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Show VthfnkS The Faculty Flag Pledge SANTA MONICA, CALIF. I never heard of a law compelling' a private individual in times of peace to take an oath to defend our flag and respect re-spect our institutions. Neither do I know of laws compelling us to give public jobs to men and women who refuse to take such an I. -J oath or requiring us to leave them In their Jobs should they violate that oath. From the President of this country on down, the run of officeholders office-holders must swear to uphold the Constitution Con-stitution and support sup-port the government govern-ment Should any one of them willfully will-fully fall to do so, Irvln S. Cobb. the offender Is liable to removal amid loud cheers I Then why not Include In-clude teachers and college professors, profes-sors, those whose high task ls to mould youth into stuff fit for citizenship citizen-ship and civic responsibility? Why should they be suffered to peddle sedition and yet go on drawing draw-ing salaries from the public fund these people who claim they have conscientious scruples when what most of us think they really suffer from is Cummunlstlc biliousness? And for the students, as I understand under-stand it the right of free speech and the gift of free education do not mean license to spout treason on a campus or scorn America ln a classroom. A red flag fits an auction sale, but I don't believe I'd ever get used to seeing It afloat over a district schoolhouse. ' Political Plagiarism POLITICS certainly produces copycats. First, the young Republicans Re-publicans meet being greeted by a typical sounding Juvenile, who's the last surviving drummer boy of Shlloh. Then the young Democrats come rallying as fast as wheelchairs wheel-chairs will bring them, with their breakfast shawls and their ear-trumpets. ear-trumpets. The self - proclaimed "young" leader of any party Is usually usu-ally somebody who hopes to set a patriotic example to his grandchildren grandchil-dren and at the same time get the old Job back. The Republicans hold a Grass-Roots Grass-Roots convention. So this month at Atlanta there'll be what yon might call a grass-widow convention conven-tion for the revolting southern Democrats absolutely too revolting revolt-ing for words, to hear Jim Farley talk. You see, they've been divorced, di-vorced, but the decree ls not yet final. Southern Democrats are great hands for seceding and remaining so every day In the year except Just one day. On election, they become reconciled long enough to vote the straight Democratic ticket. Twenty minutes later, they're off the reservation again. I hear a number of bankers will attend. This would seem to Indicate a changing trend. For quite a while after 1929, very few bankers went to Atlanta voluntarily. Going Nuts in Hollywood IF, WHILE touring Los Angeles, you see a bushy - headed, wild-eyed, wild-eyed, elderly gentleman aimlessly wandering about, don't Jump too soon at the conclusion that he's a typical specimen of our famous coterie co-terie of hermits. You see, they laid out Los Angeles An-geles and environs on the ground-plan ground-plan of a drunken angleworm, and the system of numbering houses Is further designed to encourage raving rav-ing Insanity. So what you behold may merely be an ex-resident of the Middle West who came out here years ago to retire and bought him a cozy bungalow and Incautiously Incau-tiously went for a stroll and has been trying ever since to find his way back home again. - Not all the nuts were nutty when they first arrived. Many of them got that way trying to trace street addresses. Cen. Liggett's Passing SO HUNTER LIGGETT Is dea at seventy-eight the only contemporary con-temporary lieutenant general of the United States army. For 50-odd years, he wore with gallantry and with honor the uniform of his country. coun-try. He fought Indians; fought border-bandits; fought Spaniards In Cuba; fought Germans ln France; and, at the end, fought oft death for many dragging months. I saw him overseas, commanding command-ing our splendid First corps, which he made more splendid still. He was as plain as an old shoe, and as easy to get along with. His officers of-ficers respected him, his soldiers loved him. They went where he sent 'em, and If they failed In their objective, they didn't come back. They went Instead to report at the sills of the Judgment scat the reason rea-son why they failed. They'll like hi in over there Israel Is-rael Putnam, and Stonewall Jackson, Jack-son, anil Forrest, and Grant, and all the rest of our real ones. irtviN s. cogb. C North Amcrli-Ti .-wp:t per A.U1UUCS, liic.-WXU SlTVICO. |