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Show wst views WW THE NEWS ? News Editor, BETH R. OLSEN Asst News Editors Dora Whiteley Margaret D. Radmall ASSEMBLY The assembly Friday, January j 11th. was under the direction of Miss Fenton. It was in commemoration commem-oration of Utah's Fiftieth anniversary. anni-versary. The program was as follows: fol-lows: Song, America. The Constitution and Statehood' of Utah, John Gouiiey; Reading, Mary Paulson; The Constitution Convention, Evalyn Smith; Music, America The Beautiful, Brass Sixtette; Meaning of Citizenship, Steven Whitehead; Music, Lovely Land of Utah, .Girls Glee Club; Preamble to the Consitutiion, Robert Rob-ert Ostergaard; Song, Utah We Love Thee. , We were favored by an interesting inter-esting and educational assembly, Wednesday, January 9th. Gayle Morton of the Salt Lake O. P. A. office spoke on the rising prices and inflation. We all enjoy these types of 'of assemblies. BASKETBALL Pleasant Grove Vikings continued contin-ued their winning streak by edging: edg-ing: the Lehi, Pioners 29-27 in over-time thriller on Lehi's floor. The Vikings had to do it the hard way, overcoming a 7 point deficit in the last 3 minutes. Grant Fugal put in the tying basket in the last two minutes left in the game, i Lehi went ahead again on a foul pitch but Bob Hilton tied it up again 27 to .27 with a free throw. On the extra period Pee Gee controlled the ball the remainder re-mainder of the three minutes to protect the winning margin. The Sophomores trounced Lehi 'by a score of 45-10. |