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Show : llomls Over America tow I iLU - -. . ... :. I hh 'I Hi 'I 1 iiV- li ?, Ini -. :u ,v v 1 .i Wlr 1 :mVi- f ' "' "' " ' . i. 3 I' i' ! " ! !, . - 't. .: . "! WIN 10 CLASS l'ULlMT All over New Hnduml stand while churches, emblematic of Freedom of Kelifjion. Now.. ere is tliere a more impressive shrine Hum the wine dass pulpit in the .Sundown, N. II., meeting house, erected about 177:1. The original pews lire there, too, where the eouijrcr.ution listened to sermons more than 170 years ai;o that would have brought banishment to concentration camps under Nazi rlominioi . That's the American way: liberty for each to worship God in his own way. That is one of the reasons why our men are lij;ht-inj; lij;ht-inj; and one more reason why we must buy War Bonds to the limit to keep them winning. . .S. 7'oM.vnry .''ill iili'M I MOW SUNDAf AFTIRIiOO.J ;ksl2:Wpj!!lK, v,,. ' , , 1 : - t : - j., I i '., k .-"''' ! : S w ? i : ,yr'' I f. y&&t- ' i . ,A iwuri-wurmittfi iiilfr(tur nfyiynwL''rfut tnoi.iv. ' t ....... i ..:,..: ..... . .1 Brought to You by UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. ' I 7Yo ,xii sfans a! na.'Vsig -."'V rv )''. Cpjy Were for fn.ilom'i Jul. . J i Jlii.tJj I 1 I ff0 ' ST'S ' " FOR F: : Utah Oil Refining Company's ) j ifi s2 n I i Save on oil, creases and other farm necessities. k l ; Act now to insure getting: ' V j. Attractive quanii Ly discounts H i Convenient, frequent "on the spot" ' f ; service and delivery j J V t Uniform high quality products .sj Reliable source of supply v i No payment is required with your order f pay only as goods are delivered. Check over , r. your requirements now. Choose From This Attractive List: V i Pep 88 Gasoline D. B. Harness Oil , f,; Vico Motor Oil D. B. Shoe Oil I Vico Gear Lubricant Jersey Separator Oil ' Vico Truck & Bus Oil MormilkCow SprayOil ? Quaker State Motor Oil Vico Cup Grease i R. P. M. Delo Oil Vico Pressure Grease j 1 i- D. B. Neatsfoot Oil Yankee Axle Grease i In addition to the above we carry a number of i other Lubricants, Specialties, Fuel Oils and !. Cleaning Fluids. ' Phone, write or ask your local Utah Oil Refining Co. distributor for details j ' 1 . I UTAH OIL nEFiNiNG lwJj vi: cor;:PAY i. f-fanufacturers of a complete line of petroleum products, 1 including motor fuels, lubricants, specialties for farm use, and industrial oils StRVING FARM FRONT u&$& WORKERS n& - STEPHEN R. MURDOCH: V , , by JULIAN OLLENDORFF EL t HfiMrlk ! J-Jieut. John A. Sabini, U. S. Marine Corps, of Washington, D. O, would not ask his men to do anything he would not do himself. To locate Nips on Bougainville, he deliberately exposed ex-posed himself to draw their fire. His men knocked out the enemy. Wounded in the chest and left leg, Lieut. Sabini received the Silver Star medal for gallantry. Buy War Bonds to train more men to exterminate the Japs. U. S. Treasury Department w ,ur BoBBV ( ttfil BOB TEAMED UP WITH tfAiKW" (WTo WIN TWE HFTOHfL nAfioL -Doubles crown last sept, linR f ' PROVING THAT IH SPORTS a JmP W ( ?V AS N WAR TtfE ARM Ai C!lSlS 1 ' v MHAVf COMBINE fV anisic hi UNBEATABLE A 1 fi'f M TEAM! U : h Y BOMS' U. S. 7 reasury Department um m - e : riiiia v-i mum i rmm WAR ES&NB fift sssm "ear iSmt si i es vesicae si I Is Yosar lisrvslment En Am2Bieei M(-r. Any Excuse Ycu i f'S'HfiCan Find For Not fi-flfil "pping Your fjfSBond Buying Will &'X Please Hitler War ' bonds rinuum :r.can .- f ,J- something more to you than just "a good sound investment." invest-ment." Figure It out yourself. |