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Show i Ed's Welding Shop I I Fix and Repair Anything from I Kids Wagons Up To Farm Wagons i 1 Welding Guaranteed f! 1 m oonos F 4- i ' ' r i t ' K ... iv.-. . . bi&ru! Corps Photo Gen. Krcuger, Gen. Kenny and Gen. Sutherland discuss invasion plans on one of the Philippine Islands. Is-lands. They consider the vast quantity quan-tity of munitions that War Bonds buy and which make possible the advance ad-vance of our armed forces. U. S. Treasury Department m American Heroes , , by .JULIAN OLLENDORFF : 1 .lthough he realized that an enemy submarine was close at hand and his U. S. destroyer would leave him in the event of tttack, Fireman, First Class, David Jack Stephenson, U. S. C. G. R., of Clendenin, Va., went over the side to rescue three men in a small raft. He swam to the raft and fastened lines around, the survivors. Stephenson was cited for his heroic performance. The ropes, raft ' and destroyer were paid for put of War Bond funds. i U. S. Treasury Department Wrights Garage Formerly Lindon Garage Automotive Repairing Ignition - Brakes - Motors "OUR JOBS STAY PUT" i - : " ' . " " . ' K 1 ' S' - . " ! ; t ! ' ' A ' , - v.--"" .--' ' : j Othcial U. S. Army Photo Lieut. R. D. Bost, Frankfort, Ind., smiles after rescue by a Navy "Cat-alina" "Cat-alina" 150 yards from the Japs when his plane was hit. pinning him 40 feet ! under water. War Bonds paid for the plane that saved his life. U. S. Treasury Department I giffi BoURAr I WHO HAD A JSLnJ CHECKERED S Tr m'3 CAREER HrO)--AT 4,r Jissi.X 2EKE WAS 0n6 OF THE FIRST S aTZ i"'" BIS LEAGUERS 1M SERVICE, AND BASE 5 HAS BEEN M NORfH AFRICA 0R- .IM AhmWHG BASEBALL LEAGUES FOR BOTH A THE SOLDIERS -YOU CAN r. " BSA &I6 LEAGUER. t n , V Hz foo BY BUYING $ j IV t j. Jj0 w .;? eL U. S. Treasury Dcpartmtr ea!S I JOIN THE J of DIMES JANUARY 14-31 est summer America experienced experi-enced the second worst epidemic epi-demic of infaiiHie paralysis ir is history. "!;e disease attacked veak and ;trong alike, irweding the rich- st and poorest homes in the lotion. Tour dimes and dollars, supporting sup-porting The National Foun-3ttf Foun-3ttf ion for Infantile Parol' 5,'ois, made it possible to render expert care and treatment to ri'l polio victims, regardless of -jc. rac6, creed r.r color. N-ry of these thousands of rew victims will reed care for Tionlii''., years, some perhaps tor a lifetime- Next summer America mutt be p'Cpcred to meet whatever epidemic emergencies moy 01 he. Sappoi't the Fnmd-RcU- incj Appeal in your locality lo-cality and send your dimes and doiicrs to President Rcosevelt i rhfi White Houe. t-- BACK UP SPWOUR BOY 0mJ ,nreas tfcjr payroll savings Si-- fo your family limit kit? L Why Farmers Should Buy & Keep War Bonds : 1 f ? by R. R. Renne ' President I .. - , , Montana State College ,' C I Bonds i Over America 1 VJAHBDnPS 1 t ?v Tn 1 ! aL. " s - X "X j Signal Corps Photo Paratrooper Pvt. W. H. Higgins, Jr., drops in unexpectedly on his dad, Merchant Marine Capt. Higgins, Hig-gins, aboard ship at Naples. The son's chutes and father's ship were bought with War Bond funds. Buy War Bonds. U. S. Treasury Department FDR daV iXcs?'? Curtail spending. H Tut your savings ; into war lunula every I xm mm v -i , "":';' ! f ' - : v v I t . . .' , 5 " Otlictitl U. 6'. Wavy IViul. ' "Tin l-'ish" j'.ue:; dnu'n a It.'ilch 01 (ln;t st:ii:e of itii jonnicy to Mink ai ! enemy ve.'H. W;ir llonds p.'iy fo r these dc-iilly 1 1 1 i :: n i 1 1 u.mhI in null ' tiinrines and also ,'::ive money fo ' your- po.'.t-war ieee:;:;il ies. II. S. I ri-rmii v Departmm I - BUILDING financial reserves, paying off debts, helping to fight dangerous inflation, and patriotism, pa-triotism, are all good reasons why farmers should buy snd hold War Bonds. A good financial reserve is an important part of s-'.und farm management. War Bonds are safe investments and are almost as iv,uid as cash. Thus, they comprise com-prise an excellent financial reserve re-serve for unexpected needs and emergencies. After the last war prices fell rapidly, as they have after every major war, and thousands thou-sands of American farmers lost their farms because they could not weather the economic storm. No other factor is more essential for continued satisfactory farm opera-t'or.s, opera-t'or.s, through good years and bad, than adequate financial reserves. In addition to unexpected needs for emergencies, farmers r.ced adequate reserves to finance repairs, re-pairs, replacements and improvements improve-ments around the farm. Difficulties Difficul-ties in obtaining needed materials ard labor for these expenditures cause farm buildings and equipment equip-ment to wear out faster during the var period than in peacetime. If farmers can wait until sometime some-time after the var ends to make these repairs and improvements, their dollars should go farther than they will immediately following H e war, and better quality material-; will probably be available. I.I'.reover, too rapid r forced cashing of Var Lend:: immediately, immediate-ly, after the war could cr:at: a eriou'i .-.ifuarion and contribute to I po:,t-7.-'r iiiCr.tion, Alv, holding Londs to maturity make;; it possible possi-ble for the- farmer to increase bin investment by one-fourth through aecumo'afe- interest. Still t.noUi-,r t.noUi-,r reason for having a good reserve re-serve in the form of Var I'.onds i:: that funds will be available fur the boy;; vhen the- return, to assist as-sist them in geiti n, ; established in peaeetirne pursuits. Many farrnrri hlill have nni:-terrn rnurtgaKe deht out-Klaniliiii; out-Klaniliiii; ai:i'ist their proper ty. Investment in War Bonds now makes it possible for the farmer to help finance the war and at the same time accumulate accumu-late the funds which will enable en-able him to liquidate his debt in a lump sum after tlu: war. Systematic purchase of War Bonds furnishes a very orderly and sure way of accumulating the necessary funds for liquidation liqui-dation of debt that requires large lump sums for settlement. settle-ment. The extremely heavy expenditures expendi-tures required to carry on modern total war creates high purchasing power, which combined with shortages short-ages of materials and labor, cause serious inflationary threats. Most farmers can remember the very high prices which occurred during the last war and the very low prices and depression which followed. fol-lowed. With the present scale of operations much greater than during dur-ing the first war, it is imperative that widespread inflation in general gener-al prices and in land be prevented. prevent-ed. Using surplus funds to purchase pur-chase War Bonds helps reduce inflationary in-flationary pressure in commodity markets and, at the same time, helps finance the var. Building financial reserves, paying pay-ing off debts and fighting inflation, comprise adequate reasons for buying War Bond:;. However, there is still another major reason why farmers should invest in Var Bonds until it hurt:: and this is the patriotic reason. Vo are engaged in a very serious struggle to pie-serve pie-serve democracy and our way of life. Mhe sooner v,-o can win this var the fewer lives of our son:! and daughter;; will be lost. Our youth are making great sacrifice:; on the bal.th front:; all over the world, and it i:: up to each one of u:; on the liomelront to give uil we have-. Large !:um:J m-mey are needed for winning Hie var and if ve vill all buy Var Bond:; to the limit ;f our resource;: voluntarily, ve can help finish the var at an early date. V. S. Trrtnry Irpnrtmrnt j I Bonds Over America IliHj PICITEKKLL MANSION Built by two English carpenters about 17(1(1. the famous mansion at ' Killrry l'oint, Maine, stands as a monument to sturdy colonial New " Mngl.-mders. Widow of a prospcr-1 prospcr-1 ous soldier-merchant, Lady IVpper-" IVpper-" ell, refused to relinquish her lille 1 after the Kevolut iouary War. Those '" early Maine folk liuill, homes as .'-.olid as their 1 in-k-hnutid coast and in llieir dependents persists a love 1 nf freedom and an ingenuity that Is vilal In Americans today lighting for victory, freedom and world peace. Shrewd, economical llowu Isast folks buy War Bonds- liberally as an insurance for Hie future us well us to back our men at war. ( '. .S. nv.oif.v I W I'tii t went I GOVERNOR'S MANSION South Carolina's governor's mansion man-sion at Columbia is clothed In history his-tory and romance that links the olc and the new Souths. Built in IB!)!), it was originally the officers' bar racks of the Arsenal Academy. It escaped the lire that swept par of the- city that year and came through the Var Between the Slate; unscathed. Simple in construction ' it is cooled by dense foliage of I h.' beautiful trees snuggling close. Wai Bonds have maintained a defensi against, injury to this historic geir anil vill guard il. safely to peace. . .S. V M-'iwe.v h" 1 - Yea keep Lkfj , mm mms . rr lUv v i I f't Ot ( ,Wt Iff I SuhSyBroqk f j i YJ&W" fct3 1 H ; a & I r i a ntioni tiisiuiiiis rtmnucis coiiriiKtiiiK. niw vnm li V' I0URBIIN WNfcMY A IlINU M N001 4 MIN KWIKM SnllS FDR dayl: I hope A iiierleanH L ;.. will ligure out for w ' t lie in hc ! v i'N iii!li- ' 1 ', tional payroll buv- ; j, ; fty MiH-tv-sIs t-cnlH out ol p, t rx-ery diillar ik-h for Wm V,' , w r p - n il 1 1 ll r r H , tl . J'-,?: 'Il"' "itlier four ' 17 '" iW- ""r" r" -i - ..V X, J o v r ii in r nl , For rccilom's S.iko imiuti." T2HSZ7 UNITED STATIS WAR BONDS , STAMPS !- -- a BUY MGHE THAI! BEFORE V J |