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Show Bookkeeping Class; Available In American Fork An evening class in General Bookkeeping will be offered by the Central Utah Vocational School, at American Fork, be-j be-j ginning Monday, January 5th, for persons living in Lehi, American Am-erican Fork and Pleasant Grove it was anounced by W. W. Sor-enson, Sor-enson, local director of the Vocational Vo-cational School. 'This class is not limited to veterans alone," Mr. Sorenson stated, "but was designed for any person, including veterans training under the G I. Bill who would become more efficient effic-ient in his occupation; whose work would be made easier; or whose Qualifications for advancement ad-vancement would be increased by taking this class." Registration will take place at 7:00 p.m. Monday evening, January Jan-uary 5 at the American Fork high school, at which time further fur-ther arrangements will be made. "The Central Utah Vocational Vocation-al School is located to serve the entire area of Central Utah," Mr. Sorenson concluded- "We will be glad to furnish supplemental supple-mental training in any vocation vocat-ion where there are ten or more persons interested in the same course," |