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Show for the honored position. j Miss Abel ha3 7,890 votes, Miss Beach 3,810 and Miss Shumway, 3,000 Third warders are urged to support their choice. The committees working on the ball to be given Wednesday evening, January 29, report their plans to be maturing rapidly. The decorations are to be a feature of the dance-event this year, and will alone be an incentive in-centive to draw a large crowd. The M. I. A. colors, gold and green, will be the central color scheme, but a special design will be worked out in the hall. The Gibson Girls orchestra of Salt Lake City will furnish the dance music. The Gold & Green caprice, the contest dance, is well under way. Two couples from each ward have been selected to participate in this feature. Patrons and patronesses will include in-clude the Stake Presidency and Ward Bishops and their wives. The Reception Recep-tion Committee will comprise the M. I. A. stake superintendent and president, presi-dent, and ward superintendents and presidents. A detailed account of the ball will be printed next week. Four Girls Left In Gold and Green Queen Race Misses Faye Parker, Etta Abel, Lois Beach and Gladys Shumway are the remaining aspirants for the Gold & Green Queen honor, Miss Parker leading with 12,560 votes. Eliminations Elimina-tions will be made at the Third Ward Mutual meeting next week, which will leave only two in competition |