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Show I !-., jiLlMl IMIIWWI IKJW-M'-l1'1 LtP WL .JPHSTI McGoofey's First Reader and Eclectic Primer fL-r TAited by H. I. PHimPSZ55iSiSSiSSiJ THE STORY OF PRUDENCE 1 Prudence was a popular name to give the girl in the first place. 2 It reflected her parents' wish that she be guided by wisdom rather than Impulse. 3 From babyhood she was guarded guard-ed very carefully. 4 She had a nursemaid and a governess until she was eight years old so that she would be assured of the fullest protection from dangers. dan-gers. 5 She went to private schools and was escorted both ways for the sake of safety. 6 Her folks saw that she came In contact with only the best people under the best circumstances so that she would come under the most refining re-fining Influences. 7 "A young woman needs the advantages of careful rearing," her mother used to say, "so that her life may be as free from menace as possible." 8 Mommer and popper's ambition ambi-tion was to keep her from all the hazards. 9 They didn't even let her pet strange dogs for fear the animals might be germ carriers. 10 And once, when she was stung by a mosquito, they called specialists special-ists and kept her under observation for 48 hours. 11 Prudence stood It until she found out life could be more exciting. ex-citing. 12 One day she disappeared and it nearly killed the old folks when they found she had run away with a fellow who wore loud vests, carried car-ried two pistols, spent most of his life traveling on trains by night and was head menagerie man with a circus. 13 They didn't hear from her for a long time. 14 Theu one day the circus came to town and they found Prudence billed us "Mile. Polores de Ramoz, Lady Lion Tamer. Performing In a Cage of Ferocious Beasts, Including In-cluding Two Treacherous Bluck Panthers." MORAL What's the use? CURIOUS FACTS FOR CURIOUS PEOPLE There are 32,657 bones In a shad, most of which may be found In the portion served you. The average electric cigar lighter light-er lasts six months unless you become be-come disgusted sooner. The cow flicks its tail 675,000 fewer few-er times during the winter than when It is fly time. Napoleon Bonaparte did not care for fruit gelatin. Oh. see the THE RIGHT WORD Check the word that properly completes the following sentences: 1 A hoax Is something used to chop wood a garden gar-den Implement a fleet animal ani-mal of the deer family a deception. 2 A humidor is an ofil-- cer of the navy a man who fights bulls a brass receptacle recep-tacle found In old-fashioned hotels a box In which cigars are kept moist. 3 Howitzers are '. . .a former for-mer ruling family In Prussia a small vegetable like mushrooms ' people who stand behind you at card games and make suggestions sug-gestions a type of gun. 4 Dickens wrote "The Face on the Barroom Floor" "Gunga Din" "When the Moon comes Over the Mountain" "Bedalia" "East Lynn" "The Man Who Would Be King" "David Cop- perfield." 5 "The Charge of the Light Brigade" was the work of..Rudyard Kipling Harold Bell Wright Edgar Guest Jimmy Montague Dorothy Parker Tennyson. 6 The mongoose is found In Hoboken, N. J India In-dia the corridor of the Free Puhllc Library strawberry tarts..! Swiss cheese. 7 Garibaldi was a shortstop short-stop for the Brooklyn club a moving picture director the Inventor of the nut pick An Italian general a bartender bar-tender at Looie's place. OUR ANIMAL FRIENDS The Lamb The little lamb looks quite forlorn: For tenderness It pines I know the feeling for I was A lamb in '29. It has some wool to keep It warm And can subsist on grass; That's where I differ from It for I don't like greens, alas 1 SCRAMBLED LETTERS TEST Each group of letters below can be arranged to spell a term or word used in golf. See how quickly you can decipher them. 1 Ptut. 9 Grnees. 2 Rdeiv. 10 Wayfalr. . 3 Approchoa. 11 Ruohg. 4 Nbliikc. 12 Waterlohe, 5 Eissarb. 13 Flga. 6 Tpra. 14 Neteenthnl loeh. 7 Bunekr, 15 Folg wowdi. 8 Ete. NOT-SO-SIMPLE ARITHMETIC 1 John has an apartment house 15 stories high with 210 apartments apart-ments of six rooms and two baths each ; Fred owns a 42-story office building; Harry is an apple vender; which of the three is best off? 2 "A" has made a serious study, of the problems of good government govern-ment for 45 years; "B" is a fearless, fear-less, frank and Intelligent civic leader with the courage of his convictions; con-victions; "C" is just a Dumb Benny who makes a spirited speech and never offends the party leaders; which has the best chance to land the nomination for the Presidency? 3 How long will it take an economist econ-omist six feet tall to make a chart II feet long by 7 feet wide, which will deceive 20,000,000 people weighing weigh-ing 1G5 pounds? 4 One hen lays an egg a day; another hen lays five eggs a week; a third hen produces an egg every other day and on Sunday lays two in a nest 24 inches wide; what's the sense of it at present egg prices? 5 Charles has a herd of 40 cows producing 200 gallons of milk a day; William has a herd of 32 cows producing 1G7 gallons a day; Boris lias one cow which gives no I milk whatsoever; which man has ! the least cause for worry when he I realizes how the price of milk Is declining? de-clining? O If six European countries owe ! the United States $50, 01)0,000, 000 ' for 17 years, how long will It take ' a man twenty-seven years old to collect a private debt of $32.50 : from a fellow who doesn't 'vant td pay, either? man. What Is the man doing? He is attend Ing a political convention. What is a political po-litical convention? conven-tion? A political convention con-vention Is like themunicinal sras plant only the flags are bigger and the fumes more deadly. H hat is the man doing at the convention? con-vention? The man is making a nominating speech. How can you tell? We can hear the phrase "than whom there is no greater friend of the working man in this glorious country today." Can you hear any other phrases? Yes, we can hear phrases such phrases, as "From the golden shores of sunny California to the surf-swept coasts of Maine," and, "Let us here dedicate ourselves to carry out the principles so aptly set down by that gre-a-a-at patriot, etc." Do those phrases Indicate a nominating nom-inating speecli is being made? Always and beyond all doubt How long will the man's speech last? Until the delegates begin yawning yawn-ing and somebody shouts, "Aw, name your candidate!" After he names his candidate, what will happen? They will put the man hack In the camphor closet for another four yea rs. |