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Show SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS kloude 2)rjJ jor oCarger Sized f-rinceii Style Simple Sewing vf'Vafi Jt m -4 Jfy '-'J " j if i i it M 5tor(B(liHDrt!E(l Vjf) DOCTORS ; It-"- rrrt HIGH r';l ENERGY FOOD 'it--: T f TONIC for 11 r I j iUA1 ' I I Helpi tont up adult , RE t , ysWmi low In AAD Wl1' V' 1 Vltmln. Helps All ' J?' til children build sound jr taatta. strong bonea. if - fi lit ItP I O 'rib l t TYT "1 q M j Practical Frock , U ERE'S a neat, practical house frock to start your day with a smile. Cut on slimming lines, it is gayly trimmed with bold ric rac, a narrow sash ties in back. The two handy pockets are optional. op-tional. ' Pattern No. 8194 Is for sizes 36. 38, 40, 42. 44, 46, 48, 50 and 52. Size 33, 4 yards of 35 or 39-inch; 3i yards trimming. Keyhole Neck pASY sewing for the beginner a simple yet very smart princess prin-cess dress that goes together like a charm. Insets at the waist gives a nipped in feeling, the keyhole neck is accented with shoestring bows. Pattern No. 1760 comes In sizes 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20. Size 14, 314 yards ol 39-lnch. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 530 South Wells St. Chicago 7, 111. Enclose 25 cents In coins lor each pattern desired. Pattern No Size Address I ' I Quick relief with U soothes ) j M E NTH O LATUM s c Doo-f let clogged-up nostril V Tj 1 eeP J"0" Sasping for breath 3?js?C s.-rr- 1 Mentbolatum. Your head -i starts to clear la hurry a 1-3 V sJ,!r 1 Mentholatum's famous com. Nv-y' lJ&LjzM $ bination of menthol, camphoff J' '" v xfTZsr 1 a oter fast-aaing ingredi- sC "l "f v-X ents helps thin out thick mucus, I '"-.1 a lessen congestion and swell- fiv V jr 'd soote inflamed mera- !y ffM. ...lf f 1 branes. '0 can breath Ivf HELPS VOU 6RgATHE 3 5 and 7 5 L f- r r i n 1 1 1 1 - ------ - - - ........ Gay Costume for Dolly A LL dressed up in a skating costume complete with mittens, mit-tens, boots and earmuffs! This cute set for a 21-inch doll is so easy to knit and requires very : ' 1 ' I 57 27 Vg Dolly Goes Skating little yarn. An entire cross-stitch alphabet is included with the instructions. in-structions. To obtain complete knitting Instructions, ititch illustrations and embroidery direc-Jons direc-Jons for Dolly Goes Skating outfit (Pat-:ern (Pat-:ern No. 5727) send 20 cents in coin, your lame, address and pattern number. SOWING CIRCLE NEEDLEWORK 530 South Wells St. Chicago 7, HI. Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No Name Address AsUr Mofnor, Sie Know . . . Clabber Girl is th """S baking powder with the balanced double action (ooSd HowtkMpltit) . . . Right, in the mixing bowl; Light from the oven, mmi m,,...,.-- - '-- - - - - ' ' Sec for yoiuseU... . I- ; ""V pnr; ! M "?' I" 'J'-V-Tl TryC.rneU.-ro" C 1 . 1 " 4 1 "'TforThroaO.lf.' ' nd Jr vou are not con- ! 5 ' 'r"' ny,,T ,hai Camels t P: : J ... i-i - r" : I " : -; . . ? .j. atv;--t t need that V" , Toa t 1 S3 li fund '"las 1 - , - U Tobacco Co. "" I t 4 - pVrV)V'$ II Salem. N.C - .r. , . A Miairi ,J |