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Show PEACE OF MIND Something that money en" buy when it's in the bank! Bank of Pleasant Grove MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Home, 2-bedroom stucco with 3-room Apt in basement. base-ment. Phone 4333, Robert Sutch, 544 So. 3rd East. FOR SALE 20 Stark Bartlet Pear trees, U-dig, $1.50 each; Sell or trade large Farmall tractor trac-tor for garden tractor 'and equipment; equip-ment; '46 Ford truck, $99; Lee Dickey, 480 N. 1st E. Ph. 4861. tf FOR SALE One 20-foot Upright Freezer, like new. Violet Jackson, Jack-son, Phone 3094 after 5 p.m. (2-28) BOAR SERVICE Purebred Tam-worth. Tam-worth. Telephone P.G. 5347. (3-14) CONCRETE PIPE BARGAINS Geneva Oonorete Pipe Co. 1465 W. 4th N. Oram, AC 5-2416 (2-14) FOR -SALE Baled Hay and Straw. Oal PG 5372 or 5620 tf WANTED Used typewriter, Ph. Duane Sykes, 4484. It Guirfft t your mf mi drive away for only $J00 down Many more guaranteed used motors and complete outfits to choose from WATHEN'S MARINE 36 WEST MAIN LEHI, UTAH PHONE 12-W SALES & SERVICE FOR RENT Apartment, partly j furnished, or will furnish. Phone 6071 or call at 40 So. 1st East, .tf WE BUY, SELL, TRADE or Transfer Livestock. Also Bull Service. Peg Taylor, Phone 2022 Pleasant Grove. (8-29) FOR RENT 4-Room Apartment, 237 So. Main, Phone 2303 or 5302 Pleasant Grove. (2-21) FOR SALE 1955 Ford 6 ton Pickup, 3 speed, 3,000 actual miles, $1,200. Ph. 6111 or 4612 or enquire at Post Office. (2-21) FOR SALE Baled Alfalfa, J. F. Royle, Lehi Utah. Phone 615-J. (2-28) HATCHE S ADAMS JEWELRY 33 West Main, American Fork. Full time watchmaker. Guaranteed repairs. Your Bulova, Hamilton and Wyler dealer. Diamonds priced pric-ed right. Gift headquarters. Jewel Jew-el House member. We give S & H Green stamps. (2-7-tf) ooooooooooooooooooobooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo log To3 si die I j ON THIS 1957 Model 21 CI 60 Was $329.95 . . . All You Pay Is SALE $24.95 PORTABLE with Trade Upfront Pushbutton Q Power Tuning O Mahogany Veneer Cabinet $in SAVING 9 Aluminized Picture Tube I" Q Remote Control Avail- ON ALL 14 in. c ble, c f v . Set and Forget Volume PORTABLE TVs Contro1 Free One-Year Warranty on All Parts & Tubes S Your Friendly G.E. Dealer 26 South Main Phone 3512 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo FOR SALE Grain fed beef, whole or half. Call Ray Fautin, Lindon, Phone P.G. 2278. (2-28) HAWAII Join our famous spring tour leaving June 15.- All expense ex-pense only $497, includes meals and all other expense. Write Mor-ley Mor-ley Tours, 387 East 3rd North, Provo, Utah. Phone FR 3-8987 collect to make reservations. h COAL Top quality lump and stoker slack, $11.76 a ton delivered. de-livered. Substantial discount in quantity lots. Lee Dickey, 480 N. 1st E. Phone 4861. (2-7-tf) FOR SALE T956 FRIDIDAIRE Washer and Dryer. Both for the unbelievably low price of $300. LEANY'S, Main Street, Lehi. tf WANTED TO RENT Modern two bedroom home, prefer full basement, base-ment, unfurnished, In Pleasant Grove. Clean, respectable family, going into business in P.G. Write G. S. Shields, 35 E. Glenwood, Tooele, Utah, or leave worw with P.G. Review. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Call Beal's Slaughtering Plant, Lehi, 0299R1. Pickup and Delivery service, ser-vice, tf SEWER WORK For the best in complete sewer connecting and excavating call Stan West, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove 4611. tf FOR RENT 3-Room Apartment, gas heat, 60 East 2nd South, tf WALL PAPERING and Painting. A good selection of wall paper and walltex. Phone 4623, Dean Powell. 12-13-tf FIRE and AUTO INSURANCE Check with us for special broad cover-ages and low rates with no membership fees. Jess Monson, Monson & Jolmson, Insurance, Tel. 5591 P.G. or FR 3-4232 Provo. (9-6 tf) PIANOS Why Pay More Factory Fac-tory to You Spinets & Grands. Lester R. Taylor, Provo, FR 3-312E or at 109 N. 4th West. tf WEY-RITE, a delightful way tc lose weight. Contact. Rulon and Minnie Winter, Distributors, 29 So Center, American Fork, Phone 147-W. tl 'mmi'II Mmyyyv.'iig jwhmii mm w r yum a wnflftyvquwggne.: HELD OVER UNTI L SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Shows Start at 5:15 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. ..30 01610163 any man can bo a giant... JT ' JQ. r ' 1?tf - wKvwx---- GEORGE 4f STEVENS' PRODUCTION rutUMCO 6t WARNER BROS IN VVARNERCOLOR WmFRBEREUZkBEY TAYLOR ROCK HUDSON JAMES DEAN and rrnTna iiu itiwm w r p CARROLL BAKER-JANE WITHERS - CHILL WILLS MERCEDES McCAMBRIOGE SAL MlNEO 0J tCli FRED CUIOL AWO IVAN MOFFAT . 0OuCCO GEOftGC STEVENS SO HENHr ClMSBEf". Vj HlCTtO T GCOnCl IKVIN$ FNOCNTCD II WARNER BROS MUKC COn'OUO K0 COnOuCTIO tl Oiwithi iiQ'iMN SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS SHOWING Before 6 P.M. Children 25c Students 50c Adults 65c After 6 P.M. Children 25c Students 65c Adults 90c MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY JULIE with Doris Day and Louis Jordan Take care of winter Fl . expenses with a T' prompt loa. This season ... for any reason ... get 7 , the money you need on Signature b- .- only, auto or furniture. r $25 to $2000 AMERICAN FORK 15 East Main Street Ralph Wilson, Manager Phone: 860 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5:30; Sat. 9-1 Open evenings by appointment j Loans made to residents of nearby towns CLOSE OUT on KEMTONE and KEM-GLOW Best Household Paint for Spring Decorating 25 DISCOUNT Closing Out Our Stock |