now la the opportune tlmo to S l w? BJ start to make hand selections of your Jf 1 '- Bl cernal eropa, namely, the oat, barley jf ( 1 ! and wheat. Choose very strong, ' ' I ' Hi healthy, tprnllflo plunt In the field. if i 'flj Thla method should Inauro you good, . flj strong, heavy yielding planta ror next !!' 3,( ML BJ year. A hair of a burlap sack of head ' fr-flU thlu your should multiply sufficiently ji Ai VfMt to plant a large acreage three year Ml M 7 BJ hence. !H Mi I BJ Do not neglect your seed selection' H K'j ! -BJ work, farmer, a It I the beat method Ifotttti k flj of Insuring heavy, healthy plant pro- K.Jfif Xjfll ductlon on the farm .for year to come. Hlx!! (tuHJ Do not depend on your neighbor for jRM-fl LSl your seed supply. Often when seed ,. IIB rBJ looks good It may lie low In vitality llntf BBJ and he a very poor vleldcr. foil can fn v k.BJ not tell what Its yielding power will M JM & uBl be If you select from tho grain bin. mti m VMt Now, thlu season la a good time to KJHI 3 l?H1 cease guessing. It u make our ael- Hnl JMM ectlona In the rield and be atiro we are Ml' 41 liHl getting the proper plant. Once more, BiKin VMM all boost ror Farmers' Day.' Very re- Bit W fflH spectrully, S", 2 )jB f' uonnnT 11, BTt-:wAivr, mwi ifl Farm Demonstrator and Carbon nnd RyK' ' JBl Kmery Agent United Htntea Depart- 'IMJi fl. 'BH ment or Agriculture. l A BB 1 f ', 'tWmWM I'-dHVuHB |