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Show SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS Side Button Princess Is Smart A Smoothly Tailored Ensemble To Get Better Cough Syrup,Mix Et at Home SoEasy! No Cooking. Real Saving. To get quick relief from coughs du to colds, you should make sure by mlxlnsr your own cough syrup at home. It's no trouble at all, and you know It's pure and good. It needs no cooking, and It's so easy to make that a child could do It. From your druggist, get 2 ounces of Pinex. Pour this Into a pint bottle, bot-tle, and add enough plain syrup to All up the pint. To make syrup, stir two cups of granulated sugar and one cup of water a few moments, ntKil dissolved. dis-solved. Or you can use corn ssrup or liquid honey. If desired. The full pint thus made should last a family a long time, and crves you about four times as much cough medicine for your money. It never spoils, and children love Its pleasant taste. 1 And for quick results, you've never seen Its superior. It seems to take hold instantly, loosening the plilegm, soothing the irritated membranes, and helping to clear the air passages. Pinex is a special compound of proven ingredients, in concentrated form, well known for quick action on throat and bronchial Irritations. Just try it, and If not pleased, your money will be refunded. Adv. k (P ' 8907 12-20 8891 $1 jffl "A Jl Due to an unusually large demand and current conditions, slightly more time is required in rilling orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 709 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 25 cents in coins for each pattern desired. A Safe, Sound Investment Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! I W-s lit Worth Living" Stondby f DR. R. SCHIFFMANN'S : Thousand! of ASTHMADOR il de- r m ,i pendablc, effective inhalant, ' Ajthmpheil ( uJe ASTHMA- : . DOR'S rich, aromatic funics help reduce the ? gony of bronchia asthma, aid in relieving J distressed breathing. ASTHMADOR powder ; more convenient for home use and for chil- i dren, ASTHMADOR cigarettes and pipe mixture mix-ture for pocket or purse Sold by druggists J everywhere under our money-back guarantee. Pattern No. 5ixs Name Address ' p i.u .nil' ' .'Jinijii i" u .,, , . i EXTRA FRESH BREAD! yt v joflt ) lJ:, A?'AL Fresh active yeast goes right to work! No lost action no extra steps. Helps give sweeter, tastier bread flavor light, smooth texture perfect freshness! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME always use Fleischmann's active, fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable fttscu5 for more than 70 years America's LeASTs lf tested favorite. 1 'Hi II jj Why MUSCLES titat (Wq Labor Long Hours kpf rely on SLOAN'S " ' l a When outdoor work and chilling wind vCIVrJ vaTA lov muscles aching and (ore lak m$ ' I Ihefested way lo fast, happy relief. Just l 4 & pat on Sloan't Linimtnt, warm away s i jt 0, 'ab'infl muscular paint. No 2f fCfVi'f tx, " low, painful rubbing. You'll feel f fit ' '-ff hlt "hear treatment" go to V .Jsw Liis-' xl$ work penetrating Instantly, l V N"T'v 4JpJ stimulating circulation, i I S J relaxing tight muscles. M " -SwV 4 t Your handy way S' 'rf- 'J"t-? i to tolid comfort. I I JhL Tired Aching Muscles Sprains I I Vvs Stiff Joints Straint Bruises I fe SLOAN'S LI NIIMEN- f W 'C answers to all your stock disease problems-in flfp) CUTTER'S FREE CATALOG! fCiyZj Send (or it! Find out why inimals get Blackleg U there's better way yjjiry ' t,a" ''""Eh'"" to stop Abortion how "Shipping Fever" starts. Get dependable 1 I l"tSSS Vi' answers to these and your other animal disease problems from the world's leading J jr V expert in animal disease control Cutter Laboratories. Detailed descriptions of all -t-' ff diseases plus a handy chart, giving the boiled-down fact! Jim aend youx cam ' ji and address to Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley, California! t-tei? , |