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Show Mr. and Mrs. Jaun-s Huilscy spent Sunday in the cupiiul cily on combined com-bined business and pleasure. American Fork Locals Airs. Ii'v!n Jlaki" lca latiL Fl'illa' f,r'liiev, Itlii Iio, to visit. :i week Willi b"r sislor, Mrs. Kale liurgoss. Get Best Lgg Prices iiip Throucii -alleys, adv. Get Best Eg'g Prices Ship Through Pulleys, adv. I "! Mrs. .1. M. Grant were business visitors in Salt Lake City Tuesday. Miss Thelina Gardner of Salt Lake City, will be the guest o Miss Helen Myers at the J. .V. Myers homo this v eek-end. Mrs. Margaret Clu-isteiiscn of Salt hake Cily, was a Sunday guest at the home of !h and 'Mrs. Lenard Haas. Mrs. John W. Myers and Miss Helen Hel-en Myers were business visitors in the eapilol cily Tuesday. KUiot I.ce, who spent last week hi J'reslon, Idaho, visiting his aunt, Mrs. George I'.runker, and family, returned return-ed home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ivy of Salina. spent Tuesday in this city visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Asliby and family. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Chipman and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Peters spent the week-en'd at Strawberry on a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ephie Nash and Mina Kash returned home Saturday from Colorado, where they spent the previous pre-vious week on business and visiting places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reynolds of ?pringville, called on Mr. and Mrs.' R. ,L. Ashby and family Wednesday, enroute to Yellowstone Park for their vacation. Mrs. G. W. Sanderson of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Davis of Bingham Bing-ham Canyon, and Mr. and Mrs. Mer-ril Mer-ril Hand of Draper, were Sunday visitors at the G. A. Zabriskie home. Miss Wanda Fctty of Xeplii, was a week-end visilor in American Fork, Kuest of Miss Lcnure Crookston. Mr. and -Airs. Claude Zabriskie and family of Salt Lake City, spent last Friday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Zabriskie. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tippett and Mr. and Mrs. Ywliord Pratt and families of Hinckley, were visitors during the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ashby.' Kodak Finishing at a Big Discount. A Free enlargement enlarge-ment with each $5.00 worth. Bring your rolls today and get Prints tomorrow at 5:00 p. m. Snyder Studio, adv. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bradley and Miss Grace Bradley of Manti, were guests at the home , of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Bird, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Bird is Mr. arid Mrs. Bradley's daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Oler of Sterling, Alberta, Canada, who have been visiting visit-ing friends and relatives in American Fork the past week, left Thursday for California, where they will spend the remainder of their vacation. During Dur-ing their stay in this city, they camped camp-ed at the John Jacklin farm. Mrs. Emma Chase and grandson, Max Reeder, returned Suriday, to American Fork, after visiting the past ten days in Garfield, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rulon Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor accompanied them here and spent the day visiting with Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Grant. Mr. and Mrs. ayne Mercer left Monday fur Yellowstone l'ark, where they will enjoy a week's vacation. Mrs. Mina b'naiier,. Mrs. C. A. Grant and Miss Liiiie siiafier ai'-end-ed the funeral sen ices of Frank Henry, Jr., held iin Salt Lake Cily ! Wednesday afternoon. Miss Bemieee liarraU, who is em- j ployed in SalL Lake City, spent the i week-end in American Fork visiting j her mother, Mrs. Grace Earratf. ! j Miss Thelda Crooks of Shelley, I Idaho, is at the Eyron Crookston j home for an indefinite visit, guest of ; Miss Lenore Crookston. j Mr. and Mrs. Sol Angel and son and Miss Mina Nash of Salt Lake Cityi were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Pratt. Mi and Mrs. William Chipman, Miss Ora Gean Chipman and Miss W. Hobush, spent the week-end at the S. L. Chipman summer home at Mutual Dell in American Fork canyon. Miss Chipman and Miss Hobush are here from Los Angeles visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Davies in company with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Gudmundsen and Mrs. Andy Trane and son, Glen, of Lehi, ' motored to Copperton Sunday, where they visited visit-ed with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gud- j mnndsen and family. I yr and M''s- James Oler of Shel-Idaho, Shel-Idaho, spent this week visiting di'e'ir daughter and husband, Mr. and ,;. llaydeu Holindrake. Airs. Fle-yd Knudson of Brigham Citv, and Mrs. W. D. Lewis of Trovo, ,v'Cre guests at the home of Mr. and ;rs. Loo Meredith, Sunday. Airs. Emma Jenkins attended a Eliower in Provo Monday evening given, by Mrs. Fred J. Payne complimentary compli-mentary to her daughter, Miss Maude Payne, a bride of the month. .Air. and Mrs. L. C. Marton announce an-nounce the arrival of a winsome baby daughter born June 28 at the Lehi Hospital. All concerned are doing very nicely. Mrs. Marton was before her marriage, Miss Margaret Hindley. LeGrande Noble, a member of the American Fork high school faculty Bix years ago and now teaching at the Oastle Dale high school, was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R- Halliday, Tuesday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Junius West and Mr. aDd Mrs. W. R. Halliday attended attend-ed the funeral services of Miss Emma Em-ma West held in Heber Sunday. The deceased 'is Mrs. Halliday's and Mr. West's aunt. Mrs. Clyde Thornton was hostess at a well appointed bridge luncheon last Friday afternoon. Three tables were in progress, high scores being kou by Mrs. F. M. Houston and Mrs. Ray Coddington. Air. and Mrs. Leo Meredith and daughter, Carina, left Thursday morning for Brigham City, where they will visit until Pioneer Day (July 24th) With Mrs. Meredith's sister, Mrs. Floyd Knudson. They will then be joined by Mr. and Mrs. Rulon C. Aran Wagonen of Provo, who will accompany them to Yellowstone Yellow-stone Park for a week's vacation. "Tabby and Bun", famous comic singers of this community, assisted in advertising the Timpanogos hike program given over KSL Tuesday evening from 10 to 11 o'clock. It nas under the joint sponsership of the Brigham Young university and the Provo Chamber of Commerce. The songsters also sang on the big community program! ' given at the Theatre of the Pines in Provo ean-yon ean-yon Friday evening (last night) preceding pre-ceding the big hike. Mrs. Frank Edwards entertained Wednesday afternoon at a miscellaneous miscellan-eous shower in honor of her daughter Lucille, a (popular bride-elect of the month. Mrs. Earl Dean of Salt Lake City assisted in the entertaining. Competitive games were enjoyed, the participants winning prizes being Mrs. Walter Adamson, Mrs. Jennie Cunningham, Mrs. J. W. Phillips and Mrs. Hoffman. Following the games and music, a tasty repast was served to twenty-five guests. ' Mrs. Arnold Peterson and daught- er, Renee, returned to their home in g Price Sunday, after visiting the week with Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Chrlstensen. The " Mrs. Foster Gorden, Mrs. Albert Sperger, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Allred.i Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Gorden and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Gorden, all of Salt Lake City, visited Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Gorden. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Francis and daughter, Helen, of Ogden, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stice and family Friday, enroute to Colorado Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dean and baby of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. Dean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards. Miss Eva Stice, who is attending summer school at the B. Y. U., was one who participated in the concert given in College Hall Monday evening. even-ing. Miss Stice is a member of the Ladies Glee Club. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Christensen accompanied ac-companied by Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Harvey of Pleasant Grove formed a party Wednesday evening and motored motor-ed to Geneva resort, where picnic supper was enjoyed. Mrs. Ruben Chipman and fiaught-ers, fiaught-ers, Eileen and Florence, accompanied accompan-ied by their house guests, Mrs. J. J. Bramer and daughter, Mary Elaine, of Denver, Colorado, were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. E. A. Cul-bertson Cul-bertson in Salt Lake City Thursday. That afternoon, the party motored to Saltair, where they spent the remainder re-mainder of the day. Mrs. Leo Meredith attended an afternoon tea in Provo last Thursday Thurs-day at the home of Mrs. Lorna Allen given in honor of Mrs. Edith Timber-lake Timber-lake of Seattle, Washington. The following day, she was a guest at a luncheon given at the home of Mrs. A. Rex Johnson, in honor o Mrs. Timberlake and also, Mrs. Violet Johnson Brown of New York. United States government authorities authori-ties show that under favorable conditions condi-tions wih a beginning of one male and one female fly.they may increase in one season to over 50,500,000,000,000 flies. This shows the need of FLY-TOX. FLY-TOX. FLY-TOX is the scientific insecticide in-secticide developed at Mellon Institute Insti-tute of Industrial Research by Rex Research Fellowship. Simple instructions instruc-tions on each bottle (blue label) for killing ALL household insects. INSIST IN-SIST on FLY-TOX with the perfume-like perfume-like fragrance. It is safe, stainless, sure. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacklin and children, Charles, Ernest and Mary Jane, left Monday for Bryces canyon, where they will spend a week. They will also visit other beauty spots enroute. en-route. Mrs. Leland Eyre of Wyoming, returned re-turned to her home Monday, following follow-ing a week's visit writh her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thornton. Thorn-ton. Mrs. Helen Heiselt entertained eight of her friends at a luncheon at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Hill, in Fleasant Grove, last Thursday Thurs-day afternoon. Radio music was enjoyed en-joyed during the afternoon, along with other social diversions. Misses Cleo Bate, Doris Cunningham Cunning-ham an'd Mildred Dunkley are entertaining enter-taining next Monday evening at the Bate home complimentary to Miss Lucille Edwards, whose marriage to Harry Parker will take place next week. The entertainment will be in the form of a miscellaneous shower. Invitations have been extended to thirty guests. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Culbertson of Salt Lake City and Mrs. J1. U. Bramer and daughter, Mary Elaine, who are here from, Denver visiting relatives, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Chipman and daughters, Eileen and Florence, motored to Geneva resort Sunday, where picnic dinner was enjoyed. en-joyed. Mrs. Bramer and daughter remained at the Chipman home for a ten days visit. Peterson family left Thursday for Eureka, where they will make their future home. Mrs. Byron Crookston left last Friday evening for Idaho, where she will visit indefinitely with relatives in Shelley and Idaho Falls. During her stay there she expects to make a motor trip through the Salmon River district. Miss Lenore Crookston was among the orchestra personnel that furnished fur-nished the B. Y. U. summer school musical concert Monday evening at College Hall. Prof. LeRoy Robertson Robert-son was directing. Mrs. E. R. Tuttle and family arrived ar-rived here last Friday from Henderson, Hender-son, Kentucky, to join Mr. Tuttle, the new manager of the J. C. Penney store. The. Tuttle family are making their home in the J. R. Hindley residence resi-dence in the Third ward. Complimentary to the recent marriage mar-riage of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd Loveridge formerly Miss Eileen Gord en, Mrs. G. H. Gortlen entertained Saturday evening at a miscellaneous bundle shower, for which fifty close friends and relatives were present. Contest games were enjoyed during the evening, prizes being won by Mrs. Martha Hunter and Mrs. Grant Inger- soli. Delicious refreshments were served late in the evening. Mrs. Lizzie Sommerville and Mrs. ; Thomas Sharp an'd daughter, Bevcr- -ley, returned Monday to Iheir homo , in Santa Ana, California, after visit- ing the week in American Fork, Pro- vo and Tooele with relatives. The visitors came to attend the funeral i services of Mrs. Clyde Sommerville held in Tooele last week. j . i Honoring Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dunk- j ley and son, Jimmie, and Mrs. Henry Dork, of Maywood, California, Mrs. j J. L. Dunkley entertained at dinner j Sunday. Covers were laid for ten i guests. That evening a family party ; was given in compliment to them, ' over twenty relatives assembling for the occasion. Music and social chat , were the main diversions, after which refreshments were served. The fol- lowing day, the California visitors left for their home, returning by way of Reno, Nevada, and San Francisco. Misses Faye Tarker, Clarice Erom- . ley, Eeth Hutchings and Violet Prcs- j ton entertained at the Parker home J Monday evening in honor of Mrs. 4 Floyd Loveridge, formerly Miss Eileen Gorden, a young nuptial of last week. Competitive games were enjoyed on the lawn, prizes being awarded to Miss Lillie Miller, Miss Loraine Ingersoll and Miss Clarice Bromley. Delicious refreshments were served to thirty-two guests. The young bride was presented with many beautiful gifts for her future housekeeping house-keeping venture. . |