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Show Classified FOR LEASE 7 acre Farm and 4 room House Ed. Bolger. 12-28-tf. P. G. ELECTRIC j .' REFRIGERATOR SERVICE RADIO SERVICE j E All Electric Appliances Repaired 5 Consulting Engineer on Elecronics 8C 9 ' Public Address Systems j ji Recordings Made To Order of your Voice or Musical Instruments 3.00 and up fcj '1 1 ;', Next Door North of Marrott Market S EARL WOOLLEY Bullock's AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR CLUFF FEED MILL QUALITY FEEDS OF ALL KINDS Dairy Ration Ground Corn Poultry Feeds Ground Wheat Hog Feeds . Rolled Barley Rabbit Pellets Rolled Oats Larro Dog Food Bran Remedies Shorts Salt Water Softener, etc HAY AND STRAW Orders Taken For Coal C. I. BULLOCK LINDON, UTAH Phone 3741 CUWi-m J mm FVfipn;! "fl" V TTTT er to, -, -tt-i: - . .trrrrarrrTsrsTt IChipman Super I Service I j GAS AND OILS j I COMPLETE LUBRICATION i Jreeness ch: iieer I Creek Coal Prompt Delivery 1 AUTO REPAIRING FOR RENT 5 ROOM MODERN HOME, 2 miles north of P. G. Phone 3426 P G 12 28 tf PAPER HANGING DONE Call 264 1 Lloyd J. Walker or see Mrs. Luella Walker. KLECTROLUX CLEANER and AIR PURIFIER Sales and Service OVen Whitehead, Phone 3S11, Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE 1940 Pontiao Sedan. Sed-an. Radio and Heater-new tires below ceiling-Excellent condition. Alvin Colledge Orem, Utah, by the Walker fruit stand on highway. FOR RENT Two room house, Phone 2642 or inquire ,of Edwin Danklef. Thornwood Studio I PORTRAIT and COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 1 Photos of Family Groups, Weddings and I Babies taken at your home if desired I Copies of Old Photos, Documents, Etc. made 8 I Phone 161 J American Fork I For Appointment 8 VIRGIL B. WOOTTON Photographer 4Thorrwood Pfjf", r. Khmi FOR SALE Four wheel trailer-Phone trailer-Phone 3185 Will Buy Fraction or up to 20 Shares of Pleasant Grove Primary Pri-mary Stock Phone 3211. HEMSTITCHING DONE AND BUTTONHOLES AT MOYLES FOR RENT Stromberg Carlson Sound System For Dances-complete with latest Records for all occasions Moyles, Phone 3881 or 2731, Pleasant Grove. AUTOMATIC SAW FILING re-toothing; re-toothing; Chains and Pipe !for Sale W'esley B. Jarvis. LOST Mens Silver 17 Jewel Renes Wrist Watch with Black .Leather Band Return to Raymond Ray-mond Homer. BUTTONHOLES MADE Mrs. R. L. Gardiner, Phone 2264. Littleford Bros. I GARAGE DEPENDABLE AUTO REPAIRING S I AND ACETELYNE WELDING 0 431 West, 2nd So, LEHI. UTAH Phone 8 ?f ALPINE I I CLUB 1 I H t Xh 1 n y MAIN HIGHWAYPLEASANT GROVE ' Howard Kearns and S I His Orchestra i ! Dancing Starts at 9 P.M, 9 Cover Charge: 75c Week Nights; Saturday Nights $1.25 i Announcing the Opening of Artesia Beauty Salon j ! Open House and Fourth Anniversary B ! 1 Monday Jan. 14 I ', I TEA 1 to 6 P. M. West Main, American Fork I Sfl?vtogSS8HMi" II mill llillMillll .mini" FOR SALE Good team one or both. Three gaited saddle horse idhesjter White Board Service Choice dressed pork-Varian West. FOR SALE Enameled Estate COAL RANGE; Prewar model; like new Phone P. G. 2141 WANTED IMMEDIATELY STENOGRAPHER Phone 61, American Fork. LOST LADIES WRIST WATCH; Elgin, Rose Gold; 15 Jewels Reward Mrs. Blaine Swenson. WALL PAPER HANGING 10 Per Cent Discount During January Joseph Reese, 348 East Lane, American Fork Phone 305M GUARANTEED RADIO WORK Done at my homel blk west of Post Office, Orson Lee, Phone 3341 ALL makes of Sewing Machines repaired. re-paired. Parts and supplies. All work guaranteed-V. H. Smith, 1205 East, 8th North, Phone Provo 1825J INSULATE YOUR HOME WITH ROCK WOOL and save up to 40 per cent of your coal, also weather weath-er striping and conking See John S. Green for information PHONE 2951 EXPERT DRESS MAKNG AND ALTERATIONS ON ANY KIND OF CLOTHING See Mrs. Verl Zabriskje, Pleasant Grove or call P. G. 3185. EXPERT REPAIRING WiASH-ERS, WiASH-ERS, and HOME APPLIANCES at Sinclair Service 81 W Main A-merican A-merican Fork, tel 360, -- R. A. B ETHERS, Mgr. W!MiU),aMawi;iw A Clean Reasonable Place I To Take Your Family or Parties No Cover Charge In Grill PREVAILING PRICES AT OR BELOW CITY PRICES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK--I2 NOON TO 12 P. M. QUALITY FOODS AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Alpine Grill 3 Alpine Club and Grill under separate j Management For Grill Reservations Call 3711 THIS RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! 200 to over 50,000 chick sales in one county was one record built up by WILSON QUALITY CHICKS A hatchery MUST have QUALITY ichicks and render a SERVICE such as you want, that . makes such sales records possible. RIGHT NOW it's not too early to start thinking about your next CHICK order. It not only will be good judgment hut just plain common com-mon sense to figure out how many chicks you can raise and when you want them. Be prepared with QUALITY BREEDS for the best chicken meat and egg quality prices. CHRISTIE STRAIN NEW HAMJP-SH1RES HAMJP-SH1RES and 100 per cent DRY-' DRY-' DEN STRAIN LEGHORNS, two t of the most profitable breeds. Straight run or pullets every j week. Write NOW for open dates, .prices and free literature. WILSON HATCHERY SONOMA, CALIF. |