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Show THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1971 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1971 Soil Conservation Reading for Snow Depths Given for Feb. 1 As in past years, the Soil Conservation Service and co-operating agencies commenced on the first of January the reading and recording of a system of snow sources which covers a vast area of the west-ern United States. These measurements are made near the first of each month throughout the winter in an effort to forecast the amount of runoff from each watershed and to determine the water which will be avail-able for irrigation, municipal, and industrial purposes thru-ou- t the earning season. Snow surveyors who made their appointed rounds on Feb-ruary 1st found a plentiful sup-ply. Carl Clark and Soren Sabey, employees of the Soil Conser-vation Service and Harold Laird of the Forest Service re-port above average snow-pac- k conditions for this time of year. It is intersting to note that very little snow fall occured during January, and the weath-er was warmer than normal. These factors caused the per-centage of snow-pac- k to drop below last month. In American Fork Canyon, Timpanogos Divide has 44 in-ches of snow with 16.5 inches of water, 107 percent of aver-age and 145 percent of last years accumulation. This is the highest snow course in the canyon. Lower down in this watershed the picture is much lower in comparison to the 15 year average.. The Payson Ranger Station at the south end of Utah Coun-ty has 32 inches of snow with 12 inches of water. This is 124 percent of the 15 year average. This is only 90 percent of last years accumulation. Clear Creek Ridge has 40 inches of snow with 13.5 inches of water. This is 105 precent of the 15 year average and 135 percent of last years accumul-ation. Since the February first re-ports are still early in the snowfall period, this is an indi-cation that there is more to come. ALL AMERICAN REALTY 1 1 5 EAST CENTER PLEASANT GROVE TELEPHONE 785-352- 8 374-503- 8 LENY 373-528- 9 BEV 785-277- 5 BILL 785-426- 1 PLEASANT GROVE Frame $14,450 PROVO Frame $ 5,400 FAIRVIEW Frame $ 8,500 PLEASANT GROVE Frame $12,900 LINDON Brick $27,900 PLEASANT GROVE 1 -- Bedroom Brick $ .8,000 OREM 4 Apartments $43,000 AMERICAN FORK Alum. Siding . $1 3,300 AMERICAN FORK Brick $22,500 LEHI Adobe $ 9,400 PLEASANT GROVE Frame $10,750 AMERICAN FORK Brick $19,200 PLEASANT GROVE Brick $24,500 AMERICAN FORK Brick $24,900 j 1966 FORD FAIRLANE for Sale, 1966, must sell, $850 Phone 785-295- F 11 WHITE CLOVER HONEY (60 lb. can $11.50) and Soap (18 to 12 cup per load, 100 lbs. at $15, for non enzyme and $16 for en-zyme). A Boy Scout Project, Call 785-337-6. F 18 APT, $95 with sewer and garbage, 88 West 3rd North, A.F., for information, call 785-272- 4. F 4 100CC YAHAMA TRAIL BIKE for Sale, Call 785-293-7. F 4 TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs good man over 40 for short trips surrounding Pleas-ant Grove. Contact customers. We train. Air Mail R. B. Dick-erso- Pres., Southwestern Pe-troleum Corp., Ft. Worth, Tex. F 4 LOST bright carpet colors . . . restore them with Blue Lus-tre. Rent electric shampooer $1 Radmall Hardware. F 4 REPOSSESSED CONSOLE Pi-ano. Write Credit Manager, 120 W 33rd South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. F 4 NICE HOME for Rent, Ph. 785-326- $110 per month. F 4 TABLE and 6 Chairs for Sale, $40. 785-232- 7 after 5 p.m. F 4 WANTED Someone to teach adults to play piano. 785-399-7 F 4 PUREBRED German Shorthair Puppies for Sale, See at 319 East State Rd., 785-311- 3. F 4 1962 COMET for Sale, good condition, 785-268- F 4 HOW CAN A DECENT GIRL be Popular? Carole Jewkes offers class with vocal beauty and personality tips, opportun-ity to advance to unique vocal group, Call 785-269- F 11 WOMEN need in this area. New Company, Free training. If you are satisfied with $2.00 an hour, don't answer this ad. Interviewing at 53 North 2nd West, Provo, Jan. 29, 30, and Feb. 5th and 6th., 9 a.m. F 4 HOME FLOUR MILLS for Sale "Magic Mill", free demon-stration, free batch of flour, no obligation, ph. 785-336-9. tf 1966 FORD Ranchero for Sale, V8, chrome rims, dual ex-hausts, good cond., Ph. 785-243- F 4 AUTOMATIC WASHER for sale, 285 E 1st South, PI. Grove, only $30.00. J 28 1956 EL RENO House Trailer for Sale, 40 by 8 ft. Call 785-- 3040. F 4 WEANER PIGS for Sale, $9, $9.50; 60-l- Feeder Pigs, $15; Also have 1 registered Duroc Weaner Boar and 1 registered Sow Weaner, $40 each. Dean Olsen, 940 E Main, A.F. 756-208- F 4 AKC Reg. Toy Silver Poodles, Male 6 months old, Ph. 785-327- F 4 '69 BONNEVILLE Wagon for Sale, Loaded, low mileage, below bluebook wholesale, on-ly $2,990. 460 E. State, 785-907- F 4 DUPLEX APARTMENT for Rent, $100. Ph. 785-327- F 4 INCOME TAX in the conven-ience of your home. Guaranteed returns. Ask about our instant refund. 785-340-1 or 225-803-0. Bill Edwards. A 8 INSURANCE COST Too Much? Csdl Clive Beck or see him at 139 E 2nd So. Ph. 785-217-2. PI. Grove Agent for Farmers Ins Group. All lines of insurance, tf LICENSED BABY SITTER Would like to tend pre-scho- ol children in my home. 785-22- tf GUITAR LESSONS Leon ph. 785-260- tf INCOME TAX $3.00 and Up, Bring this ad in for additional $1.00 Off 69 East Main, A.F., Phone 756-604- F 25 1965 MUSTANG for Sale, 4 sp. 289, $695 or make offer, ph. 785-433- F 4 OATS for Sale, 300 Bushel, Robert T. Monson, Phone 785-277- F4 DARLING PUPPIES for Sale, Phone 785-277- F 4 RIDE WANTED to Trade Tech, share expenses, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. call 785-455- Tom Ray F 1- - CARPETING and Upholstered Furniture Cleaned, Expert Service. Call 756-485- A.F. tf ALL TYPES Construction Work including residences, garages etc. Free Estimates, M. J. Wathen, licensed contractor. Phone 768-256- 6. tf BUILDING LOTS for Sale -- East Grove Estates - Nath-aniel Drive Contact Pleas-ant Grove Realty, 785-41- or Grant Loader, 785-210- tf 50 GAL. TRASH BARRELS for Sale, $3.50. Help keep P.G. Beautiful. Ph. 756-303- Steve Murdock. We will deliver, tf WEDDING DRESSES for Rent Zabrislre's. ph 785-34:- tf HAY" FOR SALE, Phone 785-399- Carl Smith. tt ROOFING - Quality work on all types of Shingle & Shake Roofs. Draper Roofing, Phone 785-29- or 785-412- 1, P.G. tf CUSTOM HAULING, Cattle or any type livestock, 785-430- 9 SLIM-GY- Easiest Method of Exercise Contact Beverly Wagner, 160 West 9th North, P.G. Ph. 785-456- tf COMPLETE SERVICE for All Makes Color AV, Radio, Ster-eo, BW TV. SUPERIOR TV SERVICE, 338 East State, A.F. 756-388- Vee Warenski' owner and manager, Try our new sys-tem of Service. tf HAVE A HOME OR Property you want Sold? Contact Grant Loader, PL Grove Realty, 785-41- or 785-210- 9. tf SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ALL MAKES AND MODELS COOK'S SEWING MACHINE CE N T E R 673 NORTH STATE IN OREM Pick Up and Delivery Call 225-879- 8 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Scissors Sharpened FROM wall to wall, no soil at all, on carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin Store. P.G. F 4 LOST Chihuahua, Black, be-tween Ream's Market and Meredith Cabins. Reward, dog needs medication, Call collect, 756-398- 7 or 225-980- F 4 APARTMENT Duplex for rent, 420 N. 1st E., ph. 785-298- tf SMALL DOG LOST dark brown with light markings, Female shorthair, in Tibbie Fork area. Ph. 768-269- F 4 KEEP AMERICA BEAUTifUl BABY SITTING in My Home, by Day or Week, Phone 785-328- 9. M 11 WILL DO IRONING IN MY HOME, Also Quilting. 585 So. 3rd East, Pleasant Grove, 785-244- tf PIPE THAWING Dave and Don Devey, latest equipment Also Slag products, ph. 756-211- 2 or 756-408- F 25 APARTMENT for Rent, new, deluxe carpeted, appliances, drapes, exc. loca-tion, 310 So. 5th E. American Fork, adults preferred. tf LaVOY'S Give her a gift as lovely as she is, and will last for years. Fine lingerie, at home fashions and Temple Dresses. Rosemary Carter, 435 East 3rd South, PI. Grove, ph. 785-387- 4. tf SLAG, TOPSOIL, SAND and Gravel for Sale, Back Hoe Work, Call John W. Roundy, 785-409- tf rYPEWRlTER and ADDING MACHINE RENTAL & RE-PAIR SERVICE Priday's Of-fice Supply, 756-447- 1 Am. Fork. tf COPIES MADE 10 Cents each Legal work, Genealogy, Bus-iness. 45 West Main. Lehi, Ph. 768-262- tf PAINTER, DECORATOR, Mod-ern- , Antique, Color Stjting, Expert Service, R. E. Remmele ph. 785-393- 5. tf INSURANCE. SERVICE Fire. Auto, Commercial or any Casualty Line. Call or See u for Prices. Atwood Resflty & ns. 785-266- 1. I LATE MODEL FORD Engines for Sale, 390, 289, 292. C & H Automotive, 460 E. State, 785-907- 5. tf RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, Call Bruce Bezzant, 785-38- or Robert Sutch, 785-226- 9. tf BEST QUALITY Household It-ems made by the Blind. Wedding gifts, birthdays, show-ers, misc. gifts. Workshop for the Blind representative Mrs. Thomas Ray, 463 E. 200 N., hone 785-455- tf FOR SALE Good Mountain Topjoil; Slag for Driveways, 'Cat" Work, ph. Don Devey, 756-21- or Dave Devey, 756-W8- tf Ml3iVP3 filfiltt People give 11 something up when - MiMi they switch to V&&lielectric heat, because MMMh Ks Luorth ft ' ; f Withsometypesofelectricheat.no ; y ?' t f- r i :J furnace is necessary. There's nothing in V v ' V yur basement at all! You nave tne flexibility of adding a room later, without i j having to revamp your heating system. - y You have a choice of 6 types of ; ; t. ' s,;Vr electric heat. Want filtered, forced air? 0 - t r I' - ; Prefer the radiant way? Electric heat v and only electric lets you choose. Why ' Someday ' 'K not convert your home to electric ' ! you'll probably ? ) heat now. heat f k ' electrically. m f Why,, ,;f UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. I V S as Power sPar x - V v v v UNBELIEVEABLE You must see to appreciate this completely redecor-ated home in American Fork lovely living room with large dining area - 3 bedrooms all carpeted in-cluding bathroom - part basement - extra large utility room - and closeness to church and schools makes this an ideal location. LOVELY TRI-LEVE- L BRICK In American Fork - 3 bedrooms - large family room, builtins and newly painted - make an offer to buy on contract with small down and have immediate possession. SPACIOUS HOME In American Fork - family room - 2 fireplaces, - 1 baths - carpeted and draped - large double carport. $24,900. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If you want to make some real good money working for yourself - see us about this established tire shop. New tire sales and recapping - shop is complete with tools - large 2,500 sq. ft. building on V2 acre - real good location. You will make money the day you take over Buy on contract with $15,000 down. For more details call Merrill Liston, 756-606- 8 or 785-378- 7. MERRILL LISTON GAYLE DUNCAN 785-378- 7 756-290- 5 Call Monson & Co. 756-606- 8 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 59 WEST MAIN AMERICAN FORK JAYCEE CLUB HOUSE for Rent, remodeled, For parties and reunions, ph. 785-210- 9 o" 8. tf FARMERS Insurance Group 'For all your insurance needs' Auto, Fire, Life, Truck, Com mercial, Mortgage Ins. liabil-ity, S R 22 Filings - 3060 Policies, Lowell J. Baxter Ag-ency, 63 East State Road, PI Grove. Off 785-369- Res. 785-211- Your Full Service Insur ance Agency. U KEN CARD ON INSURANCE Phone 756-385- tJ HATCH JEWELRY-- 33 W Mali Am. Fork. REG. WATCB cleaned, $6.95; guaranteed re pairs. Your Bulova, Wyler, El gin, and Caravelle dealer; Art Carved Diamond Rings, written guarantee; Off on trophiesi and engraving. tf DOUBLE HORSE TRAILER for Rent. Ph. 785-274- 8. Also Horses for Sale. Reed Orton. tf HORSES for HIRE by Appointment Only REED ORTON Special All-Da- y Rates r Rent by Week or MMth. Phone 785-274- TV AND RADIO SERVICE -- Fast, reliable service, reas-onable rates All parts and guaranteed. Finest quality New Color and Black and Whits T.V.s and Radios for sale. Ph. Norrran Healey. at 756-468- 0 in American Fork. tf LeVOY'S presents Modesty and Quality. Beautiful Lingerie and at-ho- fashions. Also lovely Temple Dresses. Phone Arlene Sorenson, 785-376- tf REMODELING by Building Contractor, Aluminum or Steel Patios or Carports, Alum-inum Siding and Awnings. 756-384-6 or 225-770- Bob Luck, tf General Contracting All Types of Remodeling and Flat Cement Work. Phone 785-390- 6 or 225-103- tf WEDDING SPECIALIST ond General Photo Work KEITH O. GRAMES Photographer 558 East Center - 785-218- 9 Pleasant Grove Minimum Wage Raised for Some In Utah, Montana Montana and Utah employ-ers in certain retail and ser-vice businesses or institutions were reminded today of the change in the minimum wage provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which become effective on Feb. 1, 1971. On this date, employees brought under the protection of the law on Feb. 1, 1967 by the 1966 amendments to the FLSA will become entitled to a minimum wage of not less than $1.60 an hour. The $1.60 rate will apply to most workers in retail trades; in both public and private schools, colleges and univer-sities; in hospitals and nurs-ing homes, whether public, pri-vate or non-profi- t; in restaur-ants, hotels and motels ; and in laundries and dry cleaning firms. The present rate for these employees is $1.45 an huor. Announcement of the in-creased rate was made today by Donald D. Drew, Area Dir-ector in Salt Lake City. Drew said that the rriinimum wage for employees whose work was covered by the FLSA before the 1966 amendments employees in interstate com-merce and in the production of goods for commerce, and in certain large retail and service enterprises will remain at $1.60 an hour rate which went into effect Feb. 1, 1968. Drew noted that there will be no increase in the present $1.30 an hour minimum wage rate for the covered agricult-ural workers on the large farms subject to the law. There is no provision in the law at the present time provid-ing for a higher minimum wage rate in future years for any group of employees now protected bv the law. Drew said. Nationally, an estimated 1.6 million workers will receive pay increases amounting to 5324 million annually through the increase in the Federal rninimum wage. The $324 mil-lion annual increase will be of special benefit to "the work-ing poor," including many members of minority groups who are employed in low-wag- e jobs. Additional information, post-ers, and explanatory booklets about the FLSA and related laws can be obtained by con-tacting the Wage-Hou- r Area Office in Salt Lake City. The location is 3207 Federal Office Building, 125 South State Street Published every Thursday at 1 1 South Main, Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 (Mailing address P.O. Box 278) and Second Class Postage paid at the post office, Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062 Subscription Rate in advance: $3.00 yearly; 10c single copy A. B. Gibson Editor-Publish- er Jack S. Pace Manager |