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Show FORMER RESIDENT OF PLEASANT GROVE DIES IN WASHINGTON John Lewes Robison, native of Plesant Grove died in a hospital at Longview, Washington, on January 2. 'from injuries suffered suffer-ed when a stove exploded in his workshop. , Mr. R'obison was born in this city on October 15, 1S74, to Lewes S. and Mary Driggs Robison, and spent his early youth and young manhood here, until he moved to the Pacific Northwest some years ago. For eight years he worked at the Vancover shipyards, and recently re-cently he worked as a building contractor in Longview. where as , a building contractor he worked on the first homes erected in Long-view. Long-view. He was a Spanish American war veteran, serving two years in the Philippines. Survivors include his wi'fe Sadie Holt Robison; three sons Dr. Holt Robison of Los Angeles; Lewes Robison, Longview and Ensign Merrill Robison of Olathe, Kansas; Kan-sas; four daughters, Mrs. Eugene Fettes, Mrs. Lester Patten and Miss Mary Robison of Longivew, and Mrs. David Williams of Portland; one brother Harold D. Robison o'f Washington, D. C. and two sisters, Mrs. Rlhoda R. Stagg of Pleasant Grove and Mrs. Elia R. Williams of Lark, Utah; and six grandchildren. grand-children. Funeral services were conducted on January 5 in the Steel Community Com-munity Church with Rev. John Cauble officiating. |