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Show Sarah Chipman Captures Oratorical Honors In Jordan District American Fork high school won its way to the State finals for the second time for national oratorical honors through M'iss Sarah Chipman, senior, and her splendid oration "The Origin Of The Constitution." She was victorious over Miss Camille Anderson Ander-son of Grantsville, a speaker of last year's contest. The District finals in the National contest on the Constitution of the ; United States in Utah and Idaho came to a close Wednesday, when the re-! re-! maining districts of the two states named representatives to the State Finals. This contest is being conducted con-ducted in Utah by the Salt Lake Tribune and in Idaho by the Idaho Kducation Association. Miss Chipman competed with six other contestants: Elmer Terry of the Lincoln high school, Miss Myrtle Allen of the Tintic high school, Miss Jennie Terry of the Lehi high school, iTohn Kastelic of the Murray high and Miss Doris Day of Jordan. The contest con-test was under the chairmanship of Lars W. Xeilson. The judges were Margaret Caldwell of the L. D. S., Miss Webster of the University of Utah and William B. Maughan of Granite. The date for the Slate contest is at present indefinite, but announcements announce-ments will be made during the next week concerning this. Mi.s Chipman will meet with representatives from die Poise District. Idaho District, Price District and Richfield District at. the State meet. The entire community com-munity joins with the high school in wishing further success to her and unite in extending congratula'inna for her present laurels. |