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Show Midnight in Manliattan: The Big Parade: Fannie Briee's son, Billy, is an accomplished artist. When he finishes 25 canvases he will hold a one-man exhibition. He's done a dozen to date. . . . Mary Ellin Berlin, 19-year-old deb daughter daugh-ter of the Irving Berlins, has loU of beaux, but the most ardent appears ap-pears to be socialite Murray McDonald, Mc-Donald, kin to H. Ford II. Sallies in Our Alley: Jackie Glea-son Glea-son and Vince Curran were swapping swap-ping quippies at the 66 Club in the Village. ... "I see," said Gleason, "where Mayor-elect O'Dwyer jg making some alterations in the Mayor's May-or's official home." . . . "Natch," said Vince, "he's replacing the brass fire-pole with a stairway I" ... At the 400 they were panning a well-known drunk, who was reported re-ported suffering from a brain concussion. con-cussion. . . . "Wonder how that happened?" hap-pened?" someone asked. ... "I think," said Fred Allen, "he was hit on the head by a falling napkin." Midtown Vignette: It was at "21," the veddy swanky delicatessen on West 52nd Street. . . . Milton Berle says it happened to him, and you know how reliable he is. . . . Tenny-rate, Tenny-rate, after he dined the waiter amazed Berle by whispering: "I lost your check and I can't remember remem-ber everything you had. Can you recall?" . . . "Of course," obliged Milton. "I had a shrimp cocktail vichy-swah, roast beef, cherry tart, demi-tasse and two glasses of water." wa-ter." . . . "Thanks," said the waiter, wait-er, "but you didn't have to mention the water we don't charge for it any more." The Late Watch: Claudette Colbert, Col-bert, who wears a $40,000 platina fox coat in "Tomorrow Is Forever," got the coat as a bonus when the film was completed. . . . Bob Hope's doctors doc-tors have warned him to take it easy. . . . Seven contribs sent in this one: "Fortissimo means loud music; pianissimo means soft music; mu-sic; and Petrillo no music!" Times Square Ticker: Duke Ellington's El-lington's 8 new melodies, ' which he will Introduce at his Carnegie concert con-cert on Jan. 4. ... A newsmag states that baldness indicates virility. viril-ity. Doesn't that clash with the legend of Samson? . . . Vincent Sheean told chums that at the time of the landing on Salerno, Doug Fairbanks and John Steinbeck missed kidnaping Mussolini on the Isle of Ponza by 15 minutes. During the war American soldiers stationed on an island in the South Pacific attained the true Christmas spirit: The Brotherhood of Man. . . . The chaplain there has reported: "Their religion had no sects. Catholic, Catho-lic, Jew and Protestant alike went to one another's services." . . . And on the flap of the chaplain's tent there was a sign reading: "When you're in trouble, ask the Lord for help. He's very generous with it. While you're not in trouble, cultivate culti-vate His acquaintance and talk things over with Him. And when He does something for you don't forget to thank Him. He appreciates that." Sounds In the Night: At Theodore's: Theo-dore's: "Lissen, you, one more quack like that and you're a dead duck!" ... In Ruban Bleu: "He counts his girl friends by the doesn'ts. Veriwell, doctor, I'll go quietly." ... At the Carnival: "Someone oughta dot a couple of his eyes" ... At Pelham Heath Inn: "Boy, is she ugh-ly!" ... At Leone's: "He says his wife has a terrible memory remembers everything!" ev-erything!" ... In the Stork: "Money is the stuff I spend like I think I have it" ... At the Zanzibar: "He's one of those commandos that fought the war from behind a desk. You know, a Warflower." ... At the Golden Fiddle: "America now has two disgraceful attacks on Pearl Harbor. One by the Japs and the other by the Republican'ts!" ... At Howie's: "She's a peach. Very smooth with a heart of stone." Postmaster-General R. Hannegan is sizzling at the absenteeism among Demmys. He will withdraw support sup-port for re-election of those whose records reveal "not showing up" on important measures beneficial to the Administration. . . . Jesse Jones" "power" is still potent in the Capitol Capi-tol behind the scenes. . . . Lord Halifax's resignation is now expected ex-pected in May. . . . Major Chas. Boxer, groom of novelist Emily Hahn, left for Japan Dec. 26th as part of the Far Eastern Advisory Comm. . . . Customs men confiscated confis-cated Goering's Luger pistol from Billy Rose when he returned after viewing the Nuremburglars. FDR enjoyed spinning this yarn: On Christmas Day the telephone rang In the office of the rector of President Roosevelt's church in Washington. "Can you tell me," a voice asked, "if the President is expected ex-pected to attend church today?" "That," the rector explained pa- I tiently, "I cannot promise. But we expect God to be there, and we , fancy that will be incentive enough for a reasonably large attendance." . . . Quotation marksmanship Vic Mature: The only way to a woman's heart is to saw her In balfl I |