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Show 'Dimes' Campaign Chairman Thanks All Contributors The 1954 March of Dimes campaign cam-paign came to an end Monday evening ev-ening when the cannisters were removed from the business houses of Pleasant Grove. Emile Cances, campaign chairman stated that while the total amount collected was slightly less than last year, the drive could be considered quite a success. The chairman of the Mothers' March, Mrs. Leland Beers, and her area captains, Mrs. Robert Sutch, Mrs. Thomas Larson, Mrs. Glade Bullock, Mrs. George R. Paul, Mrs. Lloyd Walker and Mrs. Clifton Wadley are to be highly complimented for their efforts in organizing this event. The Marching March-ing Mothers of Pleasant Grove did a wonderful job of carivasing the town and are to be congratulated. Their efforts accounted for the largest share of the fund, amounting amount-ing to $697.37. The response from the school children was very gratifying grati-fying with $165.00 being contributed contribu-ted by them through the school drive. The cannisters added $110.35 for a grand total of $954.72. Mr. Cances wishes to thank all those who worked so hard to make this drive a success, and the people of Pleasant Grove who contributed so generously. |