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Show REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Bank of Pleasant Grove OF PLEASANT GROVE. IN THE STATE OF UTAH AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON 'DEC 30, 1944 ASSETS : United S'tates Government, obligations direct and Loans and discounts (including $2,485.63 overdrafts) $ 313,896.52 guaranteed I,197io20.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 5,970.00 Corporate stocks (including $.00 stock of Federal Reserve Bank) 2.00 Dash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, bal-ances, and cash items in process of collection 405,330.70 Bank premises owned $5,371.66, furniture and fix s $1,900.68 ! 7,272.34 Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate 2,644.96 Dther Assets 79 26 TOTAL ASSETS 1.932,215.78 LIABILITIES "emand deposits o'f individuals, partnerships, and corporations cor-porations 873.556.47 lime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and coporat- ins 927.565.60 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 9,675.00 ( deposits of States and Political subdivisions 28,653.43 i Oilier deposits (certified and officer's checks, etc.) 2,902.75 TOTAL DEPOSITS $1,842,353.25 , Other liabilities ' 1.151.33 j ICTAL LIABILITIES (not- including subordinated obli- j gations shown below) 1.843,505.08 ! CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ! Capital 36,OCf.OO Surplus 38,000.00 Undivided Profits 2,410.70 Reserves (land retirement account fVr preferred capital) 12j.300.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 88,710.70 I TOTAL LLABILTTIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 1,932,215.78 j 'This bank's capital consists of: I Capital notes and debentures of $11,000.00 I Common stock with total par value of $25,000.00 I STATE OF UTAH j bounty of Utah Juninus A West, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes 3 ind says that he is Vice President and Cashier of the above named bank ind that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and i oorrect statement o'f the condition of the said bank at the close of 1 businesss on the 30th day of December. 1944. 1 JUNIUS A. WES1 Correct Attest: " H. V. SWENSON C. J, COBBLEY KEITH H, JACOBS STEPHEN L. CHIPMAN , Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me t'": ftv ''-- rr Jpruarv. "95. CALVIN H. ?-,VENSON. Notary Public (Seal) Residing at Pleasant Grove. Utah 1 My Commission expires July 10. 1946 2 TATE OF UTAH Office of Bank Commissioner , Rulon F. Starley, Bank Commissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the I stat?ment o'f the above named company, filed in my office on Jan. I 10 1945 RULON F. STARLEY, Bank Commissioners |