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Show District High School Officers I Vote on Some Vital Problems Officers of the four high schools of the Alpine School District Dis-trict discussed and then voted on some vital problems at a conference confer-ence held in the American Fork ! school Wednesday afternoon of last week. Jerry Pulley, president presi-dent of the A. F. student body took charge of the conference. The officers were called together to-gether for the purpose of discussing dis-cussing problems common to the four schools, American Fork, Lehi, Pleasant Grove and Lincoln. Lin-coln. Discussions fell into five major divisions: 1. The possibility of having a dance for the students of the four senior schools to promote better acquaintance and friendliness. 2. Sportsmanship at athletic contests such as football foot-ball and basketball games. 3. Exchange assemblies. 4. Corsages Cor-sages for proms, hops, and other formals. 5. The posting of a district calendar of the major! social events of each school. I Officials Present j Present also were Supt. David R. Mitchell, Supervisor Leo Hanson, Han-son, Principals Jesse M. Walker, American Fork; Lloyd B. Adam-son, Adam-son, Lehi; Floyd Holm, Pleasant Grove; and faculty advisers to the student council, Luther Gid-dings Gid-dings and Don Overly, American Fork; Darrell Westover, Lehi; Vera Conder, Pleasant Grove; and Frank Buffo, Lincoln, Frank Newman represented Principal A. P. Warnick of-Lincoln at the1 conference. The student body presidents of the four schools were named a committee to work out details of the combined schools dance, including in-cluding the transportation costs, the date and time. The dance is to be held in the near future. Disapproval of unsportsmanlike unsportsman-like demonstrations which have tivities this season was voiced by the group. The students are not marked some school athletic ac-alone ac-alone in the demonstrations, the conference body said. Townspeople Towns-people of the four schools have been guilty as well in several : instances. The booing of offic- ials and of players came in for denunciation. The group decided decid-ed that articles in the town papers, pap-ers, and in the school papers as well as a distribution of leaflets containing the sportsman's creed might help to eliminate this undesirable un-desirable condition. Exchange Assemblies The conference group decided to revive the custom of exchange assemblies. It was decided that the programs be made up of high standard numbers and maintained maintain-ed at this level. The program chairman of each school was I named on the committee to work out details. Expensive corsages for the dances of the four schools were discussed. The girls present expressed ex-pressed themselves as favoring less expensive corsages. Girls neither demand nor desire orchids, orch-ids, was the opinion voiced, as the average girl, they said, fully realized the financial burden placed upon her escort. Individuality Individ-uality and originality of flower design counts more than price, said the girls. Too late in the season to do much good to eliminate conflict of dates of major school social events this year, the body decided decid-ed to recommend to the student officers of next year the advisability advisa-bility of posting a district calendar cal-endar in each of the schools. The dates of proms have been already set and the hops have been held. The group decided that before the end of the school year another anoth-er similar conference would be advisable. The custom of these executive officer conferences was discontinued several years ago. Supts. Mitchell and Hanson commended the group on the discussions and were of the opinion opin-ion much good would result. Executive officers present were: American Fork, Jerry Pulley, Pul-ley, president; Kathleen Buck-waiter, Buck-waiter, vice president; Jeanette Mecham, secretary; Jay Moyle, business manager; Jolene Grant, program chairman; Lehi, Jay Manning, president; Joyce Turner, Turn-er, vice president; Loraine Shepherd, Shep-herd, secretary; Kenneth Peterson, Peter-son, business manager; Harold Smith, program chairman; Pleasant Grove, Lynn Paulson, president; Margene Mattonson, vice president; Rayola Gillman, secretary; Glenda Kockerhans, Leon McNeil and Floyd Hutton, sophomore, junior and senior representatives respectively; Lincoln, Lin-coln, Ronald Hatch, president; Ann Reynolds, vice president and program chairman; Carma Var-ley, Var-ley, secretary; William Cox, business bus-iness manager; Nita Bacchus, historian. Light refreshments were served serv-ed by the members of the American Amer-ican Fork student council, who in addition to the above named executive officers are Jeanene Moyle, Carolyn Pulley, Patricia Jones, Robert Wagstaff, Glen Varney, Larry Miller, Douglas Mayne, Don McCormick and Boyd Hoglund. |