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Show RADIO AND TELEVISION REPAIR All New and Modern Testing Equipment DOUG'S RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 53 South Main Pleasant Grove GROVE THEATRE Friday and Saturday October 24 and 25 funnier ihanThe Palefaca. u j bob HOPE RUSSf U ROGERS00 Paleface FlodaMd hr KBTKT L WDCH Dbcd br FRAJfll TASHUN ' ITiMiii lij fin - ' ' r---"' 1 A rnooud rata CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Chicken Coop, at sacrifice, 350 N. 2nd E. J. Busk. FOR RENT Apartment, Phone 5123 after Sunday. 320 N. 1st E. PIANO LESSONS at my home, Mrs. Conway, Phone 5754. FOR SALE Girls 9-10 brown hooded coat, $10.00 323 E. 1st South, Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE Monarch Kitchen Heater, Black Enamel, Ph. 3151 Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE Twin Rinse Tubs, Stan Keetch, Phone 3195. ASSEMBLIES TODAY AT HS HOUSE FOR RENT Unfurnished Unfurnish-ed -4 rooms Carl Smith, Phone 3481 P. G. FOR RENT Furnished 3 room apt. Clean, modern, all newly decorated. Phone 4783, 50 West Center. FOR SALE Used Estate Heat-rola, Heat-rola, Excellent Condition, cheap. Phone P. G. 2581. FOR SALE One Oil Heater, good as New. Mrs. Andrew Deitlas, 666 N. 1st East. FOR RENT Three large rooms and bath, Gas Heat, Phone 5501, 25 North, 5th East. FOR RENT Three Room furn. Apartment. Phone 4414, 350 N. 1st East. BABY BEEF, dressed approx. 300 lbs. or all, 41c lb. Frank Harris, 600 W. Main St. American Fork. FOR RENT One Room with Shower, 2nd North Main, Ph. 5124. WEANER PIGS for Sale, Harold Mendenhall, Saratoga Road, Lend. Le-nd. FOR SALE Just Received a Carload Car-load shipment of Antifreeze Frigitone, Firestone permanent type. Wholesale or Retail. PI. Grove Service. FOR SALE GOOD SADDLE, Oscar Brough, Phone P. G. 3444. Friday and Saturday dOHNYflWHE-. in Warner Bros'.,. : NANCY OLSO j ' nooucto . ROSEBI FtUOWS tCWeOlUCTM .WAYNE FUCS.NOtIJBIB.iV!(AfltSi ofipj UTAH NEEDS If the Democrats' Adlai Stevenson were to be elected, we KNOW what course his reclamation policies would take from the fact that his list of top advisors includes in-cludes Bernard DeVoto and General U. S. Grant III! Bernard DeVoto, a Ulahn by birth, is now a sclf.slylcd ,. erner who delights in criticizing his native state. He has fanatically opposed the proposed Echo Park dam, key unit in the Upper Colorado Colo-rado River development proposed by the Bureau of Reclamation, ond on which the vital Central Utah Project depends. Gen. U. S. Grant III, heod of th8 Nalional Park Service has fought the Echo Park project from the beginning ond carries a major share of responsibility for the present lack of action on Upper Colorado Colo-rado River development, which is so vital fo Utah and to all of the West. Gen. Grant's efforts have been vigorously opposed by Utah's Republican Senator Arthur V. Walkins. A VOTE FOR STEVENSON IS A VOTE TO KILL RC. ' - TION DEVELOPMENT ON WHICH UTAH'S FUTURE Dii; ... To build Utah and the West in the way we all want to do VOTE REPUBLICAN! ELECT EESENHuWER-MXON Let's Clean House with Ike and Dick! Watkins - Dawson - Lee ARTHUR V. WATKINS to the U. S. Senate WILLIAM A. DAWSON to Congress GOVERNOR J. BRACKEN LEE LAMONT F. TORONTO SHERMAN J. PREECE E. R. CALLISTER, JR. SID LAMBOURNE (Paid Political Advertisement by Utah Republican Slate Committee) Matinee Sat. 3 p.m. Sunday and Monday October 26 and 27 zKi:lj7 CARY GINGER iiWjVVl, f GRANT-ROGERS p fl CHARLES MARILYN L'-f I COBURN-MQNROE I Matinee Sun. 3 pm Tuesday and Wednesday October 28 and 29 MONDAY ONLY BYU SPEECH DEPARTMENT Presents Shakespeare's HAMLET' ONE PERFORMANCE , Three Gay Young Stars in LOVE-HAPPY ENTERTAINMENT! M-O-M m.rrlly presents "YOU FOR ME" (TAMINO PETER LAVFORD JANE GREER Git VOUNB Story ind Sum Pliy by wullAM ROBERTS DlrKtsd by DON WEIS Producod by HENRY BERMAN A MfTRQ.OOLDWYH.MAYER PICTURI TUESDAY ONLY THE SHORES OF TRIPOLI JOHN MAUREEN MKNXMI PAYNE 0'HARA SCOTT A 20 CfNTytY-KXX tNCOH thummu PLUS mum np0 TECHNICOLOR ; f AUL HENREID J 11 A COLUMBIA te loa arm m oownu Lr chwiiy eleka verdugo w tor 0. Scnm by tMvi L Kent Produced by Sw KaUmen (WKUdtiyVniJaca FOR SALE 40 Gallon Hotpoint Electric Water Heater, Keith Hunt, 879 Mt. View Subdivision, Orem, Utah. FOR SALE FORD CLUB COUPE 1947 good condition Call P. G. 5692. WILL CLEAN OR REPAIR ALL MAKES OF VACUUM CLEANERS. CLEAN-ERS. Expert service. Work guaranteed guar-anteed 350 East, 3rd No. P. G. Ph. 4732. Free pickup & delivery. TELEVISION IS BETTER THAN EVER See your local friendly GE Store for the best GE, Syl-vania, Syl-vania, RCA and Sparton Paul's Appliance, corner Main and Center Cen-ter streets Phone 3512. JESS MONSON AGENCY Auto, fire, and other types of insurance insur-ance and bonds. 921 East, 1st North, or Tel. 5591. Washing Machines, Vacuum, Irons, Toasters, etc, promptly repaired. Wringers, Automatics, Spinnners, 12 years experience Johnson, 141 West, 1st No, Provo, Phone 417J or Lehi 20-W. COAL Oil Slac and Lump, any amount. Rates on tonnage. Lee Dickey, 480 North 1st East, Phone 4861. INSULATE YOURHOME WITH ROCK WOOL and save up to 40 per cent on your coal bill See John S Green for information. Call 4422. Ammonioum Nitrate, Ammonium Sulfate, Treble Superphosphate, Mixed Fertilizers, Nitrogen Solution, Solut-ion, Ranger Alfalfa Seed, Weevil Control Chemicals, Complete line of Insecticides, Liquid Parathion, DDT Paste, Wettable Sulfur Geneva Food and Chemical Co, Phone 2021, Pleasant Grove, Utah RADIO-TELEVISION SERVICE One block East of Cemetery Phone Pleasant Grove 2421. $50 for your old washer regardless regard-less of condition on the new Twin Tub Dexter No cash down $12.00 a month. Johnson's 141 West, 1st North, Provo, Phone 417J or Lower Lehi, Phone 11. LEARN TO PLAY THE ACCORD-ION, ACCORD-ION, We furnish the instrument. Phone Pleasant Grove 5113 today. to-day. Eph. Twitchell, Progressive School of Music. i-f vfr a s , s;.....:.:-. - ' 5 v-.s , Wv . . ; " Lfc - i -v-T . WiM WW ' OU II ' 1v 4 LsMa9 PMd.nl on ava.labilil, ol material.) m SB always get a lr;0 3 M l You get more work for 9 wA m9MSMwmWM mmmmm lcss n,oncy wiih ch mMwM I i w& m p 0M tl h a,ways "-' Wfw fmw$ vi P4 WM M y ' Ka wAM fel ma,ched to t,ic jb- with the pacity, the right engine, trans-f?rf trans-f?rf mission, springs, axle, and Wi A - X" tires. ff$ A ' Co"16 m and sec how you'll i wSt a ifrMk jm, wm r f be,'Z!hul " lH'"cr mw-m WITH CHEVROLET TRUCKS! imJ A better buy because ... They list for less than comparable models of other makes. Low operation and maintenance , costs-plus traditionally higher trade-in saves f"; T you money. ry y f A better deal because .. . vlllSTjnffJ) Chevrolet's long list of extra-value features S!l.( M n, . t l . oilers more truck for less money! Get a better S""3 Mor' ch,!V",le, Trotl" u" Iho" r othor Makol deal and a better buy with Chevrolet trucks! Timpanogos Motor Co. 1 WEST MAIX AMEKK AX I OKK, I TAII Starts Wednesday "Just For You" 5SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ssssssss Jermmse B1LVND afeat i $r.;4 I 86 PROOF THE. OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, OWNER-SHIP, MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 21, 1912, AS AMENDED AMEND-ED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, ANDJULY 2. 1916 (Title 39. United States Code, Section 233.) Of rieasant Grove Review published pub-lished weekly at Pleasant Grove, Utah for October 1, 1952. Publisher, A. B. Gibson, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove, Utah. Editor, A. B. Gibson, rieasant Grove, Utah. Owner, A. B. Gibson, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Mortgagees holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds mortgages or other securities arc: Bank of Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Grove, Utah. The average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers sub-scribers during the 12 months preceding pre-ceding the date shown above was: 725. A. B. Gibson, Editor and Publisher Sworn to and subscribed before me this 23 day of October, 1952. (Seal) Kny Jacobs (My commission expires July 15, 7-956.) WANTED 100 young men 17 V2 to 35 years of age for railroad telegraphers. More than 80 placements place-ments the pa.st few months. Short training period. Small tuition charge. Position with railroad soon as qualified. Write Box 278 care of Pleasant Grove Review. Give ad.'.:-s and phone. FOR SALE Modern Brick home, full basement, electric water heater, water softener, Venetian blinds, Located in Manila. $7,000. Phone 3SS2. |