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Show AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1947 AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIAT-IONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE PLEASANT GROVE CITY GOVERNMENT. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF PLEASANT GROVE CITY, UTAH Section 1. That the following sums of money, or as much thereof as is needed, be and the same are hereby appropriated out of the money in the treasury, not otherwise other-wise appropriated for the government gov-ernment of Pleasant Grove City for the calendar year ending December 31, 1947. Said appropriations approp-riations being to the funds indicated indic-ated and as further itemized in - the budget as approved by the City Council of Pleasant Grove City, Utah on December 30, 1946 as follows to wit: GENERAL FUND, $13,000.00 Officers salaries and expense, Printing and publishing, Audit, Parks, Cemetery De- ; partment and Misc. WATERWORKS FUND 8,925.00 Sup't. salary, Ind. Insurance, In-surance, Capital Expenditures Ex-penditures and Misc. STREETS FUND 7,000.00 Street Lighting, Gas oil & Equipment repairs, re-pairs, Ind Insurance, Capital Expenditures & Misc. PUBLIC AFFAIRS & FINANCE FUND 1,850.00 B'ldgs & parks custodian cus-todian salary, Recreation Recrea-tion program & Misc. LIBRARY FUND 1,025.00 Librarians salary, Light & fuel, Books, Supplies & Misc. MEMORIALS SINKING FUND ' 925.00 PUBLIC SAFETY FUND 6,349.60 Police & Justice salaries, sal-aries, Ind. Insurance, FireDep't., & Misc. IRRIGATION FUND 2,400.00 Supervision & Maintenance, Main-tenance, Assessments & Misc. I BONDS SINKING FUND & INTEREST 2,120.00 TOTAL $43,594.60 EST. RECEIPTS $43,594.60 ; Section 2. In the opinion of the Pleasant Grove City Council it is necessary for the health, safety safe-ty and well being of the inhabitants inhab-itants of said city that this ordinance ord-inance be in effect upon publication, public-ation, and it is so ordered. MARTIN S. CHRISTIANSEN Mayor Attest: HAROLD H. BULLOCK City Recorder ! State of Utah ; County of Utah) ss I Harold H. Bullock, City Rec-: Rec-: order of Pleasant Grove City, U-; U-; tab do hereby certify and declare that the fnivrvoing is a full and ; correct copy of an ordinance pas-i pas-i sed by the City Council of Pieas-; Pieas-; ant Grove City at Council meeting j held January 6, 19!7 in the City ! Hall in Pleasant Grove, Utah; that i said ordinance was passed on the i unanimous vote of all members of j the Counl and was thereupon ; signed by Martin S. Christiansen ! and attested by myself as City ! Recorder and ordered published as required by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I ! have hereunto .--et my hand and ; affixed the uncial seal of Pleasant ! Grove City tins 6th day of Jan-j Jan-j uary, 1917. HAROLD H. BULLOC7 1 (Seal) City Recorder |