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Show Maytag Sales and Service. Terry Draper, Phone 42-W. 4-27tf. Harold Werner and Karl Bennett of the Bennett-Werner Radio Co. were business visitors In Salt Lake City Monday. Mrs. Agnes Brown returned to Salt Lake City Sunday evening, after visiting the week-end with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown. Miss Beth Hutchings, who Is attending at-tending the U. of U. at Salt Lake City, visited the week-end with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hutchings. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis of Salt Lake City, announce the arrival of a fine baby boy. Mrs. Davis was form- j erly Miss Nina Paulson of this city. j Miss Katherine Karron, who is j employed in Salt Lake City, visited Saturday and Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Karron Another State Florists SPECIAL for SAT., MAY 4. Daffiodils 35c doz., 3 doz. 95c. Humphries Floral, Telephone 2-00. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Russon and Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Chipman, attended "Broadway Melody" at the Paramount theatre, Provo, the forepart of last week. Mrs. L. J. Hutchings, Mrs., Davis Boley and Mrs. Weston Pratt attended a birthday party in Lehi Monday given in honor of Mrs. David Peterson. Peter-son. Misses Doris Cunningham and Mildred Mil-dred Dunkley attended a business peeting of the Lambda Tau's Monday evening in Provo at the home of Miss Maurine Bee. Mr. and Mrs. A. Will Jones and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Karron of Provo, were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Birk. Mr. and Mrs. Kinley Taylor and daughter, Grace, were Sunday visitors in Spanish Fork, guests at the home of Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs. James D. Miller. Latest popular sheet music and Brunswick records. Bennett-Werner. Telephone 108-W. adv. American Jork Locals t Kirkman returned to the 5:1169 Ranch Tuesday, after a Tdays visit here with his fornix . nr,er .Mother's Day Flowers Earls, nne More Week. Humphries. Ofy n adv. John Staith and baby son of S' ke City, were visitors Sunday 'the tome of her mother, Mrs. Jyao K. Brown. . L. A. Adamson and Miss Lor-.Adamson, Lor-.Adamson, motored to Provo day where thep spent the day Sagtusines3 aDd PleaSUr6, irs U T. Jacobson and children, T,mVand Joan, of Cedar City, is ZlM indefinitely here with her Mr and Mrs. Willis Bromley. parents, a J2SS Clarice Bromley and Mrs. L. - Jacobsou of Cedar City, motored to qjlt Lake City Tuesday, where they combined business and pleasure during dur-ing the day. Ur and Mrs. G. L. Wootton of Cedar cltT announce the arrival of a fine L girl. All concerned are doing ,ery nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Wootton fere formerly of this city. Miss EUa Edwards underwent an operation for appendicitis Friday morning at a Salt Lake hospital. Acting Ac-ting to last reports, she is improving improv-ing as well as can be expected.. The children of Mrs.. J. W. Preston entertained Wednesday evening in her honor at a dinner party, the occasion King her birthday anniversary. Music and social chat were enjoyed following follow-ing dinner. Miss Clarice Bromley spent the ,-eek-end in Salt Lake City visiting with relatives and friends. She also attended the Oratorical contest held last Friday evening in the Assembly Hall. Mrs. Glen Sykes entertained last Friday afternoon at a well appointed bridge party. Four tables were in progress, pro-gress, high score being won by Mrs. Iferrll White. A delicious luncheon was served early in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meredith and Hiss Lenore Crookston accompanied ij Noel Peterson of Provo, were among those who attended the Nautili! Nauti-li! Social Unit formal dinner dancing' ! party; at the Hotel Roberts, Provo, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Meredith ud Miss Crookston are members of I this unit. ! Mrs. Ruben Chipman and daughter, Sarah, spent last Thursday, Friday and Saturday in Salt Lake City, guests of the Salt Lake Tribune at the Hotel Utah. Miss Chipman represented this district at the State finals of the National Oratorical contest held at Assembly Hall Friday evening. She wis given honorable mention for the splendid way in which she delivered her address "Origin of the Constitution." Constitu-tion." Miss Chipman graduates from the American Fork high school this 1 tear. I Bigger and Better Stock of Flowers for Mother's Day at Humphries, adv. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gaisford, Jr., were business visitors in the capitol city Monday. Latest popular sheet music and Brunswick records. Bennett-Werner, Telephone 108-W. adv. Mrs. Sarah Jones and Mrs. Louis Birk visited Sunday in Salt Lake City with James T. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Veil Harrow and Mrs. Harry Harrow of Salt Lake City, were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brown. Mrs. Neldon Birk and children, Betty and Jack, visited the week-end in the capitol city with Mrs. Birk's mother, Mrs. Alcesta Moore. Mrs. Roy Greenwood entertained at an afternoon luncheon for sixteen lady friends last Friday at the Grant Hotel. Music was also an enjoyable diversion of the entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shelley and Miss Stella Singleton spent the week-end in Sterling, Idaho, where they visited friends and relatives. Mrs. Shelley remained for an indefinite visit. Leland Priday, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Priday, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Lehi Hospital Saturday. According to last reports, he is doing as well as can be expected. expect-ed. . Mr. and Mrs. John Buckwalter, Jr., and baby, Joan, of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday in this city visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs J. E. Buckwalter and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Logsdon. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Preston returned return-ed home Monday from Midvale, where they visited the previous three days with Mr. and Mrs. T. ,LL Larson. Mrs. Larson accompanied them home for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strange in company with Misses ,Matilda and Berdie Evans and Morrill Evans of Lehi, attended a Masonic Dance at the TJtahna Gardens, Provo, Saturday evening. Visitors at the Mrs. Hannah Dunk-ley Dunk-ley home Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hedquist, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Headquist of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dunkley and family, and Mrs. Baily Dunford and baby of Salt Lake City. You wouldn't call a Plumber Plum-ber to do your brick laying. Let US beautify your surroundings. sur-roundings. Rohbock & Sons. Expert landscapers. Phone 137. Estimates and information infor-mation FREE. 4-20-tf Among those from this city who attended the wedding reception given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller in Provo Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Herman Backman were: Mrs. Mabel Miller, LeGrande Miller, Elmo Miler, Junior Miller, Miss Ida Chadwick and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jenkins. Mrs. James M. Grant, Mrs. Alta Nash and Miss Nina Nash, were business busi-ness visitors in Salt Lake City Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Singleton, Mrs. Thomas Singleton and Miss Stella Singleton motored to Salt Lake Tuesday, where they spent the day combining business busi-ness and pleasure. Misses Mary Roberts and Pyper, Paul Roberts and Thomas K. Evans of Salt Lake City, were visitors last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Evans. Mrs. Thomas Singleton entertained at a quilting party Monday afternoon for Mrs. Leo T. Shelley, Mrs. Eliza Buckwalter, Mrs. Susie Miller and Mrs. Nellie Procter. Following the sewing diversion, a delicious dinner was served. The H. H. Club was entertaiined last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kinley Taylor. Progressive games Remember mother with some flowers from Humphries. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Russon spent Monday visiting friends in Provo. Dr. and Mrs. Grant Evans of Pay-son, Pay-son, spent a day last week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Evans. Mrs. E. A. Culbertson of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday visiting here with her sister, Mrs. Ruben Chipman. Utah State and County Prize Dahlias. Selected Bulbs $2,00 per dozen. Cannot Can-not be duplicated anywhere at this price. Mrs. J. P. Fugal, Pleasant Grove. Telephone 68-W. 5-4-lt Mrs. William Patrick, Mrs. A. F. Smith, Mrs. Samuel F. Grant and son, Max, and Mrs. Eva Frankam of Provo, motored to Salt Lake City Wednesday on a combined business and pleasure trip. a Mr. and Mrs. David Davis visited in Salt Lake City Wednesday with relatives. rela-tives. Glen Boley, who is employed in Nevada, spent the week-end here visiting his family. Kenneth Singleton arrived here Wednesday from! the Singleton sheep camp for a Week's visit with his family. fami-ly. Mrs. Vera Boley and children arrived ar-rived home Saturday from Thompson, where they spent the week visiting Mr. Boley, who is employed there.' i Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Gaisford, Jr., attended a bridge party Saturday evening in Lehi at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Meiling. Mrs. Ford Roberts of Elko, Nevada, was a guest Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Aydelotte. Mrs. Roberts is visiting indefinitely in Lehi with relatives. Latest popular sheet music and Brunswick records. Bennett-Werner. Telephone 108-W. adv. Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer, Jr., and family arrived home the first of the week from Idaho, and have purchased pur-chased a ranch in Highland, where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Bitter, who have spent the winter in California, are visiting this week at the home of Mr. - and Mrs. Hayden Holindrake and with other relatives, enroute to their home in Shelley, Idaho. Fourteen friends of Miss Sarah Chipman pleasantly surprised her Thursday evening, the occasion being her birthday. Games and music were enjoyable features of the evening, after which a delicious luncheon was served. The dining table was centered center-ed with a crystal bowl of yellow daffodils. LEADING- florists of American Fork, Rohbock & Sons, Phone 137. All varieties variet-ies of bedding plants, flow-jers, flow-jers, shrubs and etc. Funeral designs our specialties. 4-20-tf The following Alpine Stake Relief Society workers attended the Timpan-ogos Timpan-ogos Stake conference Tuesday afternoon after-noon held at the Windsor ward chapel: Mesdnmes Eliza Buckwalter, ' Lettie Gudmundso.n, Sarah S. Chip-man, Chip-man, Edith G. Young, "nude Chria- ; tensen, I.aura Pnr.kley and Mary E. ! Abel. i were enjoyed, the prize being won by Mrs. Morley Zabriskie. A delicious luncheon was served early in the epening to eight members. Miss Nona Brown, who has been at the St. Marks hospital, Salt Lake City, for the past several weeks recovering from an appendicitis operation, was removed to her home at .Murray Tuesday. Tues-day. She is doing very nicely, according accord-ing to laBt reports on her condition. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt of Mil-ford, Mil-ford, spent the week-end here visiting friends and relatives. Saturday evening even-ing they, in company with Mrs. Mable Miller and family, attended a wedding reception In Provo at the home of Mrs. Herman Backman in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller, nuptials nup-tials of last week. A social event of interest during the past week was the entertainment given last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Martin Nielsen for the Sororsis ladies. Mrs. Clarence A. Grant reviewed the book "The Mother" Moth-er" during the afternoon. Radio music and needle work were also enjoyed. en-joyed. A delicious luncheon was served to fourteen, including two special guests, Mrs. Samuel F. Grant and Mrs. Harold Werner. Two Girls. Live on Hot Water and Rice Due to stomach trouble, Miss A. H. and pipter lived on hot water and rice. Now they eat anything and feel One, they say, since taking Ad-Icrika. Ad-Icrika. Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad'.er-ika Ad'.er-ika relieves pas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the syitem. Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep hotter. Xo m.ifter what yon have tried for your stomach and hriwoK Adlerika will gurr-rise you. Wm. Thornton Drug Co. adv. |