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Show I'.'iU'-fn Tif.ll eimtnn d!rrr-fu,ni t,r b'-r'-l nnd III u Ml r ill l'n of ll I leh'-x; llJ of m.'il'-rli-ils requir'-d. I J i J? to tin uniiMiii lly linr d'-rn.'irid nnij current w;ir conditions, lu:htly more lima In r'-'iiilrcfl in (llllntf ord'm tor a tew cl Hie mo;;t popular p;ill'-rn number. Send your order to: Hewing Circle Nee dlrrraft tept. 117 Minna St. Kan Franrlsro, Calif. Enclose !5 ccntl (plus one cent to cover coat of mailing) for I'.-ittern No Name Addresi "Patterns 10-20 I H ' , T V J V- So Feminine. ' l lll PVERYTIIING'S there a young lW(l ) ft. I two-piece with sim)le moulded ' nji I lines, feminine frilly trimming and I uJliSi ! Expensive looking details. 1 1 HtUJ? . . . -Mm Barbara Boll Pntlern Nn. 170213. de- 1 770 i. P JA" llKncd for sizes 10. 12. 14. 10. Ill and 20. f Corresponding bust mcnsnrenicnls 2li. 30, 10-20 I J 12, 34. 30 and 38. Size 12 (30) requires, A J wllh short sleeves, yards 39-Inch mn- J J Icrlnl. yard contrast for collar. IVa Ls( rords machine made ruining. f 'J rillrt trt fin llnlicnnllv Inrd mnr, nnri 560 CROCHETED accessories gaily team up with your tailored clothes this season. This jifly crochet cro-chet beret and purse set is colorful, color-ful, becoming and so economical to make up in straw yarn. Both pieces are done in just one long strip of crochet. F.uy War Savings Bond.s K By Drinks f yKf) I So Feminine. rpVERYTIIING'S there a young two-piece with simple moulded lines, feminine frilly trimming and expensive looking details. Bnrbnra Bell Pntlern No. 1702-13. de limned for sl.cs 10, 12, 14, 10, 111 and 20. Corresponding bust mcasnri-mcnls 2U, 30, (2, 34, 30 and 38. Size 12 (30) requires, with short sleeves, yards 39-inch mn-Icrinl. mn-Icrinl. 9i ynrd contrast for collar. fords machine made milling. Due to an unusually large demand nnd current war conditions, slightly more time Is required In filling orders for a few of the most popular pattern numbers. Spring Posies. IJ OW colorful, young nnd bc-coming bc-coming is this princess dress with brilliant, wool-cm hroidered posies blooming at neck and hem line. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1770-B Is designed de-signed for sizes 10. 12. 14. 10, IK and 20. Corresponding bust measurements 28. 30, 32, 34, 30 and 38. Size 12 (30) requires, with short or 3,i sleeves, 4'b yards 35 or 39-inch material. 4 yards ric-rac to trim; '3 hank blue and b hank red wool for embroidery. Send your order to: Uncle Pkil& X7lIEN a dog tries to be so- ciable, he means it. That's more than we can say for a lot of people. It Is curious how a Pullman porter never fails to recognize the really great. When a pessimist looks ahead, all he can see is a headache. T.nvc niultrs the world fin around, but it ttilccs money to square it. If you are so unhappy as to have a foolish" friend, be yourself wise. You have to be on the other side of the cloud to sec the silver lining. It is not well to have an open door and a locked up countenance. I, . -f ' " f L- "' " " For that WAR-TIME VrWS BAKING RECIPE, 41$ Guard against baking failures by choosing -A proved ingredients . . . Guard against waste fOc'T1' nc e Sure ' resu'ts w',n Clabber Girl, tho QJWy '3''n9 powder that has been the baking V ( kVVv day favorite in millions of homes for yearf J'W"""'S,'5 on yearj J'r Mother, She Known foSd KekMpm'r Clabber Girl never fails on baking days! SEWINO CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery Street San Francisco Calif. Enclose 20 cenlj In x'nt for ench pattern desired. Pattern No Size Name Addresi When KIDNEYS need diuretic aid When overstrain or other non-orpanic, non-systcmic cau.se slows down kidney function, the back may ache painfully. Naturally, urinary flow may be lessened frequent but scanty often smarting. "(Jetting "(Jet-ting up nights" may ruin sleep. To relieve such symptoms, you want quick stimulation of kidney action. To help attain this, try Gold Medal Capsules. This casy-to-takc diuretic has been famous for over 30 years for such prompt action. Take care to use only as directed on pack-flue. pack-flue. Only 3 5e at drug stores. Accept no substitute. Get the genuine Gold Medal Capsules today. They act just! (Sffl FaEHTEIBiS! VV" Alone, or with. r" fruit, crisp deii- ocfve time, ciousKellogg'sCorn i r i Flakes supplement WOTK, fife, the nutritive ele- , r i ments of milk... help Other TOOCIS, you stretch your milk , j supply. You need less L TOO. than a glassful per serving. CORN I JzZ&fm FLAKES LJ KftlloRft's Com FMfl! m r- '''. "' f" ' 'I V ' itoftifl to WHOLE GRAIN HU- NA-'"" KUCiyt' t - TRITIVE VALUtS ol Ihumin J (Viuimtn Bi), Niacin and Iroo- (1 'J DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP When bowels ore sluggish ond you fool irritable, headachy, do as million! do chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chowinR-Rum Inxotive. Simply chow FEEN-A-MINT before you ro to bed, tnking only in accordance with packnRO directions sloop without being dis- ' turbed. Next morning gcntlo, thorough relief, helping you foel swell ngnin. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is hnndy nd economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINT loi |