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Show CHAW Don't forget... every litter bit hurts HOME for Sale by Owner in PI. Grove. 6-Bedroom, Utility Util-ity Room, Family room, 2 fireplaces. fire-places. Pay owner equity of $6,500, take over 6 per cent loan, Also refinancing possible. 785-3359. tf HOUSE for Rent, 2-Bedroom, furnished, Ph. 785-2743. F 12 QUARTER HORSE for Sale, Phone 785-4506. F 19 KEEP YOUR ROLE as Housewife House-wife and Mother. Earn that extra money you need working in your spare time. Call or write Marjorie Staheli, 375 So. 3rd East, Payson, Utah 84651. Phone 465-3414. F 19 DUPLEX for Rent, Call 785-3853. 785-3853. tf FOR SALE Weatherby Mark V, chambered 270 Gibbs, custom cus-tom stock, 6x scope, sling with loading dies. $250. 785-4140, evenings. ev-enings. F 19 COPIES MADE 10 Cents each Legal work, Genealogy, Business. Bus-iness. 45 West Main, Lehi, Ph. 768-2624. tf SORRY Sal is now a merry gal She used Blue Lustre rug and upholstery cleaner. Rent electric elec-tric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin Frank-lin Store. F 12 JO-GAL INCINERATORS $3.50 Help keep P.G. beautiful. Ph. 756-3031, Steve Murdock. We will deliver. tf PAINTER, DECORATOR, Mod-ern, Mod-ern, Antique, Color Styling, Expert Service, R. E. Remmele ph. 785-3935. tf INSURANCE SERVICE Fire. Auto, Commercial or any Casualty Line. Call or See us INCOME TAX Quality Accounting Ac-counting Service, 315 North State, Lindon. Ph. 785-3161. A 9 GRAMES PHOTO Wedding Specialists. Telephone 785-2189. 785-2189. tf WILL TEND CHILDREN in my Home, (1 mile north of Bayly's), Ph. 785-2659. F 19 CAMPER FOR SALE 8 ft. Cabover, factory made, $400. 785-9077 or 785-3711. 685 West State Road. F 19 IRONING DONE in my home, Reasonable, Also will do Housework, $1.50 an hour. See at Meredith Motel, Apt. 7-A. or call 785-2471. F 19 MAKE beaten down carpet nap at doorways bright and fluffy again with Blue Lustre. Rent electric carpet shampooer $1. Radmall Hardware. F 12 WILL TEND CHILDREN in my home, (Live on Lindon Hill). 785-3832. F 12 SINGLE HORSE TRAILER for Sale, $150; 785-2914 or see at 60 West Center. F 5 STUDENT'S WIFE needs Baby Sitting, Ironing and Sewing, Mrs. Richins, 785-3621. F 5 DANISH COUCH and Chair for Sale, like new. Call after 4 p.m., 785-4183. F 12 FOR SALE Good Mountain Topsoil; Slag for Drivewayi, 'Cat" Work, ph. Don Devey, 756-2112 or Dave Devey, 756-1087. 756-1087. tf TV AND RADIO SERVICE -Fast, reliable service, reasonable reas-onable rates. All parts and la-hor la-hor guaranteed. Finest quality New Color and Black and White SPARE TIME INCOME Responsible person needed to handle a new concept con-cept in the vending merchandise field. The vending of non-prescription sundries is upon us. WE ARE LOOKING FOR THE INDIVIDUAL INDIVID-UAL WHO WILL WORK THIS BUSINESS LIKE IT WAS MEANT TO BE ONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BECOME FINANCIALLY FI-NANCIALLY INDEPENDENT A PERSON PER-SON ASPIRING TO VERY HIGH MONTHLY EARNINGS. ONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BE IN BUSINESS FOR HIMSELF, AND HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUN-ITY OF BEING HIS OWN BOSS! We have a Distributor position available in the area. Start full time or part time. You merely restock with popular, nationally advertised sundries (aspirin, digestion aids, cologne, etc.) . You do need $997.50 to $2295.00 cash investment for equipment. Write giving phone number and address to: LOGAN DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 445 East Second South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 T.V.s and Radios for sale. Ph. Nonrau Healey, at 756-4680 in American Fork. tf CARPETING and Upholstered1 Furniture Cleaned, Expert Service. Call 7564856. A.F. tf ALL TYPES Construction Work including residences, garages etc. Free Estimates, M. J. Wathen, licensed contractor. Phone 768-2566. tf rTTTTTTTTTTT U.S. Savings Stamps teach children thrift and good citizenship SAVINGS for Prices. Atwood Realty & Ins. 785-2661. WEDDING DRESSES for Real, Zabrisk :e's, ph. 785-3456. tf TYPEWRITER and ADDING MACHINE RENTAL & REPAIR RE-PAIR SERVICE Priday's Office Of-fice Supply, 756-4471 Am. Fork. tf WILL TEND Small Children in my home. 785-3114, Gwen Anderson. F 12 WILL DO IRONING IN MY HOME 585 So. 3rd East, PI. Grove, 785-3140. tf BOYS BICYCLE, 24 in. for sale $15; also 120 Bass accordian, $100. Call 785-4188. D 25 CHAIN LINK FENCING installed in-stalled and repaired. pL 785-2446. 785-2446. tf UTAH BLIND MADE PRO DUCTS for Sale. Ideal foi gifts or your home. 785-4116, Mrs. Thomas Ray. tl LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only 98c at Story Pharmacy. D 25 JAYCEE CLUB HOUSE foi Rent, remodeled, For parties and reunions, ph. 785-2109 oi 785-2638. tl FARMERS Insurance Group 'For all your insurance needs' Auto, Fire, Life, Truck, Commercial, Com-mercial, Mortgage Ins. Liability, Liabil-ity, S R 22 Filings - 3060 Policies, Lowell J. Baxter Agency, Ag-ency, 63 East State Road, PI Grove. Off 785-3690. Res. 785-2118. 785-2118. Your Full Service Insur ance Agency. M KEN CARDON INSURANCE Phone 7563851. tl HATCH JEWELRY 33 W Mair Am. Fork. REG. WATCE cleaned, $6.95; guaranteed re pairs. Your Bulova, Wyler, El gin, and Caravelle dealer; Art-Carved Art-Carved Diamond Rings, written guarantee; Off on trophies and engraving. u' SLAG for Your Driveways or Yards. Also 2x4 and sheeting, sheet-ing, D. H. Fowlke, 785-2031 or 785-3190. J 8 MACHINE SHOP SERVICES at 500 South State Street, in Orme, phone 225-0064. M 12 DANCING LESSONS- Tap, Ballet, Acrobatic. Age 3 to 18. l.00 per lesson. For more Information call Patty Ann Trailer at 785-3237 or 785-3141. tf HORSES for HIRE by Appointment Only REED ORTON Special All-Dy Rates c Rant by Week or Month. Phone 785-2748. IEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL WONDERLAND Upholstery Furniture, Cars, Kitchen Chairs, etc. Low Prices, Free Pickup. Quality remains after Price is long forgotten. 785-2633. 785-2633. tf SPRAYED ACCOUSTIC CEIL-INGS CEIL-INGS 1 day Service, Free Estimates, Ph. 768-2566. tf APPLE FIREPLACE WOOD, Ph. 785-3482 or 785-2075. F 12 TRI-PLEX FOR SALE, "by Owner, Ph. 785-2257. F 12 LAND FOR SALE Main St. in Lindon, Glen Richins. F 12 THRIFTY WEANER PIGS for Sale, 756-2089. F 5 STRAW FOR SALE Eldon Pack, 785-4026. tf WANTED Primary or Early Water Shares in Pleasant Grove Irrigation Co. Write Box 7262, Murray, Utah. F 5 SHORT CASH 'TIL PAY DAY? In addition to our regular loan service, we make "Pay Day" Loans. Quick, convenient and confidential. Joe Hartle, Lake City Loan Co., 50 E. Main Am. Fork. 756-6056. tf DOUBLE HORSE TRAILER for Rent. Ph. 785-2748. Also Worses for Sale. Reed Orton. tf HAY AND STRAW for SaleT 785-4059. F 5 FIREWOOD for Sale, $12 per Large pickup load. Clean, rill deliver, Troop 22, 785-2905 IT 785-2270. D 25 HORSES and Used Saddles for Sale, 240 N. Main. tf PRINTING Don't go anywhere any-where until you check with the Review for your Printing needs. Phons 785-3111. tf (NSURANCE COST Too Much? Call Clive Beck or see him at 739 E. 2nd So. Ph. 785-2172. PI. Grove Agent for Farmers Ins. Group. All lines of insurance, tf ACCORDION 'JESSONS, phone 785-3986. PRINTING Don't go anywhere any-where until you check with the Review for your Printing needs. Phone 785-3111. U RETAILERS and Wholesalers , opportunity knocks. Represent Repre-sent new product in spare time. Write Box 1403, Provo. tf WATER AND SEWER LINES Dug and installed. Ditches. Septic tanks, and field drains dug. All types of light excavation excava-tion work. Joe Ollivier, Pleas ant Grove, 785-3657. U MEMBER, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION SJJfT':wwi5 EACH DEPOSITOR JSfXS INSURED TO JW Viffc $20,000 J: rty4$&i$ WiWmwi - V$s 1 Sk CMs(ffli!0ffy - r . I,-:- 1 bofk apasiiMa f , THE BANK THAT STAYS A STEP AHEAD |