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Show (Send your questions about the armed forces or any aspect of military service to: Walter Sbead, Armed Services Serv-ices Question Box, 1057 National Press Building, Washington 4, D.C. Answers -will be given in this column.) TWO national guard infantry divisions di-visions will be called to active duty during the early part of 1952, -the department of the army reports. The divisions and the states from which their personnel are drawn are the 37th Infantry Division from Ohio and the 44th Infantry Division irom Illinois. Water from polluted sources in Korea is being processed through equipment recently developed by the army corps of engineers to give troops there water equal in purity to any furnished by municipal systems sys-tems in the United States. The new equipment is considered far superior to water purification units used during dur-ing World War II. Q. What is the army's general policy on rotation for service-' service-' men who have served in Korea? R.B.M., Clinton, Maryland. A. The general policy, which was started September 1, is a theatre--wide rotation plan to send those with the longest current foreign service home first. The number of servicemen actually rotated depends on the availability of replacement personnel. It is hoped, that under this policy, the length of overseas service time required for rotation will become progressively less. Q. I was just discharged from the army for a serious wound I suffered in Korea. The army told me that I could get either of two types of life insurance from VA. What are they and where do I apply for them? S.W.R., Shirley, Ind. A. The two types are: (1) a five-year five-year term policy that is not convertible converti-ble to permanent insurance and that does not pay dividends, or (2) any plan, permanent or term, of the special NSLI authorized for recently disabled veterans. Apply in writing to Veterans Administration, Washington Wash-ington 25, D.C, for either to determine deter-mine your eligibility. Q. I am a World War II veteran vet-eran and I used up my $4,000 CI home loan guaranty over three years ago. Now I understand that a new law gives me an additional $3,500 Gl guaranty. Is that right? M.P.B., Rockport, Texas. A. Yes. The new defense housing act of 1951 permits World War n veterans to get the difference between be-tween the amount of the loan guaranty guar-anty used before April 20, 1950, and $7,500, but only for home loans. |