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Show CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOR. FOR SALE Prosperous cafe in R R town, modern fixtures and equipment. Selling account health. Writo JP.O. Boa 5'M, Grefn River, Wyo. WANTED TO BVY ! WASTED Scrr.p Iron, Steel and Cast Also Surplus Items MONSEY IRON & METAL CO. 75U S. Brd VI Suit I.nke Hy. Vtnh U. S. SAVINGS BONDS Are Now U. S. DEFENSE BONDS Get Well I mm QUICKER R- From Your Cough v5A Duo to a Cold with the Sensational A-C Factor in the New Intensified Ffl! FV'Honey&Tar , IVLbl sj Cough Compound AMAZINGLY QUICKER ACTING INCREDIBLY MORE EFFECTIVE gTglKg. JIMMY.1 HV CANY I SO TO THE y- .se0 1EiVISCTJ BROADCAST ?J BECAuSe tf27 I T HAVE T" HU MNTHa.ATUM Ra-IEVES HgAP- ) IXfML- I' cblo Misery, achey chest Mr fa 25i f WENTHOIATUM ) ffeS 1 has SO MANY wy i i 1 NEW! QUICK! MOLASSES BROWN BREAD Eeady in V the time old recipe takel Lighter, better-tasting, made-with made-with Kellogg's ALL-BRAN and richi New Orleans Molasses, Delicious (With oven-baked beans. l cup Kellogg's t cup hot water ALL-BRAN 1 egg cup raisins 1 cup sifted flour 2 tbsp. shortening 1 tsp. baking soda pj cup New Or- Vi tsp. salt leans Molasses V2 tsp. cinnamon 1. Measure first 4 ingredients Into ' " bowL Add water, stir till shorten- , Ing melts. Add egg; beat well. 2. Sift together flour, soda, salt, cinnamon; cin-namon; add to All -Bran mixture,. stirring only until combined. 3. Fill 2 greased baked bean cans full. Bake in preheated mod. oven (350'P.) 45 mln. Yield: 2 loaves. Or use r I 8 x 8-in. pan. j j TTV I Bake in mod. 7i4V"3 i f I oven35min. I . , , 'i t i I NEED GASH? mm Highest cash prices Writ. For Paid for gold -eth. r. . ckiLi.. watches. rlnRs, dia-Free dia-Free Sh ppmr monds. spectacles. c'"""",or old cold. etc. MAIL ITEMS OR riCUMAN'C WRITE TODAY. rionlllHn O WE ARE BONDED. 807-15tb. Denver Z. Colorado. WNU-W 4151 "Monthly Pains" stopped or amazingly relieved In 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' testsl Chances are you're putting up unnecessarily with the functionally caused pains, cramps and weak, "no good" feelings of menstruation! For, in actual tests bydoctors, Lydla Pinkham's Compound brought coni-plete coni-plete or striking relief from such distress dis-tress in 3 out of 4 of the coses I LydlaPlnkhani's Is modern in itsactiont 8o get Lydla E. Pinkham's Vcgotnblw Compound or new. improved Tablet with Bddod Iron. See It taken through the month It doesn't glvo relief from those backaches. Jitters help you feel botter beore and during your porlodl Or tf you siffor from functional "hot flashes" of "chnnne of life," find out hou) toonderful Pinkham's U or fJiot, tool Iff IW 11 1 ! It has n!etta effort om uUMVlIM 1 nlerlne contraction! th RTkUkWlffi.l .fun menrtroal vlMl |