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Show CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT A UTOS , JT R UCKS &JVCCE SS MISCELLANEOUS WE BUY AND SELL OfHce Furniture, Files, Typewriters. Adding Add-ing Machines, Safes, Cash Registers. SALT LAKE DESK EXCHANGE SS West Broadway, Salt Lake Oily, Utah. WANTED TO BUY Ship all of your raw fur9. rabbit fikins, hides and wool to NORT11W lOSTKUN HIDE AND MB COMPANY. iKI Sonlh 3rd West. Salt Lake city, where you will always receiva highest market prlcei. Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly because be-cause lt goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to 6oothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed in-flamed bronchial mucous membranes. mem-branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding un-derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you ara to have your money bock. CREOMULSION for Couehs.Chest Colds, Bronchitis XTB "VEGETABLE y SET A 25' box"- rrrrmii ury One of the best home ways to mim pip if you lack BLOOD-IRON You girls and women who suffer bo from simple anemia that you're pule, wculc, "dnu:Ked out" this may be duo to lack of blood-Iron. Bo try Lvdla K. Plnkhum's TABLETS one of the bent home wuys to build up red blood in such cases. Plnkham's Tablets fire oun of the greatest blood-iron tonics you can buyl At all drugstores. WNU W 0 1 48 May Warn of Dinordrrcd Kidney Action Modern Hfe with Its hurry and worry. Irregular habiLB, fmprojer witinjt and drickiug iu rink of exposure and infection infec-tion throws heavy strain on Lhe worlc of the kidneys. Thry are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter sxrirns acid and oLber Impurities from tho life-giving blood. Vou may stiffor Batcrfng backache, headache, dizzinr-nn, felling up nip.btn, pa inn, swMlinn feel confttfintly tired, nervotw, all worn ont. Other sins of kidney or bladder disorder are sometimes some-times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doon'a Pilli. Dottn' bolp the kidneys to pans off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than h&lf a century of public approval. Are recommended recom-mended by grateful users everywhere. Atk ptntr neighbor |