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Show State To Move Elk From Congested Areas Salt Lake City Over 100 elk will be removed from congested areas in the state to areas which j have few or no elk at all, Direc- i tor Ross Leonard, State Fish and j Game Department, said today. j The elk will be taken in three traps, one each to be placed at Fountain Green, Mona, and San-taquin. San-taquin. The trapping will be done where elk are doing damage to private land and where their removal is necessary to protect private lands, Mr. Leonard said. The trapped elk will be placed; in Box Elder County in the! Grouse Creek region and in Grand County where the state has been anxious to start an elk herd. Other spots will be con- j sidered, Mr. Leonard said. Cottonseed cake, a successful) lure used in the Jackson Hole trapping campaign, will be used; in the Utah trapping program. This is not the first exper-I exper-I ience in trapping elk, Mr. Leonard Leon-ard explained. The state took 55 head of elk in 1945 and only 21 last winter. Loss in trapping elk is negligible, negligi-ble, the director said. The state has the trapping. process down toi where it is just a matter of get-1 ting them in the corrals, ramping ramp-ing them into the truck and then taking them to the planting area for release. i i |