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Show mim Boas Meets Every Home Demand STAR FLOUR MILLS AMERICAN FORK, UTAH CLASSIFIED FOR. SALE Small Allis-Chal-mers Tractor, -well equipped, $795.00; 4 acre orchard, good varieties, var-ieties, See Lee Dickey, 480 North 1st East, Pleasant Grove. FOR RENT Apartment 3 rooms, Heat and Utilities Furnished Phone Pleasant Grove, 3311. FOR RENT 4 ROOM HOME Modern, H. E. Monson, Phone 31G8, Pleasant Grove. APARTMENT FOR RENT Furnished Fur-nished 3 rooms and Bath Harry Wadley, Phone 2912. HOUSE FOR RENT Modern throughout, gas furnace, water heater, gas stove, inquire of David Green, 187 East, 2nd South, Pleasant Grove or 218 E 2nd So. WANTED A used baby crib Mrs. Glen Hadden, B. H. Adams Apartments, State Road, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove. FOR SALE USED GE WASHER Phone Pleasant Grove 4712. FOR SALE-15 young laying hens $1.00 each, also new lumber chicken coop 12 1-2 ft x 12 1-2 ft to be moved. $75.00 Lee Carlson, 425 No. 5th East, P. G. Tel. 2683. RASMUSSEN HEATING AND VENTILATING CO, Authorized Dealer FOR VICTOR FURNACES WEDGEWOOD GAS RANGES MAGJC CHEF GAS RANGES GENERAL DELUXE WATER HEATER 79 SOUTH MAIN PLEASANT GROVE PHONE 3311 $50 for your old washer regardless regard-less of condition on the new Twin Tub Dexter No cash down $12.00 a month. Johnson's 141 West, 1st North, Provo, Phone 4170 or Lower Lehi Phone 11. Washing Machines, Vacuums, Irons, Toasters, etc, promptly repaired. Wringers, Automatics, Spinnners, 12 years experience Johnson, 141 West, 1st No, Provo, Phone 3170 or Lehi 20-W. FOR SALE EASY SPINNER WASHING MACHINE $30.00 767 East, 1st North, Phone P. G. 3804. FOR SALE 1941 CHEV. CLUB COUPE '51 Motor Phone 317 J. Lehi. FOR SALE GUERNSEY FAMILY FAM-ILY COW Phone PI. Grove 3117. WANTED BABY BUGGY Phone 2084, Pleasant Grove. FOR RENT 3 Rooms Furnished. with hot and cold water, gas heat. ADULTS. 285 East, 1st So., Phone 2722 FOR SALE BALED HAY New Survey, Lehi in Barn $40.00 ton; outside , $30.00 ton L. L. Myers,. Lehi. FOR SALE ROMAN, DELICIOUS, DELIC-IOUS, Jonathan, apples-Ross apples-Ross West, Phone 5624. FOR SALE Registered Herford Bull, 17 months old Geo. Mc-Daniel, Mc-Daniel, Alpine, Utah. Phone A. F. 0262J2. l&Mt $ix " C6eeru3s ifs vame 8OR00F KENTUCKY WHISKEY A BLEND 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL tpiBIT THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY FOR SALE! Good Hotpoint Refrigerator Re-frigerator Estelle Fenton, Ph. 2304, P. G. WANTED A GOOD, RELIABLE SALESMAN Bylund Plumbing and Heating Co. PI. Grove, Utah. BUILDING LOT FOR SALE Corner of 1st East and 3rd So. Phone P. G. 2402. INCOME TAX SERVICE Kay L. Jacobs, Phone 2402. P. G. WANTED ABOUT 20 ACRES GOOD FARM GROUND Near Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Real Estate, Ph 3311, 79 So Main FOR' PAINTING AND WALL PAPERING Call Drew Edwards Phone Pleasant Grove, 3351. RADIO-TELEVISION SERVICE Authorized Philco Dealer One Block East of Cemetery Phone Pleasant Grove, 2421. FOR SALE ALMOST NEW CORONADO ELECTRIC RANGE, RAN-GE, Call 14-J Lehi, Wesley Ras-mussen. Ras-mussen. Ammonioum Nitrate, Ammonium Sulfate, Treble Superphosphate, Mixed Fertilizers, Nitrogen Solution, Solut-ion, Ranger Alfalfa Seed, Weevil Control Chemicals, Complete line of Insecticides, Liquid Parathion, DDT Paste, Wettable Sulfur Geneva Food and Chemical Co, Phone 2021, Pleasant Grove, Utah g ' . jm.- .!2riV V . .'-V W L- ii I U.N the last few years, we have nearly doubled our investment in plant and facilities to serve Utah telephone users. The increase in investment has been very substantial for two reasons. First, we have tried to keep pace with continuing demand. Second, it takes a lot more dollars to provide faciliiies at today's high cost levels. 9 In the last five years we've spent nearly t'25 million for construction of new facilities, and our program this year is continuing at an even greater rate. O Not only is more equipment being added daily throughout the state, but Utahans are find-. find-. ing the telephone more and more useful. O Ten years ago, about 600,000 local and long distance calls were being handled daily. Today the volume has more than doubled, with a daily average approximating 1,300,000. O The combined efforts of 2,900 skilled employees em-ployees are building for Utah a telephone system to match the state's growing needs. The Mountain States Telephone and Te!s graph Co. MHi mm i i i j WLmn i mptJi TWTT1 1 'IV II 1, JF ' . ' .' .11. .U H.,"l'.i . 'J I "'" . I.' X:WXcM-0l slilt! ff-.'ii;;:!' . - f KtAi . u- t i ...v.v:' . .. -'U V '.: ''j t 'i miW . ... W ? ' S ' '"'- Ji xys i i; ;?" ,:, ys '; r:i, 'X x ' . :: v:. m ! vs., v: ": ,v: 'i f ? ... : !s. . ; r v , v. . '.' -s. -ly:- " ' - -- .VVi .'. ' ' " :jj ' i'' , - ;;'',; : " : -'v.':". x:: : .f . . ,, y . : ' ?f r . i-i sAjt. .. A . '.: V":.V:i; 'X -i '-Xj : y v.: '-VS Are high labor costs "fleecing" your farm profits? Let electricity help you with hay hoisting, water pumping, brooding, lighting, wood Sawing and 101 other farm chores- EUY FROM YOUR DEALER FOR SALE Coal Best quality Oil Slack and Lump. Free Delivery De-livery Dial Lee Dickey, 4861 at 480 North, 1st East. P. G. WILL CLEAN OR REPAIR ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEANERS. CLEAN-ERS. Expert service. Work guaranteed guar-anteed 350 East, 3rd No. P. G. Ph. 4732. Free pickup & delivery. BEAL, PHONE LEHI 305W. CUSTOM BUTCHERING CLIVE I Let us make application ap-plication for you for your Gas Heating CALL Pleasant Grove 3311. Lehi I4J RASMUSSEN Heating and Ventilating Co. 79 SOUTH MAIN PLEASANT GROVE JESS MONSON INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Service 921 East, 1 North, or Phone 3803. MARY'S" SEWING SHOP, 6th South on Locust Avenue, specializes special-izes in Dressmaking, Alterations, hemstitching, etc. Come in anytime any-time or phone 5627 evenings. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Your Dead or Useless Horses, jows, and Pigs. For prompt service ser-vice Call COLLECT Utah Hide & Tallow Conrpany, Phone G. W. Price, 216 Lehi. FOR PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, See Floyd Tomlin-son, Tomlin-son, or Phone 5623. FARMERS Let nie siauphtei your beef and veal. LaVell Bor-en. Bor-en. Phone 3392, Pleasant Grove. Wet Pasture Wanted We have immediate sale for a good wet, pasture set-up for 100 to 200 head of cattle. If you have one to sell, please drop us a card. We also have qualified buyers for other farms and ranches. Call E. C. Bergeson, 6-7905. Collect. i Irvine Realty I 314 Brooks Arcade Bldg. j Salt Lake City, Ut., Phone 9-7114 |