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Show American Fork at Pleasant Grove, February 28; Pleasant Grove at Lincoln, March 7. Pleasant Grove debaters met Lehi, at Pleasant Grove Friday, January 10, in a practice debate. Rhea Freeman Free-man and Oca Smith upheld the nega tive against Lehi affirmative. Julia Orton and Cyril Thome upheld the affirmative against Lehi negative. No decision was given. Louise West and Cyril Thorne will meet American Fork negative, Ray Mills and Ralph Thorne will meet their affirmative Friday, January 17, at Pleasant Grove, in a practice debate. n F. F. A. The F. F. A. judging teams planned plan-ned a two day trip to the Ogden Livestock Show to compete in the annual judging contests. The boys were to leave Friday morning, January Janu-ary 10, but due to the early January thaw which made travel very dangerous dan-gerous they put off the trip. The judging team are made up of the younger groups this year. This will be the first time in several years that the Pleasant Grove Chapter of Future Farmers have not been represented rep-resented at the Stock Show. G. A. A. Party The G. A. A. girls are very disappointed dis-appointed in "Old Winter!" They had planned a gala ' sleigh-riding party for Thursday night, but unless more snow falls to cover the roads its all off. Everyone is due for disappointments dis-appointments some times, and it seems that it must have been then-turn. then-turn. However, they are still looking look-ing forward to snow falling before Thursday. Mr. Hansen talked to the faculty last Thursday afternoon on the subject sub-ject "Qualities For Successful Teaching." Teach-ing." Sports Pleasant Grove won over Lehi after af-ter a hard fought game with a score of 33-27. The starting line-up was as follows fol-lows : Lehi Pleasant Grove Evans rf Nielson Zimmerman If Fryer Gaines c Ekins Wanlass lg Gillman Fox rg Walker The remainder of the league schedule is: Provo at Pleasant Grove, January 17; B. Y. High at Pleasant Grove, January 24; Pleasant Grove at American Fork, January 31; Lincoln Lin-coln at Pleasant Grove, February 7. This will end the first half, the second sec-ond half will be: Lehi at Pleasant Grove, February' 14; Pleasant Grove at Provo, February 17; Pleasant Grove at B. Y. High, February 21; Pleasant Grove High School News END OF HALF YEAR Friday, January 17, ends the half of the school year. The teachers are giving tests so that the students can find out where they stand in their classes. There will probably be some students stu-dents who will have to work harder to receive all their credits at the close of school. Sophomores The Sophomores held their class meeting Monday, with class President Presi-dent Phyllis West in charge of the program, which consisted of: Girls trio, singing "I Love You Truly," the girls were: Anna Beth Larsen, Marian Mar-ian Adamson and Verna Day; reading, read-ing, Miss. Harris; reading, Anna Boren; talk on "Courtesy," Mr. West; reading, Naomi Harsh; song, Rhea Hooley; mixed-up reading, El-wood El-wood Greene. Juniors The junior class held a very interesting in-teresting class meeting, Monday. Helen Hel-en Wamick, vice-president of the class was in charge of the program. The meeting began with group singing sing-ing led by Miss Fenton. The following fol-lowing program was given by members mem-bers of the class: Tap dance, Wilma Green and Beth Drysdaie, accompanied accom-panied by Anna Fugal; skit, Anna Fugal and Byrl Lewis; song, Helen Nelson; talk on "Courtesy", Ray Walker; talk on Roberts Rules of Order, Mr. Clark. We are now going go-ing to conduct our class meeting according to these rules. Seniors The seniors had their monthly class meeting on Monday, January 6. The program consisted of: Reading, Read-ing, Julia Orton; talk, "Personal Appearance," Ap-pearance," Louise West; "Mastering of Leisure Time," Le Ora Walker; reading of jokes, Kenneth Bullock; talk, "American Ideals," Marva Mitchell; comic skit, Clesta Gillman and Forrest Smith. A committee was chosen to plan the Senior class project. Those chosen chos-en were: Ld Ora Walker, Celestia Gillman and Kenneth Bullock. Discussion of an anticipated class party concluded the meeting. Music Department Plans are being made for a band concert to be held January 29, at the Pleasant Grove High School. The band will make a trip to the Transient Camp in American Fork canyon to give a concert and program pro-gram Thursday, January 15. Home Economic Club The Home Economic Club entertained enter-tained the student body last Friday with a splendid assembly. The members mem-bers of the club wore aprons through out the day to distinguish them as Home Economis Girls. Miss Jennie Hone, the president, took charge of the assembly. The program was as follows: reading, Miss Coleman; tap dance, Wilma Greene, Beth Drysdaie, Drys-daie, Anna Beth Larsen, Verna Day, Florence Jense, Anna Fugal, and Byrl Lewis; reading, Geraldine Mac-farlane; Mac-farlane; vocal trio, Annie Gardiner, Helen Nelson, and Anna Fugal; tap dance, Wilma Greene and Beth Drysdaie; solo, Helen Nelson; pan-tamined pan-tamined skit, Dorothy Mayhew, Ce-lista Ce-lista Gillman, Vernal Bird, Leon Walker, Erva Kirk and Maxine Walker. |