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Show I ARE YOUR TREES, SHRUBS and LAWN " STARVING TO DEATH? t 1 1. ;. 5urirl.i;iiif to se the f jr--. P.. niiinij(;r of tn.-os and plant J j ZJijLv' Ufa that an; act !!! starwi.g. J ( . i For trees and shrubs, like all i " ., -r . .' plants, an: living thin?.. They ii l 'f tiJ y- ' 7JV r-ii!- pi'-my of jrii! nourish- I 4 i "( e ;-V. i iiig food, j i::t like humans. And i tl -- y -iM:' i " si:,:i!::r!y they thrive b,-t on a -- i.ivi-J'i -i J ' hahiiic,--! diet." i A .., ..-,--,v.,,. ; I ' ' p r To f j v r-(,'i!': this condition, ton'i' hits ned ! ' ) L" U f U I Z n nr. !. m cn for yearn have- u-. mi eii'-rt i.e. i """""" 1 i m 1 1 r i : . I Mii-ihod th.it any home mvn-r can employ. j 1 ? 'I lie,' apply V'i'.'oi'o, a. scientilie, eompl"le plant I j ' z Z food that :l'lppi"U lie' propel!',' Iiaianei-d nolir:::!l- J j! -L'! -','' ; 3 ii tiK-nl reipiired for Klmdy ;'i'o,vih and fail d.-vi-lop- I! ..j, , c. ,K, ,r j j r, lnent. f I: . " - A ?; ','e hloil-: anil cell SAil't and ','oin pa n hs igoro. I ji ; ' " ! i K Headquarters for jj Feeds, Coal and Poultry Supplies I Wearing Good Clothes I Is A Pleasure I Not Simply A Necessity s , - " : " ! : - . C Win- talk about price . h Wlien a man goes ! when its style that SW "Ipt1! to hlSh school he! you really wear. T - - wants university! v TT , , ff P I SEE? f style; the new colors; ! Hart Schaffner & j plO the hest patterns' R' Marx make good Ills parents look for & clothes for less than t ,-- H vJfj7 i -y economy. Ct an.yone else. Volume 4 yf r - ) -."-s p and buying power do J J y $30.00 up I ' nno T l S Hart Schaffner & 5 00 up y(yA LvijJS Marx suits Phases g But you don't wear a W 1 it'V HaPrl ever.yorie- You'll al- price you wear a y.l M jV ways get guaranteed style, and that's why IvM A t I we say come to this I V "fiB " ' 'I store- fyjjyj p J i 11 ' (W ! S' ' -vr-w xt i l Smart women tell CI Nifty-New, 1 1 j f ntn us, they never seen so !' g NEW BAR LEG 1 Fffl exquisite displays as I . HOSIERY p j oJ selection : I hi the Mm I Blonde and Burnette - - V?ffe E Shades. iy3iiEJ,'i Wear f No seams. No heels. - .-llto.: "csttk taw a $150 Pair I HERE'S CHARM HOSIERY h Just Received Beau- 01 , . , , , . , , T M tiful Line Novelty f naPed riSht and made right If you want to be H Beads and Bracelets. ge you comfort. They are smart. H 50c and up Pnced most moderately. . $L0Q and $L5Q II mil I , n 1 ,,- Ill II M m I 12 - I Lloiipiiiae IMerc. Lo8 THE STORE OF QUALITY ! I ONE NEW IRON STAND j I Valued at $ 1 Z. 50 With Each New Atwater Kent Model 46 j Total Complete With Stand, Set, Tubes and 1 Speaker $142.50. ... 1 This is a real value at this price. 1 5 Let us demonstrate this set in your own home. 1 j Bennett-Werner Radio Co. : Phone 108-W American Fork The Radio Service Station. 1 SATURDAY AND MONDAY ICan Corn o L 1 Can Tomatoes , 1 Can S. Beans 3 lC 6 Boxes Matches J: 4 Pounds Lard E 1 Quart Dm Pickles l'j Delmonte Salmon, Tall 2:. 3 Packages Gum 1 3 Candy Bars. j: 5 Pounds Jam f:! l 5 Pounds Karo, Dark...J food kiSM-ysm American Fork raytrsrv SPECIALS MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS sr $1.35 Values n ''! 93c Jft'r All New Nifty Spring tf(f 1 Fast Color Shirts. i All Sizes I Y ,' j Ladies' and Children's Mfy I COTTON HOSE In Colors DEVONSHIRE ! I 2 Pair 45c Special ; I 29c Va.rrl : ! REGULAR $1.00 CHIFFON HOSE i I 79c Pair ! American Fork Co-on. I . -"-.-...-a......t,,.,i t '"""""""0"'-...... i Help Your Baby Over The Summer ,IIelp your baby over the summer by ,' bel"K watchful of its milk and care- A-.-,e V nil to keep the bowels open am! -.. .. . active. Be ?nreful of drugging it is i :..': ",0re npt 10 disorder the stomach A. CA -: JA A" lp It. if a child show . .''"- : ' ? V edence of being chronically con- y-V V: stipated it needs chiropractic eplnal ; . . '. ; .: A adjustments. . ''". ."! : T,1 smo displacomcnta," or tend- A y'H'ic-s to displacement, that exist Hi V '' ' parent, are usually found in tin' i . ',lll(1' so '"at, oven In childhood H'1' t . plno ' sUlom i perfect condition- i V. 1,1 addilion to (his the habv's kicks f ' 'tuirniK. and handlim;-, are n pt to ? -. .- ;l',,1,Sl' displacomonls (l,a( result I" i " ,,:"; '"'alth. 'I'ho chiroprnclor iisiim"!' f !'.'ls very iiulok results with infants, j ! -"''r M, -es. oar. j i nriiK 1 sloinuc i Vl,,. i-i,i ... . , , , , r ". 'ii. MiMit-,-i, bowels and low'1 I rJles M. Grant, D. C. j AMERICAN FORK j '"""""""" |